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Graffiti Skys

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Posts posted by Graffiti Skys

  1. Anyone related to Playthegame.co obviously takes

    things a little to serious and show signs of OCD related problems.

    It's a game... yes it's fun to hide snippets of a story in a game.

    And yes its also fun making a viral/ARG advertising campaign.

    To tease players up to the to the games release.

    But you guys wont let it drop will you? HL was well done and

    all but please... get a life now would you... it's been taken wayyy

    to far now and its causing people to be unpleasant to each other.

    P.s. Use a new filter for once, if your gonna use the same crappy one.

    At least experiment with things more.

  2. Thanks man if its worth doing then why not do it well?

    It took ages and I hope to finish the update on the Kino topic as its been

    on and off since my laptop went all blue screen on me.

    As for your post about the picture in the power room, if you could get me

    proof or something similar then i'll add it. Thanks :D

  3. Hey guys sorry I haven't been updating this forum but i've been proper busy lately. But yeah anywho more to the point thanks to all those who have posted finds and

    so on. But not to sound like a doucher but every find has been found already. Its

    just not been applied to the recent (lol) update to this which had them all stated in

    a untidy manor.

    If you know or are waiting for a reply regarding the Avatar picture topic I do, sorry but

    my laptop was being lame lately and I have to re-install all my software tomorrow.

    Hopefully by Christmas Eve I'll shall have this update finished and the requests done

    but still no promises as its looking like my laptop is near dead. Sorry and thanks again!

  4. First things first read this:

    Dining room/Main menu room is and has been confirmed a fake. Due to a large

    number of players not visiting those rooms. Let alone appearing on the

    map itself. I did post further back that Agent A was a troll and doesn't

    deserve to be on this forum. Anyhow any more talk on those rooms from

    any user on this topic without proof will and should be ignored.

    Second of all if you have a find. Post it with your username and if it isn't

    in the major update being applied tonight then please don't repost it.

    If you find another find please go over you old post click on "Edit" and

    post it there.

    As for quotes of the failed experiments not everything was done and made at Der

    Riese. Those barrels or containers are not seen in Der Riese but only Five and

    Kino Der Toten. The DG-3 is Russian so can't be held accountable for

    anywork related done by Maxis himself. The table in the PaP room could be there

    if Maxis did work there which is very likely, it has been seen and is going

    to be applied in the major update.

    About reloading the map, its not possible to have it that hard to find.

    With the probability factor its a stupid easter egg to hide. Unless

    you have a new find or a theory related to a easter egg. Please

    don't quote any other posts regarding any finds that

    your unsure if they are real or not. If your truely unsure then

    private message me and ill reply. I don't like the idea of this

    topic being cluttered with random quotes and posts. Thank you.

  5. ive read through all of this, to start richtofens first name is edward. the power boxes are obviously nothing, everyone seculates over nothing, the beware of 6 is probably refering to gknova6 gas. the walls break do to crawllers, you can see them come through the holes made. and of course, agenta is a liar and the dinning and main room is fake. the cosmic silverback probably wont make an apperance do to the originality of zombies and improbability of treyarch seriously creating a main boss. hope i helped. :)

    I already pointed out that the power boxes are just a random model used

    to fill the map. With Richtofen, everyone knows his first name is Edward so I highly

    doubt or refuse to add that as an easter egg. If you read properly its just speculation

    until further map pack releases they will stay as a speculation. As beware of 6

    could mean many of things.

    Is anyone clear on how many movie reels there are? Because they spawn in random rooms and different places in the rooms.

    Hey Darren! lollol just three of them.

  6. alright this is really starting to drive me insane.... all these clues, the power boxes and fusebox in conjunction with the writing on the walls plus the hints at something very large outside the building ( i refuse to believe those large growls and the collapsing ceiling is simply the crawlers, they are too small for those kind of decibels and damage).

    i've survived up to level 30 solo and it doesnt matter how good you are it always adds up to a lack of ammo, ive been trying different combinations of breaking the powerboxes before or after the power is turned on and every which way i try spells frustration, we really need to get more people in on all of this, too many people are oblivious to how deep this all seems to go... and i swear if treyarch is just messin with us im gonna be so pissed lol

    Hey man, its just a speculation and those same power boxes appear in

    campaign. So its highly likely that they don't do anything at all. The Zombies

    in NDU, V, KDT and F all can break through solid brick/wooden walls. So I think the

    crawlers have enough strength to smash through the weak cieling structure.

