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Everything posted by Matuzz

  1. Pack-a-Punch never flicks its devils work! Alpha was right!
  2. You can build the acid upgrade there too I think.
  3. Maybe....I'm just really skeptical about how much the Vril-ya are involved in zombies. Yes, they have a presence, I won't deny that. But so much stuff that people don't know the answer to or can't explain just use "It's the Vril-ya" as a cop out. It's made me question their involvement in certain things. They're definitely there, but Treyarch makes tons of references to things that aren't completely involved in the story, but create atmosphere and involve conspiracy. Well their saucer craft concepts were around Der Rise. Then Richtofen found their pyramid and after touched it got their voices in his head. Samantha got trapped in their Pyramid and becomes the controller of zombies. She describes that there is a much more stronger and evil force that Richtofen doesn't understand (The Vril-Ya) Richtofen goes and finds Vril generator and focusing stone to switch souls with Samantha so he gets to the Vril pyramid. He becomes "demonic" like Samantha and gets control. IMO the Vril-Ya is exactly the "EVIL" in the Nazi Zombies story. The all mighty demonic force in Aether that have connection with Element 115 which linked them to this world trough the zombies and involvement of Samantha and Richtofen.
  4. Vril-Ya? I strongly believe that this creature is one of the Vril-Ya aliens. They are pure evil they are the Satan.
  5. Yeah you need to collect all the spoons and do some other stuff and you will get this golden spork from the bathtub.
  6. This is probably the part I am most excited about, really. It feels like The Editor could be one key part to link the story together. I'm sure next or 4th map will reveal things about the Editor.
  7. If Weasel kills everyone it also ends but it says "The Cycle is broken"
  8. Take notice of how zombies don't attack Weasel anymore. As if some one is protecting him from them.
  9. Its awesome. Has the same feeling as the older EE songs.
  10. I'm exited to find out what happens to Al after he finally escapes. But he is extremely important character. He is hearing voices like Richtofen and Sthulinger. He was chosen by who ever was in control to carry out something. He mentions the Editor in his journal telling "When I get out, I'll show how wrong he is.." Who is the Editor and why he defaced his art? The plot thickens.
  11. On stormy New Years Eve in 1933 four prisoners in Alcatraz start their escape plan that was plotted by Albert Arlington. Their plan was to escape the island with a improvised aircraft. No such plane had ever been build in result the groups escape plan ended failing. Because of this the other prisoners Finn O'Leary, Salvatore DeLuca and Billy Handsome were left with rancor towards Arlington and decided to revenge. Armed with prison shanks they lured Albert to the roof. And on the stormy New Years Eve Albert was murdered on the cold prison roof. The three collaborates on the murder were sentenced to death by electric chairs. On morning of January 19th 1934 the execution order was carried out ending the lives of these prisoners. On the map itself we are in a loop recreating the events of that New Years Eve. A powerful thing controlling the zombies keeps resetting that same day until Arlington survives. For reasons yet unknown its crucial for this monster that Albert "Weasel" Arlington doesn't die in their escape plan. When Arlington finally succeeds in his plan and kills the others the CYCLE is broken.
  12. PTG got the golden spork its 1 hit kill at least up to 23.
  13. Matuzz


    Vril-Ya = Satan/Evil/Demon
  14. It ends. The ultimate reward.
  15. We get map with only explosive weapons and troll PHD flopper perk out of reach.
  16. Can't you pack-a-punch the first one then used acid kit on the other one and then pack-a-punch that one. So you will end up with The Sweeper and Vitriolic Withering?
  17. I didn't know MOTD is out for PC :roll: To OP: Check my signature for steam group where you find players to do the Egg.
  18. I wonder if we can break the cycle in Tranzit as some of the devs hinted there is other way to end map than just dying. Who is the Weasel in that group?
  19. I reported you both. Stay in the effin topic guys.
  20. The zombies were side process of teleportation, yes?
  21. So the Weasel knows he is getting killed and then everything always reset. To break the cycle he knows he must kill the others. When you do the Easter egg and kill the Weasel it says THE CYCLE CONTINUES.... But if he kills the others the message is THE CYCLE IS BROKEN. Now we get to the interesting part, as with the Samuel, Misty, Marlton and Russman Richtofen keeps bringing them back until they complete his goal. Same is happening with the Weasel for someone it is important that Weasel is not getting killed. Now who need Weasel and Why? I leave you to ponder that one :)
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