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Everything posted by Matuzz

  1. Maybe it helps maybe it doesn't.
  2. That is Mauser C96 automatic pistol which has some modifications made for the game it seems. And there I said in my thread that Richtofen kills Maxis with Luger when it actually is Mauser. Shame on me! :evil:
  3. So it seems that Treyarch has really started to improve snipers. The top snipers being DSR w/ ironsight and SVU. They introduced Double Tap II and headshot upgrade and now money shot upgrade too. With these upgrades snipers do easily 4x damage and rack ton of points, somebody counted more than 500 points per ONE kill is possible to achieve. No more are the snipers the worst guns in the box but one of the best!
  4. +1. It's not an auto aim for headshots feature, but more of a damage multiplier. If it was aim assist, I would hate that upgrade lol. Does anyone know if there are multiple tiers to the upgrades? The Headshot upgrade in particular. Diring the last few solo games on Buried, I've noticed the green flash from headshots going off 4 or 5 times during the game. I literally go only for headshots after round 5 (usually end up with around 80-90% at the end of the game), so I don't think it was just me losing and acquiring over and over again. Also, it seemed like after the flash went off, the damage multiplier from headshots would increase each time. Does anyone know if there are multiple tiers for the Headshot persistant upgrade? They don't stack but I think you get it to each gun separately and it might be a glitch you get it again from double headshots every now and then even with the same gun. I was playing Die Rise and ended up with 1399 headshots and got it multiple times to my SVU even tough I went for the heads all the time.
  5. Yeah I have played the mod with him. There is also ray gun, dual wield ray gun, dual wield ray gun mark 2, Scavenger, Spas 12 with dragon's breath and KS-23.
  6. You are missing Cash back and Olympia ray gun. And as birdman said, you get headshot upgrade by making a double headshot and lose it when you kill too many zombies without headshots. Also it does not give any sort of aim assist what it does is it will increase damage inflicted to the head. Its the most useful persistent upgrade out there.
  7. My gosh o.O that looks completely ridiculous and awesome at the same time lol so: MKI - Pistol MKII - SMG MKIII - LMG?? Its a 4 round burst assault rifle :D
  8. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =163347129
  9. Ah ah yes I'm very tired. Thanks for pointing it out I'll edit it.
  10. So I would like to see ending for BO2 / Zombies all together being something along the line with these. There would be 3 endings. Richtofen, Maxis and Richtofen's sanity ending. Regardless what the next map brings if you complete Richtofen ending you get cutscene where group of 3 survivors are running away from zombies and eventually get killed. You hear Richtofen laughing and you see the survivors being brought back to life and they start their run from the zombies again. You hear Samuel begging Richtofen to stop in which he says: "You better start liking this" and laughs. With Maxis ending you see cutscene where he opens the Agartha and Aether to the Earth. He gets his body back and finds Samantha and the O3 in the now damned world. There are zombies everywhere which are in the control of Maxis. Maxis hugs Samantha and says everything will be alright now. Suddenly there is the laugh of the demonic announcer and the eyes of the zombies turn red. Maxis desperately asks "What is this?" as the zombies rush towards him, Samantha and O3. The cutscene will end with Samantha crying and O3 shooting the zombies as they are closing in as a massive wave. The last ending which I would like to see would be sort of "good"ending. The group gets contacted by Richtofen's sanity which got separated from him when he found the pyramid. They will help him to reset time and to connect with his past self in Der Riese in the 40's. We get cutscene of Richtofen walking with Maxis down on aisle when suddenly Richtofen gets horrible headache he tells Maxis to go on and says he will follow him soon. You can see Richtofen to talk by himself. "What is this?" "Get out of my head!" "...Yes... I will... I see now." The cutscene ends as Richtofen pulls out his Luger and squeezes the handle in his fist and looks forward to the direction Maxis went. Thoughts? These were just some of my mind's ramblings :lol:
  11. The Earth is not in control of the "Editor" as you say, during that time nor even present time. The Alcatraz was kind of purgatory, the character we played were dead so that is why the Devil, Vril, Satan, Editor, what ever you like to call him had control on them. So everything out side of Der Riese or what ever map we were at a time wasn't under chaos until the rockets hit to create the global apocalypse.
  12. Can we really say Buried is after April 18, 2000 just because the name is Resolution 1295? I believe its just a hint towards location ie. we are helping Angola. I mean such an event as Resolution 1295 could have never even happened in Zombies world. Just like Die Rise was Great Leap forward and Tranzit was Green Run. They are just nods to historical events regarding the area the map is located in. I think that is the pattern with these map names.
  13. Well after googling around I found it: http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/view ... 2&p=232618 Hmmmm I had actually posted it in September last year, before Black Ops II was even out. :lol:
  14. So the site is no more, but still its a big part of the story. I had a thread way back when Black Ops II was released that GKnova6.com actually showed events after the Moon rockets, as everything was orange. But people noted that there was footage of Pentagon lower levels with scientist running around. But what if its not Pentagon aka "FIVE" after all? There is part of laboratories shown that are not in the map of "FIVE". Now we can see also facilities being blasted by a bomb run. I kinda put the whole theory of gknova6.com being after the rockets away, but then came Die Rise describing the events of Broken Arrow mission, and I think it fits kinda nicely with the footage show in the broadcasts in gknova6 and Black Ops menu. So that is a little thought I will throw out to you guys.
