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Everything posted by Matuzz

  1. Yeah I was looking at it earlier but couldn't find anything to relate it with diesel.
  2. Well my theory has been that not necessarily right from the starting room but that some areas have been cut off with gas. Like Moon or MW2's Wasteland? Moon in that they are only accessible with the masks on or Wasteland in that if you go there you'll die instantly? So that you can go there with gas mask or travel safely inside tank.
  3. Well my theory has been that not necessarily right from the starting room but that some areas have been cut off with gas.
  4. Wait - so you count the implementation of the O4 on the Classic Maps for Rezurrection as canon?? :?: :?: :?: Also, this title is pretty misleading - the clips of the old maps aren't hidden at all.. Myself no, as far as story goes they have never been together in those places. But still that is the thing common with those maps that we have played in all of them with 04.
  5. Remember guys promo art is just promo art. There was no helicopter at Die Rise
  6. So when I posted this I was hinting on the map being cut apart like Tranzit but instead of that fog you have mustard gas and if you miss that tank (armored bus) you need to find mask to go trough those areas. ;)
  7. No surprises here. Hope the maps are good. :)
  8. Requesting this to be moved to Origins board. This is kind of next DLC theory ;)
  9. But which srceen with Der Riese? Honeycomb wall where you can also see 935 logo.
  10. Well these were certainly not hidden. The trailer progress backwards from Moon, Moon -> Shangri-La -> Ascension -> Kino Der Toten -> Der Riese -> Shi No Numa -> Verruckt -> Nacht Der Untoten -> DLC4 They showed all maps where we played as Original 4. And now we get prequel to the beginning of the end.
  11. NO PERKS TO BUS DEPOT! :evil:
  12. Honestly I hope this will be last map ever, but I doubt it. They can put cutscene in next game making the story the same no matter which side you choose on BO 2 so I don't think that is the problem.
  13. PTG had video about it being built there and that it escaped.
  14. Have you seen Takeo? He certainly don't look 30! Niether does Nikolai.... Its about how people age and in World at World they don't look that old. I have seen people in their 20's who look like 35-40.
  15. I don't think we will get old maps back. And there is not going to be DLC 5 that is confirmed.
  16. I want to tackle this age question. So we are in 1917, the characters are in their early 20's. So during WW2 when they were captured they were in their 50's. They were experimented with 115 which then reanimated their dead cells making them live longer and become younger so in W@W they look like they are in their 30's.
  17. True, but it is a possibility. I just think that'd be a cool thing to incorporate. Yeah it would be nice to have back
  18. Well WW1 was nothing but sitting in Trenches and yes area between them was called No man's land but that doesn't mean the NML mode will come back.
  19. Die Glocke is The Bell.
  20. The MDP on Der Riese is based on the real life conspiracy story of Die Glocke. Die Glocke itself has not been part/mentioned in the story.
  21. So it will be prequel. The went backwards from Moon to Nacht Der Untoten in the trailer.
  22. No its not group. Die Glocke is the teleporter.
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