    The loud groans and roars could be more than one doing it at the same time.

    For example:

    If one zombie screams its easy to pin point its location and guess the number of

    them. Due to the low level scream and in certain intervals.

    If ten zombies scream its easy to pin point their location and its hard to know the

    amount. But if your having a group screaming and chasing you its alot louder and

    does sound different to just the one.

  7. hey dude, trey blocked the console on pc, but not the binds i made b4 they did! lol, just tell me where ya want me to go on five/kino/ or any map for that matter and ill get you som nice pics, lol

    That'd be awesome man, if I private message you

    with the list of things I need would you be able to take good clear screenshots? No players in the way and if possible any guns on screen

    cheers dude.

  8. you missed roebucks pic in the first room :) sorry to let you down :D

    i also noticed the vodoo dolls in sams room, and all the teddies... this could prove sams still terrorising you... she took you to kino and is trying to mess you around :D and all the teddies in her room, she seems to be quite mad. Teddies as friends, shes even playing chess with one :D

    In the sams room thats all evil... there that giant teddy, maybe she was transformed into that form and thats her, next to all the little ones, her minions :)

    "Through out the map on floors 1 & 2 they both have the same pictures. These pictures are screenshots taken from one of Treyarchs previous titles (Call of Duty: World at War - Also known as CoD: 5)

    Pictures -

    •1st Picture: Features - SGT Roebuck | Battle of Peleliu 1944

    http://i975.photobucket.com/albums/ae23 ... bfd817.jpg"

    Erm I think I did include it. As for Sam I agree, I reckon she's toying with us so to

    speak. But the town/lobby replica on Five is far away and hard to tell what it is.

    I need a No Clipper...

  9. This topic is now free to any user who wishes to add

    any other easter eggs not mentioned below, un-seen teleporter images or

    their theories. Please post below but don't quote any section. Just simply say

    "Easter Egg Section" or "Teleporter Images Section" or "Theories Section".


    Before reading, this wasn't done on my own. I'd like to

    thank Psych0kill3r and Crazkid88 for the help in finding each one. Plus thanks to

    them taking pictures of each one.

    Hey guys! Graffiti skys here and i'm attempting to do

    the easter eggs for the map "Five" on Zombies. If your also interested heres

    my other [Non-Official] finds for Kino Der Toten: viewtopic.php?f=56&p=44334#p44334

    So yeah in this order like the other:

    •Easter Eggs | Floor by floor (Due to the result of the map being three floors)


    •Teleport Images

    Floor 1:

    Treyarch easter egg (IIIARC) -

    When you start a new game theres two doors on each side (Two of the four

    cost 750 points). Go through either one and look at the metal detectors near

    the top. A small white box on the top right or top left will say (IIIARC) with

    a small logo next to it.

    "III" stands for three in roman numerals. So if you replace it like so "ThreeARC"

    it sounds like Treyarch which is the devlopers of Call of Duty Black Ops. This

    can be seen on each entrance on each metal detector.

    http://i975.photobucket.com/albums/ae23 ... ccc841.jpg

    Illuminati symbol -

    The Illuminati symbol can be seen on each TV screen located right next to each

    mystery box location. Every now and then for a few seconds the Illuminati symbol

    will pop on the screen and then disappear. This always shows regardless of the

    power being on or off.

    http://i975.photobucket.com/albums/ae23 ... e3a3e4.jpg

    Telephone 1 -

    When you start a game of Zombies on Five theres two doors that are already opened.

    When you go through either door on the right is the Quick Revive Machine. Next

    to is a small table with a red telephone on it.

    Press () to activate it (When done a silent phone dial sound will be triggered). This

    is the 1st of 3 phones on the map. See "Floor 2 & Floor 3" to activate the others.

    When done, a secret song will be played once ("Eminem Ft. Pink - Won't Back Down" |

    Link below). Note that it can only be done once per match.


    [Picture soon to be added]

    Through out the map on floors 1 & 2 they both have the same pictures. These pictures

    are screenshots taken from one of Treyarchs previous titles (Call of Duty: World at

    War - Also known as CoD: 5)

    Pictures -

    •1st Picture: Features - SGT Roebuck | Battle of Peleliu 1944

    http://i975.photobucket.com/albums/ae23 ... bfd817.jpg

    •2nd Picture: Features - Eyes Open | Operation Fortitude 1944

    http://i975.photobucket.com/albums/ae23 ... c562c1.jpg

    •3rd Picture: Features - Black Cats Mission | Battle of Midway A6M Zero 1942

    http://i975.photobucket.com/albums/ae23 ... 2b5efa.jpg

    •4th Picture: Features - Retaliation Operation Sunrise | 1962

    http://i975.photobucket.com/albums/ae23 ... cf0bbb.jpg

    Town/Lobby replica? -

    When playing Kino, after you have used the teleport to use the Pack a Punch.

