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Everything posted by Matuzz

  1. Vril generator is not needed for telepportation but to change bodies. As for who has the Vril generator? No one I believe. Richtofen can't have it at least because he is in zombie body or in Samuel depending on the side the player chose. Both Vril generator and Focusing Stone were probably destroyed in the body switcheroo progress in Moon. Origins in itself is separated from the story arch prior to it. It's alternate universe sort of in the game of Samanths and Richtofen.
  2. I think whole brains/post counts etc. as some sort of milestones that one would need to get to some group imo is not a good choice to put as artificial barriers to get into any group. There should be just one criteria that should be asked and that is: Is he/she worth it?
  3. It apparently comes for sale with the next DLC vendor.
  4. As long as it's kept prestigious enough that not too many people are being added, that's the only thing I can stress about Hall of Fame. No doubt. But given it's awarded by staff as a whole, add on the fact they do this only once a year, I don't see more than 3-5 people being awarded the title at once each year, if that. Why not round up the 12 winners of the user of the months and have a final vote for user of the year and Hall of Fame to the winner I don't think it would be something you could get just by getting Utom once in a year. It should be something prestigious and not easily gained. It would require long and positive participation on the site.
  5. I remember the days I was green. Maybe I'll get theorist medal when the next 3arc game comes but that depends on the story
  6. Story for me is more important but that being said the game play should also be exiting and challenging. That's why my faivorite maps are (Shangri-La and Verruckt). I just get bored when the games just drag on and on. I also dislike solo. For me zombies is Co-Op experince and best played as such. Also sup Tac?
  7. No it didn't. Well I have been trought this so many times but Buried was the last map and ending for the new crew story. Origins was the ending for the whole zombies story. Treyarch knew they had to cut off the loose ends. Please, humor me, explain how origins finished anything, and for the love of god if you say "it was all a kids game" I'll respond with: "My dad has a plan"... Well it was kids imagination game. Treyarch made it extremely clear that everything of our story up to the cut scene was a game playd by two children. By doing that they ended the old story. The cut scene in a way is and is not part of the old story. They may continue a new story that follows what happens after the cut scene or create a completely new story. Either way the story has ended for the old crew, new crew, Samantha and Maxis.
  8. No it didn't. Well I have been trought this so many times but Buried was the last map and ending for the new crew story. Origins was the ending for the whole zombies story. Treyarch knew they had to cut off the loose ends.
  9. Start a new one. The old story got conclusion anyway.
  10. Better servers! Heeeyo, I'll escort myself out....
  11. That's great and all, but Edward Richtofen was never spoke of as being a child back in Kino Der Toten. You could argue that this WAS all just a game. But my arguments against that.... 1. Richtofen aka Eddy being a kid? What the hell is that supposed to mean? Richtofen is the character of that Eddy kid in the end. As far as the ending goes it is kinda irrelevsant wethere his actual last name is Richtofen or if Samantha's is Maxis. Those were they character who fought for control as the kids themselves did when playing. 2) Does this "game" sound anything like the average game children would play on their spare time? There's next to no way Sam or Eddy could possibly have known about most of this stuff. Thats the way Treyarch wanted to go with it. As child I had good imagination at least. 3) How exactly do you explain how Sam knew about some of the weapons in black ops 2? It seems as if her and Eddy are in the WW2 era or sometime near then. Many of the blops 2 weapons didn't exist back then. Guns... I think this has been debated already quite many times in this forum. They are game mechanism not part of the story. There is no need to take everything in this game seriously and try to figure how guns from different eras jump to these maps. So yeah guns = non canon.
  12. Endings: Black Ops, Earth is destroyed -> Richtofen is in the control of Aether and Samantha is in his body. Old crew dies, Samantha gains somehow access back to Aether. Black Ops II: Maxis, Maxis gains control, dooms the Earth, transfers Richtofen to a zombie body. Maxis and Samantha are reunited and new crew dies. Richtofen, Richtofen gains full control of Aether, Earth becomes his playground. Richtofen destroys his own body and as result sends Samantha to damnation and Maxis is completely destroyed from all realms. Richtofen takes Samuel's body. New crew dies excluding Samuel who now shares the body with Richtofen. Origins, the reality of the zombies story is revealed. It's actually a game played by Samantha and Richtofen who are kids, fighting for the control in the game. This was hinted all the way back in Kino Der Toten. The story as we know ends as the children stop playing. -------------------- What is to come? We continue in the "real" world from the Origins ending. We get completely new story. Treyarch killed the old story we had for a good reason.
  13. Old story ended. Richtofen and Maxis endings were endings for the new crew. Origins was ending for the whole story. It ended. The story will not continue.
  14. Black Ops. There is something repulsive about BO II zombies that they literally killed the whole zombies for me to the point of not caring about them. I have not played zombies for almost a year.
  15. Bit of an unfitting name sense it has nothing to do with U-turns or shooting. Plus it's OP as heck. Well shot as in: And zombies do U-Turn in away when they start to chase eachother . Anyway the zombies wouldn't really do damege that much to eachother but it would work as just getting few of those zombies of your back for a while. So in essence like a monkeybomb that doesn't effect all zombies (unless you happen to splash damage them all).
  16. I think it loans some story similarities but is not connected to zombies and its storyline in any way.
  17. U-turn Shot: Cost: 3 000$ Effect: All zombies that you damege with explosives (claymores, frags, semetex, tubes) turn into friendly zombies for 30 seconds that will attack other zombies.
  18. It wouldn't be fun and it would just throw a bunch of randomness into the game and take away skill gameplay. Out of all games Call of Duty isn't the one going for realism. Sure on PC army sims they can have weapon malfuctions and at least in Red Orchestra you need to change your machinegun barrel if you overheat it too much.
  19. I say Shangri-La I don't think any of the Black Ops 2 maps are worth the money. Shangri-La is very challenging and nice map.
  20. That really doesn't help... That is my personal view on the matter of the storyline and maps/characters in it. They are not controlled by any rules as they are imagination of Samantha and Edward. How are they in the imagination of Samantha & Edward? Because of the Origins ending. They are the outcome of Samanta and Edward playing. So you're saying that Samantha and Edwards imagination created the merchandise she's playing with... Right! Generic toys.
  21. That really doesn't help... That is my personal view on the matter of the storyline and maps/characters in it. They are not controlled by any rules as they are imagination of Samantha and Edward. How are they in the imagination of Samantha & Edward? Because of the Origins ending. They are the outcome of Samanta and Edward playing.
  22. That really doesn't help... That is my personal view on the matter of the storyline and maps/characters in it. They are not controlled by any rules as they are imagination of Samantha and Edward.
  23. The characters can start and cease being at any given time, they can appear in any realm at anytime. For they are not physical beings nor "real".
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