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Everything posted by thesavage5118

  1. Those same people would complain if Treyarch yanked it back out of the maps. ;)
  2. Word. :evil: :evil: :evil:
  3. All good man, Im not a thread Nazi. Live it up! Lets go further off track: 4player on friday with Way and I? Do the moon egg and see how epic we can be? :twisted:
  4. Have you guys seen the astronaut zombie sprint backwards? Im pretty sure the Gersh device triggers him to do so. Are there any weapons that kill him more quickly? Or is there any way to make him go back to normal?
  5. Well, Richtofen is saying that, not Nikolai. It proves that Richtofen is gay more than anything else. Just because he says that doesn't mean Nikolai likes him. True. My theory that he is killing his wives as a cover-up, not to mention the fact that he has a major drinking problem, would suggest he wouldn't be the type of guy that would be very open about having, or wanting a relationship with Richtofen. It kind of just came together nicely in my head after I heard those quotes in game the other night.
  6. He repeatedly mentions that he thinks Richtofen has a problem, and doesn't trust him. Even if Nikolai was, Richtofen wouldn't be his lover. In Shangri La, Richtofen says, "oohhh how romantic Nikolai" when they see the waterfall together. Then shouts something about the waterslide being slippery, wet, and joyful just like Nikolai. Then when Nikolai gets monkeys he says "ohhh, how cute, I think it likes you Nikolai". Facepalm all you want homie.
  7. I think Nikolai is gay. Uses wifes as a cover-up and too move up in politics. Richtofen is his lover. No joke, Richtofen has several very gay innuendos, in Shangri-La, towards Nikolai.
  8. Many people that I've played with seem to be terrified of the waterfall area. It's actually a useful little spot. Start by gathering a horde in--insert favorite spot here--I prefer Power to the geyser below the minecart, and then over to the geyser by the Stakeout. Shoot up the geyser, go through the quicksand room, give the horde a little time to consolidate and catch up. Then run down past the MP5 to the "Do NOT PUSH" button. Wait until the zombies enter the water, hit the buttom, and scamper out past the stakeout to the power, most of them will go over the waterfall. Repeat ad infinitum. Use M&S and a Ak74u. 74u is easily purchased off the wall, and skill with monkeys will give you all the M&S ammo you need.
  9. You don't stand in other traps, do you? The waterfall is VERY useful. Gather up your horde, run the down the bridge, past the MP5k, and out to the button, wait until the front of the horde enters the water, hit the button, and run out towards the stakeout. The water will wash away alot of the zombies, and you'll be scampering ahead to the power room to gather another horde.
  10. Any links you would reccomend? I wouldn't mind seeing "proof" that we have a moon base! btw: Didn't quote proof to mock you, some people have different definitions of proof :)
  11. I think it's very possible. We can live underwater for days at a time--deep sea divers--I don't see any reason we couldn't apply the sime principles on the moon: Airtight structure, climate control, Oxygen, Co2 scrubbers etc.
  12. I think it's either going to pull all the zombies into one, or perhaps multiply them.
  13. I can use every smg, other than the Kiparis. I have more kills with the Uzi. In my opinion the Spectre with rapid fire is the best when I'm not running a silencer. Silenced SMG's: MP5k supressed, and MPL supressed are the best.
  14. In my opinion the Shrieker is more dangerous for several reasons: he's faster than you, his shrieks affect you more than the zombies, and the shrieks make it incredibly hard to see for several seconds. With the napalm zombie, his explosion will kill anything near enough to hurt you before you recover. Not to mention his napalm makes a nice barrier while you take stock of the situation after he explodes.
  15. There is no way Shagri-La is the last zombie map. It would be the most illogical move, ever. Treyarchs not going to flush that gem down the Verruckt toilet. Especially when there are so many questions that haven't been answered yet.
  16. Thanks guys! That sucks :(
  17. Is it possible to complete the easter egg with only two players?
  18. The first time I played, I found the pig while looking for the box. I checked it out for a second, and realized it was going to have a long, slow death. Either by starving, or complications from hanging like that. I promptly dispatched it with a mercy shot, right between the eyes. Since then I've done it everytime, and been raged on by some, SMH'ed by others, and agreed with by few. Do you pop the pig? Or no.
  19. Since most likely everyones going to ignore you: It's never happend to me, nor have I heard of it happening. Sometimes he dies and the perks pop up in a different body of water thouh. Thats about all I got for ya.
  20. I've been thinking about it and the more I do the more mistakes I realise we made when we went down. I've recovered from that exact spot before as well! 1 - only the downed player goes to the Juggs area, the other player stays at the MP40 to attract zombies from that death trap. 2 - never have 2 people in the Juggs PAP area, especially on round 40. 3 - just worry about an AK, nothing else. 4 - when you spend 60k on the box to get a PAPed VR-11 use it, and make sure you shoot the other player! Next time mate, level 40 in around 6 hours is not to be sniffed at on a 2 bar connection, the first time we ever played together. I do love the way we developed that strategy though between us, dual circles, swapping circles, joining circles, it was very very sweet play. Yeah, somewhere on here I posted "rebuild jugg then get the hell outta there" lol. We did do very well though. Was it 36 that we did with unpacked Ak's? We did adjust together incredibly smoothley. Both of us know how to control our hordes so the other player doesn't get affected by our actions. I do believe that video of us swapping hordes around buying ammo is very youtube worthy. It's most certainly not as easy as we made it look. I've been playing alot of shi no numa latley as well, we could go far on that one together. It's HUGE with tons of barriers to horde the zombies around.
  21. I hate George with every fiber in my body, for the simple fact that he's a dick. I kill George as fast and as often as I can. If the dumb-dumb random's are taking too long in between rounds, i'll bring him behind the lighthouse and bust on him with PHD Flops, the sickle, and the 74u. I also enjoy every minute of it lol.
  22. One other good way too kill George/2 birds with one stone, 2p. When you get the scavenger start running the 74u with your teammate in the lighthouse. Gather all Zombies, give your 'mate a warning, then shoot George with the scavenger and run the zombies by him. Kills all zombies, and weakens George.
  23. If you shoot them in the head, they die faster ;)
  24. Heck yeah! We did great considering I've never split the 74u like that before! I finished 7 headshots shy of 1000 lol. Your a beast chopper! I haven't learned anything from watching another person play zombies for a long time! Thanks man, I think we proved it really does take 2 to Tango on high level zombies. Next time I would't mind videoing some of the higher level stuff, especially getting ammo and switching those circles. I think videos of that would help many people out. Most definitley. I'll have a capture card at the end of this month.
  25. Heck yeah! We did great considering I've never split the 74u like that before! I finished 7 headshots shy of 1000 lol. Your a beast chopper! I haven't learned anything from watching another person play zombies for a long time!
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