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Everything posted by Mextension

  1. Yes I did.
  2. Gamertag: Mextension Best Solo Run: 56 Best 2p Run: 50 Here is my info: Arena 1: Island *Enemy types - Zombies *Challenge Round - None Arena 2: Fountain *Enemy types - Zombies *Challenge Round - None Arena 3: Prison *Enemy types - Zombies - Prisoner Zombies *Challenge Round - Prison Break: Introduces the Prisoner Zombies that run faster than normal zombies Arena 4: Temple Ruins *Enemy types - Zombies - Crawlers *Challenge Round - Creepy Crawlers: Introduces the Crawler Zombies than are harder to hit and slightly faster than normal zombies Arena 5: Cow Levels *Enemy types - Zombies - Cows - Flaming Cows *Challenge Round - Stampede: Introduces the Cows that can only be killed by explosive weapons; if the cow is on fire, they will drop several medium-sized gems Arena 6: Rooftops *Enemy types - Zombies - Prisoner Zombies - Downpour Zombies *Challenge Round - Downpour: Introduces the Downpour Zombies which fall from the sky. These zombies don't run at the player until fired at. Arena 7: Barrel Levels *Enemy types - Zombies - Prisoner Zombies - Downpour Zombies - Fire Barrels *Challenge Round - Fish in a Barrel: Introduces Fire Barrels that fall from the sides of the map. Can be used against the zombies by firing at them Arena 8: Double Tanker levels *Enemy types - Zombies - Prisoner Zombies - Downpour Zombies - Yetis - Explosive Yetis *Challenge Round - Explosive Martyrs?: Introduces the two yeti enemy types. The normal brown yetis have medium health and moderate speed. The large white yetis have large health and explode on death. The white yetis only appear during the Challenge Round. Arena 9: Snow *Enemy types - Zombies - Prisoner Zombies - Downpour Zombies - Hellhounds *Challenge Round - Who Cried Wolf?: Introduces the hellhounds that charge the player on site. Similar to regular Zombies, each Hellhound has a specific player as their target and will ignore other players until its dead. Possibly the hardest round in the game. Arena 10: Jungle *Enemy types - Zombies - Prisoner Zombies - Downpour Zombies - Hellhounds - Cosmic Silverback *Challenge Round - Boss Round: During the boss battle with the Cosmic Silverback, the player must fend off a constant zombie attack. The boss will continuously summon additional zombies including all types from the entire game. Best strategy is to constantly focus on the Silverback. Save as many Bombs and Speed Boosts to use on the zombies during this round.
  3. Now sitting at 50 in 2-player....could do much better :D
  4. 2-player: 40 (top of the leaderboardz 1-player: 57 (I win?)
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