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Everything posted by Matuzz

  1. This is what tells you everything: ;)
  2. Isn't broken arrow called when there is so much enemies that all available air forces will do bomb run to prevent friendlies getting over run by the enemy.
  3. Well isn't it just Siberian wilderness. Wouldn't make extremely spectacular location.
  4. Well that's definitely interesting. OT: Why but such an spoiler into your signature?
  5. I'm posting this here because no one goes to GKNOVA section. Anyway I noticed http://gknova6.com might be under update. So keep yourself ready for possibly something great soon ;)
  6. What about the 1235? Year or something more? On that year The Normans invaded Connacht. Which is in Ireland.
  7. Not my find in anyway but could the object be Antikythera mechanism? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antikythera_mechanism Richtofen made reference to this in Moon if I remember right...
  8. Sorry for OT but whats with the quoting of OP? It happens more and more and c'mon we know who you are replying with out need to quote OP especially when its long post or contains images :S Waw is best because custom zombies. Then comes Black Ops with slick gameplay and good maps. Bo2 has horrible knifing btw.
  9. Chainsaw is in both Black Ops and Black Ops 2 coding. Its called sabertoorh and you could actually use it in Black Ops but it didnt have model. So you were basically holding invisible chainsaw. So what this means is they have considered it twice but have decided to abond the idea. Maybe it was supposed to be buildable in BO2. But they have taken it away for probably good reason.
  10. How will that change anything? Is it some sort of common knowledge that Black Ops is more popular than 2 in rest of the world making this biased? :lol:
  11. So its pretty much confirmed that next Xbox will require constant internet connection. http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/03/20/ ... -installed http://www.vgleaks.com/durango-xdk/ Now I'm not Xbox player but this must be quite a big blow to the Xbox high round guys. Just like its now on Black Ops 2 PC version if you for some reason lose connection its bye bye. Will this effect your next gen console choice?
  12. Thanks, excellent topic. So now we know that the Russian involvement has something to do with Chernobyl. Now to find out how exactly!
  13. So basically you have no idea what mod tools are if you count them as some thing harmful and at the same category as hacks. :roll: No, I do know what they are and they can be harmful even though they are not considered hacks. Mod tools may promote cheating in the long run. That's why I believe they haven't added them yet. Why do I always have to make myself clear with you? I'm changing my answer to no for custom maps now because the more I think about it, I know it promotes cheaters to use other hacks out there. Not to mention the ranking system with custom games would be too easy for noobs unless they make them not count. Mod tool do not promote cheating! MW2 and MW3 have to say the least 100x more hackers than Black Ops. Black Ops had mod tools MW2 and MW3 didn't. Giving mod tools doesn't make it easier to hack. They are tools used for people to create more content to the games. I have no idea where you have got the idea of mod tools promoting cheating. Hackers don't need or use modding tools to create hacks.
  14. I think I have hit a break trough! Дитятки that has been translated as child or baby by many people is actually town called Dityatki.
  15. So basically you have no idea what mod tools are if you count them as some thing harmful and at the same category as hacks. :roll:
  16. 3APAXEHO, means infected. yEPE3 500m, means trough 500m The part in the box reads Control-Dosimetry item 'child'
  17. Matuzz

    The Flesh

    During the Great Leap Forward, cases of cannibalism also occurred in the parts of China that were severely affected by famine.
  18. Matuzz

    The Flesh

    [ytfull]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d10x8LI1NOE[/ytfull] [ytfull]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqFjbubusgI[/ytfull] Copy paste those And yeah the Aghoris are almost just like The Flesh society among us right now. Making sacrifices and eating human flesh.
  19. This isn't just matter of Green Run because they are everywhere. There is Russian ammo and rifle crates in Shangri-La. Then there are containers in Moon that has the exact same Russian text as the Silo in the Farm in Green Run: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/560 ... 032F5C7E6/ I had made a thread about the Moon containers but they were lost with the Asylum/Research Center. With some translations if some one can find it I would appreciate. Now what you think about these Russian connections on these maps and what does that text really mean and hides inside it? I think this topic has been ignored for long enough. There is reason for them appearing again and again in these maps. EDIT: Moon container: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/59697 ... 0167DEF1F/
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