  15. I just came from Tranzit. After once making the Richtofen EE which for some reason didn't save the EE for later games (so even tough I had made the EE the game thought I hadn't.) I gathered a team to make the Richtofen side again. Hoping this time the game will remember that I actually have made the EE. Because it seems to be extremely important in Buried that you have made them all. So we throw the EMPss and jump to the tele to put the end to the Easter Egg!.... But?!? What is this?... the game disconnected everyone. Why thank you Treyarch and Tranzit for rubbing your shit to my face :_D My score just went from 6.8 to 6.
  16. This is exactly how I feel MMX. I love the maps to death. The new characters are all fun in their own way. The weapons are nice and ballanced. Thats why I gave it a 9. I took a point away mainly because some of the glitches that ruin the leaderboards, sometimes tranzit is a pain in the arse, and a couple tiny things. But I don't see how someone can give this game anything lower than a 8. All of the new things introduced to make the game enjoyable and people complain. Thats what people do though, complain. Each have their own opinions, and there is no point in arguing about matter of taste. I'm glad you guys love the game.
  17. So now there is just one DLC left. How have you enjoyed/not enjoyed the Zombies mode in Black Ops II regarding the story, gameplay and features? Lets use a scale of 4-10. For me, the whole zombie experience has been a bitter disappointment so far. Lets start from the features. There was no offline mode for PC resulting numerous disconnections for those trying to get to high rounds in solo. Also lack of private games, lobby leaderboards and no config files to edit was a very bad move by Treyarch. Then we get to the ranking system a long waited feature, that imo went horribly wrong. Instead of being some what based on time spent playing Treyarch made a system that became a horrible grind and frustration for a lot of players. This with the fact that there was no lobby leaderboards resulted in some players avoiding low level players. I give Treayrch credit for the stats tracking and theater mode both were great features to the zombies world. New modes like Grief and Turned were nice extra to have along side the normal survival mode. In fact I have have more fun in Grief than in most of the survival matches. Then to maps and their features, its pretty obvious they bite off more than one can chew with Tranzit. The console restrictions hindered the experience with the fog they had to imply to the map to block the draw distance. Also the first "wonder weapon" Jet gun was made way too much of an burden to build when it was a sub par weapon unless you were exploiting the cooldown glitch. Addition of Bank was a nice features including the presistent upgrades system. The next map had a lot better flow to it. Die Rise was both fun and challenging. Mob of the Dead had a great theme and fell all around the map but for me it got boring extremely fast. In the very first Co-Op game I played with randoms where we build the plane we got to round 33. So the map was too easy to keep me interested. But the map had great story and little Easter eggs as well Hell's retriever and golden spork made the map stand out. Buried I have yet to test but I'm looking forward to it. For the story and characters of Black Ops II have been disappointed, the whole post destruction of Earth story and how Treayarch has developed has not struct me. I feel like there was so much more they could have done with the story of the original characters but they decided to kind of ditch them and start of from clean table to reach for the new players as they for the first time promoted the Zombies as full blown out third mode in the game. So so far of what I was expecting from the zombies and what I have actually received from Black Ops II zombies I will give it a score of: 6.8 This score of course can get a little bit higher if Buried and the last DLC map blow me away but generally the Zombie story and some of the decisions Treyarch made will not be simply fixed with couple of great maps. These were my opinions and I would love to hear yours. -Matuzz
  18. You need to get two instakills and not killing anyone to get the upgrade. I have never gotten it by after just one instakills and not killing.
  19. Thanks for the support. I appreciate it :)
  20. I don't have the map so I need to resort to youtube material but here is another map I put together.
  21. Well I have been looking the map and trying to pinpoint the location of Buried. And in my opinion its not in Angola but in the are of Congo Craton. And the map itself being in the area of Congo. Here are some maps. The pink line represents the line of equator. Which you can also seen in the map from Google maps. Notice that the whole African content has rotated in the result of the tectonic plates moving because of the rockets. So the old equator is not in line. Well these are my observations non the less. Feedback would be appreciated.
  22. "Zombies were created as an accident of 115. The Reichstag found out and said to make more. Maxis always hated zombies." Could you post some proof on that one? Yes zombies were an accident but how do you back up that The Reichstag was the one to first find it out? You got any example on friendly Nazis? Please don't mix Wehrmacht with Nazis.
  23. So you are just ignoring all the acts because chain of command.... That's like saying every Nazi were good guy they were only doing what Hitler said. One reason why in trials after war the accused couldn't cover their asses by saying they were just doing what they were ordered to save themselves. The Reishtag surely had no idea about zombies until Maxis presented the idea to them after learning about what 115 was capable of. Then he conducted more human tests, blew up earth and now is trying to finish the job.
  24. And who gave orders to Richtofen telling him to put test subject in the chamber and to do that and to do this etc....? The Reichstag High Command No Richtofen got direct orders from Maxis. Who lead the Group 935. Maxis ordered different tests to be conducted. He himself was obsessed with army of undead.
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