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Posts posted by Z-HUNTER

  1. guys, this game isnt tottaly, you know realistic. the little girl sam controles the zombies in general. treyarch could have done a number of wierd things. im not sure if its correct but it seems possible. also did you say people didnt think edward was richtofen, thats dum! edward is his first name!

  2. ive read through all of this, to start richtofens first name is edward. the power boxes are obviously nothing, everyone seculates over nothing, the beware of 6 is probably refering to gknova6 gas. the walls break do to crawllers, you can see them come through the holes made. and of course, agenta is a liar and the dinning and main room is fake. the cosmic silverback probably wont make an apperance do to the originality of zombies and improbability of treyarch seriously creating a main boss. hope i helped. :)

  3. dude....... awesome, just awesome. you did great. thanks for keeping us in the loop of the never ending zombie easter eggs! also those planks you found with areas written on them were found in der riese near each teleporter. i believe they were from where each of the main charecters were from. hope i helped! :D

  4. yeah, i was just about to post this but when researching i found this. the exact same thing happend to me at the same time. i also play religiosly. oh and no offence, but why does everyone say the dogs come on round 6, it happens to me ether 5, 6, or 7?

  5. Then why would someone who had been forced against his will know that he can escape and suddenly stop? Why would he do that, why would anyone do that?
    he probably knew he couldnt reach step 8, freedom. mason is on the turret, he could jump. although it is possible for reznov to jump, only without the spetsnaz following. that is reznovs problem.
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