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Everything posted by Matuzz

  1. Most of the features added good or bad were half assed imo.
  2. Pretty obvious how Activision is slowly changing their marketing to their majority player base of kids. :roll:
  3. I want check from zombie stats and ranking system! http://community.activision.com/thread/ ... iDjHBsiPAw Posted before Black Ops :?
  4. So you're thinking that the green thing hanging from the drone is Maxis? I won't comment on whether I think that true or false, but even if true, could he not have been transferred from the drone at a later point? Richtofen did say he wants to preserve the remnants of Maxis' mind, but the drone seems like a temporary thing to me (IF it's him). Isn't the brain inside the drone? Yeah it could be that his brain was transferred to a body later but so far there is no proof on that and then there is the whole Samantha being in Aether which doesn't make any sense. Well I guess to see if more things pop up.
  5. I have heard you can get inside the robot if you shoot its leg when its going to stomp you.
  6. I'm sure Sophia had a crush on flying drone.... Its getting ridiculous. Why would they let Maxis lead this group when he isn't even human anymore? Why didn't Maxis kill Fluffy he has a MACHINE GUN mounted in him after all? How could he activate the teleporters when he can't press buttons. I think its pretty safe to say this is not the origins of our current story but a whole new story and how it began.
  7. He put his brain to the robot drone and in the same Tryearch but the whole storyline to garbage bin Ah its sad :cry:
  8. They remind me of my idea of Spear of Destiny being connected to the story. They all look cool.
  9. Taking the whole brain out isn't really lobotomizing :lol:
  10. Or they keep making silly mistakes. Like they also miss spelled Der Riese in Rezurrection poster.
  11. Good point, but bear in mind that cell reanimation is different than replacing dead cells. In the Zombies universe, you don't see someone live and suddenly turn. The minimum amount of time required to be reanimated is as close as a few seconds after death. Back to biological aspects, the cells don't have a mind of their own. When a dead person...well, dies, they have lost all functions of living. This means they can't think, they can't process emotions, nada. Reanimating the dead cells via 115 means the cells that are within the corpse are brought back. Your brain would switch on once more, yet you can't exactly think. It brings zombies more to their animal points of origins - surviving and hunting. This holds true if there is nobody in control of them, though. A living person can still process critical thoughts and maintain voluntary control over their body's functions. We all have some dead cells in our body. If they are reanimated, does this mean we can live longer? Absolutely not. Like you said, we lose cells over a span of time. It's a process that continue on until the day we die. There is no significant contribution to human longevity, but there are some serious side-effects as MMX has stated. Rapid aging or the slowing of age does not occur whatsoever. I would think that they are just relatively young in 1918, but older than we think they are by the time the 40's comes around. It's hard to believe that they could love for such a large amount of time and still be alive, but that's all we're given at this point to consider. That's not the say ideas are not welcome, though. Between 50 and 70 billion cells die each day due to apoptosis in the average human adult. If those cells are re-animated instead of going trough efferocytosis it would mean our cell count would grow exponentially. Also we still don't know for sure why different mammals have such a huge variety in life span after all we are made of the same cells. Now what if in alive person exposed to Element 115 instead of creating other cell when a cell dies it becomes just alive. Would that make a person zombie because he hasn't actually died and he still has a soul? It wouldn't just make you disappear and become more and more zombie in stages as more of your cells die and then become back alive. Instead it will make those cells immortal. The effect on dead in the other hand makes their even rotten bodies activate with out ration inside. Making them zombies.
  12. Perhaps, it's just that I have trouble thinking that the outbreak stopped progress all through the world. Because then, we'd have to question the construction of the Golden Gate Bridge and things like that, and the intel has described previous breakouts as isolated events, and I feel as though these follow suit. It would make things much less confusing, I admit that, but I.m just not sure of its likelihood. Yeah its hard to think what are the consequences of the out breaks and how far they have spread out and have they been isolated by for example German troops. That can only be theorized at this point. Lets hope Origins gives us answers. It seemed the whole battlefield was overrun it will be interesting to see what consequences it had to France. After all there was zombies under the Eiffel tower in Der Riese picture, we also know Nacht Der Untoten was the second outbreak so now we know first one was in France instead of the other 935 facilities. It very well could have been spread at least trough out the France.
  13. I cut out parts in the quote because they served no purpose. Yeah, if immortality to you is becoming a zombie, have a great future of "not aging" i.e. ZOMBIFICATION. I mean, really. Use some common sense. Yes I'm sure they made choice to live long and become zombies Its a side effect for gods sake. They age in much slower rate because the Element 115. And when their bodies finally after who knows how many years starts to rot they will become zombies. You honestly think that re-animation of dead cells don't affect them in any way? :roll:
  14. No, it will be Mark IV. It was listed in the info from the map.
  15. Please don't shout. Element 115 re-animates dead cells. We age and die because our cells die. If our cells don't die or in this case come back to alive. We surely age in much slower rate. Simple as that.
  16. Element 115 is the best anti-aging product out there ;)
  17. I would have to completely disagree with this statement. No replay value? The whole point in being able to push the button on buried has given All of the N4 maps replay value. That being said if you're not getting Die Rise then I wouldn't get Buried because you will need one to do the other for it's complete play-through. MotD? It was fun, different. Not sure why it's some of the top favorites for people. Buried though seems to be a culmination of the map systems like finally them working buildables in that are astounding and functional (sorry tranzit). They included a fun "hacker" type NPC that can do a lot of amazing things and as well it's atleast a final tribute (even if its lacking) to the storyline and characters we have been working with for black ops 2. I don't count making the EE again and again replay value as that doesn't change the fact that the maps are boring as hell.
  18. He is loosing his shit. Element 115 is starting to kick in.
  19. I have been always thinking that just because the tower is not ready in Kino doesn't mean it could be way later than during the construction time. It was abounded after all, because zombie outbreak. So it could be during 70s-80s. Its a ghost town.
  20. No its not. MotD and Buried have next to none replay value.
  21. No, I kinda hate everything about it. And its going to be the last CoD game I buy. Biggest mistake I have done is buying Season pass. I have played MotD maybe 15 times and Buried 10 times. And hell... I'm so bored of them that I don't want to play them. So yeah that was money wasted. Well at least I have played the MP with friends but the MP is pretty crappy compared to BO1 and latest patch caused me to get horrible lag, so there is that also. :|
  22. While you're making good observations, I'd like to point out that through their Origins trailer, Treyarch has basically told us that the Rezurrection re-dos of the original WaW maps are to be taken cannonically. So the remakes override the older versions. That being said, I don't think we should consider the original two Zombies maps (Nacht and Verruckt) in WaW to mean anything at all for our storyline or our understanding of Treyarch's world of Zombies. The colors of those maps, with Sam or not, mean nothing. Unless you're talking about the versions we play in BO1. Even if the Rezurection maps would be canon doesn't mean the W@W ones wouldn't be too. After all they tell us what happened to the rescue team. My theory: Their plane crashed in NDU where they continued on foot to Verruckt where they died.
  23. As I said earlier yellow is the basic color seen in Nacht Der Untoten and Verruckt. Yellow is basic color. Yellow and also in Black Ops yellow with orange glow is Samantha. Blue Richtofen. Red Demon. Orange eyes with orange glow is Maxis.
  24. Yellow eyes is their natural color. Even before Samantha their eyes were yellow: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/541 ... C59EC58A9/
  25. I think there was theory about this in waaaaay back not about him being red baron but that its his relative or something. Of course none of that can be confirmed and nothing but his name suggest them being linked so far. But maybe after this map, who knows.
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