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Posts posted by SqaidSquad

  1. I withdraw all my statements i can quick scope fine close - medium range.

    But i still believe that people shouldn't badmouth it since everyone likes to play differently its a game and made to be fun and to some QS is fun and to others noobtoobing is fun but what ever works for you is what you should do.

  2. Lol has anyone noticed the spawn in nuketown how the enemy spawns on your side of the map almost every time? lol i cant figure out if its preset or a glitch what do you think.

  3. Over all it was still nice to see reznov again since waw but the game did have alot of sad moments :( but over all the campaign was wonderful

    R.I.P Woods and reznov

    I mean reznov died at the very beginning of the game in veracdua and since manson thought he was reznov i forgot that he died lol and when they went to kill steiner it showed manson killing steiner as he called himself reznov i cried a lil XD

  4. sorry for double post but this has really got to me as it is like the 4th time on this forum someone has said this, quick scoping is gay and belongs with MW2, this game is so balanced and has a variety of guns PICK ANOTHER 1

    I never said the game sucked i mean its badass but im just saying when you go into scope it shakes really fast then stops i guess adding a bit of realistic feelings. but still quickscopeing to me is a big part of cod just because some of people dont like quickscopeing doesn't mean it's a bad thing.

  5. Well i am going to make a sectioned list from likes - dislikes if you have something to say post below i enjoy hearing other opinions.


    The graphics are good.

    The new perk and gun system is very interesting.

    the new guns and attachments are a very good step forward.

    Gun game,Sticks and stones,One in the chamber are a very good idea but if you ever played

    counter strike you know where gun game came from ;).

    Dive to prone has been helpful lol


    the sniping is so jacked the quickscopeing sucks but still do-able but its not all horrid so this is a neutral thought. but either way i still got cod4 and waw to QS is so its ok i suppose.

    And the worse thing ever!!! the terrible ever so annoying squeakers!

    Well damn lol that's the only dislike i can really recall lol but please post yours below.

  6. Sorry to bother you, but I have a few questions about the concerns I have heard over at the Callofduty fourms before I go buy it in about 3 and a half hours.

    1. I have heard that there are many hacks already out. True or false?

    2. I have also heard that the game is OP'd and only as good as Mw2. True or false?

    3. There is also a CP glitch that gives you unlimited CP's. True or false?


    4. The audio is compleatly messed up, and if someone shoots from like five feet away it sounds like they are 50 feet away. True or false?

    Sorry for wasting your time, I just wanted to clear some thing up before I got the game and find out if i wasted my money or not.

    1. not on xbox the jtags have not been patched

    2. not really overpowered and it has very good additions to the game

    3. i do not know any or have heard of any

    4. i have no experienced this.

  7. my 360 just got the red rings of death!!! and BO is 2 days away!! FML WHAT AM I GONNA DO?!?!?

    mine has been to its usually a cause from the mother board overheating but first b4 you freak out make sure the power cord (both to the surge box and the xbox plug in the back) is secure and if it gets a red ring prop something to hold the plug in on both ends so it has a firm connection i did this and mine is fine.

  8. This topic is a bad idea it is just sparking different opinions and leading to people arugeing but i have to agree it takes more skill to QS than to use anything else like a ump,uzi,knife etc etc

    and codestuffz174 you said:

    Reasons QS is cheap:

    1. Sleight of Hand Pro

    2. Unrealistic in so many ways

    3. Hit Detection (not that fact that its bad, the fact that its exploited by quick scoping). Just a few off the top of my head.

    It all comes down to MW2 being a flawed game. I'm not a fanboy for either developer, but MW2 seemed really rushed. Who knows we might get the same thing with Black ops.

    1: dont need slight of hand just helps

    2: its call of duty the whole game is unrealistic but is made for a fun enviroment

    3:i have no comment since i see no way of exploitation

  9. I don't see how it's cheap...what is cheap in an FPS video game? a method of playing that gives you more/easier kills than normal, right? That would be noob-tubing, marathon lightweight commando knifing, and a lot of the regular guns in MW2. It is A LOT harder to play a regular game in Call of Duty while quick-scoping than using pretty much any AR or any Sub-Machine gun. If you really think that it is cheap, I implore you...go into a game, play with an ACR or whatever your favorite gun is, then go around the next game...same lobby...and QS only, you WILL NOT get the same/higher score than you do with other guns...no one ever does.
    I agree 100% lol it does take skill to do and to even get a good K/D with it i can bet 20-40% of people saying it sucks just cant do it lol
  10. My name is Josh i am a hardcore Call of duty fan i am a laid back and easy to get along with person i am mature natured but do goof around alot lol bit redundant eh? but anyway i enjoy meeting new people so if you want to hit me up Do not refrain from saying hi :D

    GT: SqaidSquad

    Main game:Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2

    Side games: Wet,Fallout New vegas,Call of Duty Modern Warfare

    System: Xbox 360

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