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Everything posted by PuLsExEdGeZ

  1. Call of Duty Zombies Live.
  2. That is our Phase Zombie.....Samantha Maxis. Probably.
  3. Hence the term "Phase Zombie" it's some sort of Ghost Zombie!
  4. I call Shenanigins, and when i call Shenanigins, you can very we'll say that.... (puts on sunglasses) "the rules just got screwed' also to grammar Nazi's I only say. "Screw Grammar, I have Rules!" and to the RULES, I say. "Screw the Rules, I have Grammar" and to the Zombies, I say, "Screw the Zombies, I have Demp....wait...Richt...no...I have....Monkey Bombs...nuff said" Rant over the sanity over.
  5. The Gravity on the map is Fluctuating, meaning you can be in normal gravity running from Zombies and then Gravity all of sudden changes, thus making you light as a feather and probably jumping high feet to escape,or not the zombies.
  6. Remember, Typos could be Typos unless they are revealed to be something more. Like Rezurrection. I feel like they put that there on purpose to make like a little message, by using the Typos. Rezo= Zero.
  7. Jimmy Zelinski did say they were putting somethings in the old maps, You will not know till the 23, so relax, chill, get excited cause it's going to be worth it.
  8. Thus the end to Black Ops: Zombies They will be Rezurrecting in Black Ops 2. That's my guess.
  9. Give a big Round of Applause for Shapeshifter, the guy who would rather pay $15, then get something for FREE. I would, because I would rather support the developers.... They are already getting paid. It all depends on how many people bought the hardened/Prestige edition. I believe not many people did, thus the sales will be good so you are supporting the Developers by Downloading the Map Pack. For Free.
  10. Give a big Round of Applause for Shapeshifter, the guy who would rather pay $15, then get something for FREE.
  11. It never a fail, when someone does not want something free! Moon is not shit, just because you only see a couple of screen-shot does not automatically Opt out that its Garbage. But I still think its funny how you said and I quote! "I DON'T WANT MOON FOR FREE."
  12. Gravity is Trickery. I hope when I knife a Zombie with no Gravity, I at least make said Zombie fly away, then come back at me. Tis be Gravity, making things complicated.
  13. send one
  14. :facepalm: Yes I did put this in Shangri-la, my bad it was suppose to go on Moon.
  15. Okay, I suck at these but here I go. In an Interview with Jimmy Zelinski, I know you guys have already heard/read it. He talks about MP 4, some questions were answered and some were not. One statement seems (For me)to stand out in was a Phase Zombie. Now I know the first thing that comes to my mind with the Term 'Phase' is 'Ghost' now a Zombie Ghost is something is what I am wondering about. Could it be? 1: A mutation Zombie like the one's in Shangri-la? able to go through walls, Disappear and reappear, in limited time? 2: It could be Samantha, She did say come find me and well, she is dead and she is like a Ghost i guess, she is a Boss not like George Romero or anything, she will Phase in and out hitting you from who knows where, with her Mystical powers. Still I need Ideas as to what this Phase Zombie is? anyone got an Idea.
  16. I am with you Mein Comrade, a party we shall for soon very soon we shall see the evil secrets behind the mysteries of 1943 and all its conspiracies. GT: TMG xAzodinx soon when the day is right August 23. soon a Trailer will come.
  17. Would they really end it. They will have a trailer. a good trailer like Der Reise. It won't end, not yet. I have a vague feeling, something bad is going to happen to our hero's, Moon seems like a final spot no way to escape, Unless we have some sort of teleporter there or something. I am just curios on what the 'Boss' Zombie is going to be. The easter egg is going to be amazing.
  18. Remember friends, we will have new perks, new SPACE AGE ARSENAL of weapons and the good ol' hero's are returning to unravel the Conspiracies that had begun in 1943. TREYARCH has outdone themselves, we are going to have Fluctuating gravity, undead Astronauts, I can't wait to see what they are doing for the easter egg. THE BOSS ZOMBIE is what I am Intrigued about, who/what will it be? This could be the end, this could be the start of something more powerful then what are hero's can handle, but what I do know is that Treyarch has done what the Community always wanted. Make a map pack strictly for Zombies. Kudos to you Treyarch.
  19. Nein, Richtofen, stick to Manhandling Zombies my friend.
  20. It's going to be the same, I am going to just get both compare and contrast make a nice video on it and all will be swell, I pre-order both of them cause Honestly I ain't to thrilled about a 'real war simulator' game like BattleField 3, I don't like spending most of my time doing a 20- 30 min team based game ,cause I have a short attention span, and if it can happen I could probably go to McDonalds and back and have no kill or death with out making a single move of the controller but I am willing to give it a try cause, I feel like it. Call of Duty on the other hand I like fast paced games, I like doing all the impossible things cause it is fun, and we can all get laughs out of it, some more then others. I hate Glitching Modding, Hacking and all the other negative stuff. But still I am not a PC gamer and I have heard that BF3 is only going to be Half as good on console as it is on PC, that alone, I believe won't make BF3 beat Call of Duty, cause what BF3 is trying to do is take the Hardcore players of Call of Duty and shift them to BF, its not going to work if the Specs are only half, cause lets face it, (but IDK if its true) all of the Hardcore CoD players play on the console. I still will get them both i will play them, and I will see which is fun. nothing Simulator, just fun. like it was always intended to be.
  21. Those little evil tricky easter eggs are most evil, I'm just hoping the gongs also used for something else, i would love to have a nice radio confirming what the next map will be like in Shi no numa, a guy can hope.
  22. Richtofen, Comrade come we must take you to a world with out impending doom from the wrath of some creepy Limbo child, who seemingly hates your very fiber of your being, cause you locked her and her daddy away to potent limbo, with a mutant poodle, thus ultimately giving her the power to control the undead, but it does not matter, Look ahead there's a escape exit, and look at that I can see deer frolicking, but wait we forgot about your good Colleague Maxis who is also hell bent on killing you too! (Insert doom music and loud roars) This is the part where he kills you! Chapter 7: this is the part where he kills you! Oh and Richtofen check you Achievements I'm pretty sure you got the one that said, "THIS is the part where he kills you" (insert cricket here) Richtofen, I think you need a Dinghy for your ship. Savy?
  23. The final map, tis be a mystery, so many ideas as to where it could be, WHAT it could be, I would love to have a inter-map- map, it would be so fun, take a teleporter teleporting you to like Shi no numa for about a nice 5 min, or Der riese or back at Ascension, Activate things that were not there before, but a person can only dream no. Tis thy map a Mystery, but it will be a Grand Finally to Black Ops, and once Richtofen constructes whatever glorious supercalifragilisticexpialidocious wonder weapon that he is going to make once he Richtofens the Golden Rod and Focusing stone it will only be a matter of time before he.....we'll I will leave my tricky thoughts to myself. 'Richtofen it' is equivalent to "Chuck Greeneing it" = both can make destructive weapons. Savy?
  24. My thoughts exactly!
  25. Psh! Psh i say! Killing Makarov is easy! I take it too the next level "ENEMY AC130 ABOVE!!!!!" Too high a level!! *BOOM* Am I the only guy in here who has that spetsnaz guy saying that on their phone as a ringtone for all his incoming calls. or am i just that insane?
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