    You'll soon be teleported out shortly after, when teleporting out you sometimes

    appear in a random room or the lobby (Spawn Room).

    Everynow and then you will be teleported to Samantha's room during the day.

    On your right is a small replica of the Lobby area with each character,

    all of which are toys. The same or a similar replica model can be seen in Five.

    When you purchase the doors (Which cost 750 points) that go down together.

    If you turn left there will be two windows and a blocked door. If you use a sniper

    (One that has been Pack a Punched with variable zooms) on the right window

    and look directly across. You'll be able to see it in the room across the hallway.

    [Picture soon to be added]

    Random Nation Plaques -

    All need a sniper to clearly see the writing on. (Except for Germany)

    •Germany Plaque - When you in the elevator turn left and look through the window.

    •Russia Plaque - When your in the hallway with the elevator, if you go to where

    the two windows are at the other end. you can see a plauqe saying "Russia".

    •Vietnam Plaque - Same as Russia, but go back into the spawn room and

    look at the nearest window to the one before. Scope across with any sniper to

    see the Vietnam plaque.

    [Picture soon to be added]

    Not to sure why they are jotted around the Pentagon, if anyone has any idea please

    post what you think they mean.

    Random name plauqes -

    •Cpt Scrapper - Over slightly to the right of the Vietnam and Russia plaque locations.

    Also on Floor two upper staircase at the back window, on the top right of the window.

    [Picture soon to be added]

    •CDR McCaw - Directly Above Cpt Scrapper.

    [Picture soon to be added]

    I have yet again no idea who these peopple are or if they mean somethin else.

    If you think you know please say.

    Floor 2:

    Portraits -

    When you activate the power and then enable each defcon (1-5) to turn the

    teleport on. Which then takes you to the Pank a Punch room. Near the exit of the

    room is a portrait of Edward Richtofen. Along side a large blank portrait but with

    no signiture unlike the ones in Kino Der Toten.

    http://i975.photobucket.com/albums/ae23 ... a4a9c6.jpg

    Richtofens portrait and to the left of that is the large blank portrait.

    Power Switch 1:

    When your down below near the elevator (that takes you to the basement), on

    the right hand side before going in is a set of computer equipment. Tucked into a

    corner is one of the power switches (Ones used in every other zombie traps. Example

    the Electric barrier - Pull switch to turn on.). Press () to pick it up (Shows at bottom)

    when back on the first floor press () on the metal detector to rebuild it. Allowing

    full use of the electric barriers.

    http://i975.photobucket.com/albums/ae23 ... 9de200.jpg

    http://i975.photobucket.com/albums/ae23 ... 95b91f.jpg

    (What happens when you repair the trap)


    •Groom Lake (Area 51) - Some pictures jotted around the place on monitors

    or boars have a birds eye view on whats meant to be Groom Lake.

    [Picture soon to be added]

    •Vietnam - Theres another birds eye view of another location (Vietnam).

    But down in the bottom left hand corner the writing is backwards.

    Which when looking at looks like (manteiV|reviR|gnouH)

    but if mirror the image it spells (Huong|River|Vietnam).

    http://s975.photobucket.com/albums/ae23 ... 642e66.jpg

    Telephone 2 -

    When you teleport into the Pack a Punch room, when you come out the teleporter

    on the left hand side is a small table similar to the first telephone. Simply press

    () like before, trigger the sound and see "Floor 3" for the last part.

    http://i975.photobucket.com/albums/ae23 ... b51366.jpg

    Floor 3:

    Room 1 (Weapons testing - First room on the left when exiting the elevator) -

    • Winters Howl - On a table on the right side of the room is a un-useable Winters

    Howl. This seems to be where they made it and adjusted the gun for tests.

    http://i975.photobucket.com/albums/ae23 ... a89270.jpg

    • Frost Marks - Proof of weapons tests for the Winters howl can be seen, on the

    wall directly opposite the table with the Winters Howl. Theres a wall covered in ice.

    From where they have tested the guns power.

    http://i975.photobucket.com/albums/ae23 ... ac0e32.jpg

    • Death machine - Where the mystery box sits, on its right is a metal cabinet.

