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Everything posted by bmaster2000

  1. Dunno if anyone mention this new to him but the 8 killstreak you mentioned i assume is the blackbird which Ghost also makes you invisible to. sorry but someone had to say it :facepalm:
  2. I cant find anything on this yet, are you sure its now four because if thats the case it might actually be worth the 6 kill-streak it takes to get it.
  3. how did you manage a high round on FIVE but a relativily low one on kino lol sorry for off-topic.
  4. lol its for the storyline. Nova6 gas didn't exist in world war 2 as far as i know so no such zombie can emit a gas that doesn't exist yet. I call them Gasbags anyway/
  5. i have always pronounced treyarch as triarc any so my view is that its 3=tri. triarc=treyarch.
  6. Would it be possible to get all the cartoonised intros embeded or link in this thread? then you can compare.
  7. Aren't these just the numbers they put into mason's head in the black ops story?
  8. Looks to me like its saying someone went back in time and made a zombie outbreak in 1943 but were from current BO time. So its saying zombies originated from Black ops and waw zombies came later but back in time.
  9. Wow a trap part??? You need to get that to the metals detectors in room 1 cos they say requires operational component even after power is on. Gogogo tell us your findings please i really wanna know what that trap does.
  10. Your time is definitely near :cry: Ive had a few ps3's now but the latest one lasted about 2 years before it got the YLOD. Just keep your ps3 as cool as possible and be careful not to move it around too much cos its cause by solder melting and getting hairline fracture that short the circuit.
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