    Sitting on top is the Death Machine (Mini Gun). Which is only obtainable

    through a random drop from killing Zombies.

    http://i975.photobucket.com/albums/ae23 ... fd57da.jpg

    (On the top right just under the TV)

    • Thuder Gun - Directly oposite the Death Machine cabinet is a locked up

    Thuder Gun. Which may prove the origins of the Thunder Gun.

    http://i975.photobucket.com/albums/ae23 ... d13480.jpg

    Power Switch 2 -

    Where you find the Thunder gun, on the right of it is a open locker with it sitting inside.

    Pick this up with the () button, once done use it on either metal detector on floor 1.

    Note if you done "Floor 2s" power switch and still have it you can't pick up two at a


    http://i975.photobucket.com/albums/ae23 ... 324c65.jpg

    http://i975.photobucket.com/albums/ae23 ... 95b91f.jpg

    (What happens when you repair the trap)

    Window Near Teleport 3 (You'll see numbers pointing to each numbered teleport) -

    • Raygun on the table - If you look left into the window or room. You'll notice a table

    with some basic tools on it and a Raygun. Next to it seems to be a newer version

    or maybe a larger version (White color scheme instead of red) for the first

    design for the Winter Howl.

    [Picture soon to be added]

    • Teleporter Base - At the back of the room is what looks like the bottom half

    of the teleporters as seen in Der Riese and Kino Der Toten.

    [Picture soon to be added]

    • Black 935 Logo - To the left of the teleporter, is a double screen against the wall.

    Behind the screen is a Black 935 Logo hinding and only half of it is visible.

    [Picture soon to be added]

    • Canister (Unknown) - Just like the ones from Kino with the Monkeys in them. There

    seems to be a mannequin (Looks like one) inside it and has the number "2" only visible.

    [Picture soon to be added]

    Lab Room -

    Same pictures that first showed up in Shi No Numa with the top half of a Zombie

    and a side on view of a Hell Hound. These also appeared in Der Riese. Also

    the bodiese that have been experimented on just like the campaign.

    Zombie and Hell Hound pictures:

    http://i975.photobucket.com/albums/ae23 ... fd57da.jpg

    Test subjects:

    http://i975.photobucket.com/albums/ae23 ... 15b43d.jpg

    Pig Room -

    Room behind the double screen with the claymore on it. Has a room with body

    bags inside it with a shovel on the back left leaning against the wall.

    http://i975.photobucket.com/albums/ae23 ... bd9d70.jpg

    Blackboard Writing (Located in the Power Lever Room) -

    • Edward i know it was you (Was on der riese in illumanati)

    • Never again Sam.

    • Heavy HK21

    • Why? (Underlined)

    • Thundergun in cabinet

    http://i975.photobucket.com/albums/ae23 ... 57bb4d.jpg

    (All of the above listed can be seen on this blackboard)

    - - -

    Back of the blackboard -

    • Experiment 935 was successful

    [Picture soon to be added]

    Telephone 3 -

    When your in the room with the power switch or lever. To the right is another

    small desk layout with the last red telephone sitting on top. Simply like before

    press () to activate it and shortly after the song listed above will play.

    It doesn't matter what order you press the telephones in. As long as all three get

    pushed it will play the secret song.

    http://i975.photobucket.com/albums/ae23 ... a3bfa9.jpg

    Next Post will be on Speculations, please still don't

    comment on this until the top message is removed. However please

    send me a private message if you noticed or speculate anything. Thanks.

  10. Congrats on UOTM Graffiti you deserve it!

    Cheers man! Other users did aswell im my opinion but make sure you

    check out other topics from some users as they did some good stuff aswell.

    I was wondering if you could make me one with the picture for my current avatar with NoSurprize written across the bottom?

    Sure thing, i'll get round to it sometime today.

    :facepalm: k ill take the silver border wit red letters! thanx

    Okay man, i'll get round to it sometime today.

    lmao sorry man xD Ill give brains? :P

    Yeah don't worry about it. Brains or no brains I don't mind just as long you like your avatar picture that'll suit me just fine. But it does help... :3

  11. Hey uh, sorry to bug you for a THIRD TIME, but, could you put "DAVID" instead of "DAVE" on my friend's? He really hates the name dave xD and could you change Psych0kill3r to William? xD Jeez i feel like such a dick asking for so many thing lmfao

    UGH breaking my back man, breaking it hardddd. Ahah yeah sure no problem. I'll do it tomorrow.

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