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Everything posted by dustyspud

  1. Well, someone else has to at least test out this baked dude's claims. There seemed to be a distinct lack of EE in Kino. I would do it, but my Xbox is fried. Edit: What this guy is talking about sounds pretty complicated, and the post above says EE's didn't start until Ascension (wrong, in my opinion). Maybe 3arc just got a little too excited about community involvement and exploration and made the Kino EE's SUPER difficult to uncover in order to give the zombies community a proverbial hard-on. Anyone remember the spawn room in Kino with the boards on the upper windows forming the Roman numerals XIIV? Now, I understand as Roman numerals go, this combination is incorrect. However, if you separate each letter, X I I V, you come out with 10, 1, 1, 5...'10115', which just so happens to be an area code in MANHATTAN! I've pointed this out before, but I'm pointing it out again. Take it as you will. I'm gonna leave it at that. Thank you.
  2. The state of New Jersey and the state of Washington are on opposite sides of the country. I do like this "Project Diana" stuff, though. Good find.
  3. Perhaps we should, but I won't be doing so until August 23rd at the earliest, unless there is some proof that the DR server in fact does not exist? Something I missed? I'm being sincere, too. I'd like to know if I'm turning into a "the next EE step" guy.
  4. Your mistake is assuming this pattern is intentional. Perhaps you recall the obvious pattern of all the maps' names being in the language of the country in which they take place. Well, it worked all the way up to Five, but what came next? Ascension. A Russian map with an English name, followed by Call of the Dead, yet another Russian map with an English name. Turns out there wasn't actually a pattern. Also, ever since Der Riese, you've had to perform steps (either once or every time you wanted it) to access the Pack-a-Punch machine. A pattern? Sure looked like it, but Call of the Dead "randomly steered away from the obvious pattern" by having it pop up every so often in various locations. Yet another perceived pattern that wasn't actually there. It's natural to look for patterns in things, to find order in chaos. It's also natural (for most people) to adapt your thought process and logic to specific contexts. In this case, it's Zombies. Since when has Treyarch (specifically the Zombies team) stuck to a pattern? It seems the general consensus is that the original 4 will be in this map. Granted, that doesn't make it so, but the biggest reason behind this thought is: If this is the final Black Ops Zombies map, it only makes sense to use the characters that people know and love, to tie up loose ends and to end on a strong note. This is simple yet strong reasoning that I happen to agree with. TL;DR- There are no patterns in Zombies, only chaos.
  5. Rezurrection bump I made a topic regarding the possibility of finally cracking the Der Riese server with hints and clues in Rezurrection, but it got moved to the Black Ops forum. I decided to post it in here simply as a reply, but included the link if you wish to respond to the topic. viewtopic.php?f=16&t=14998 With the release of the final Black Ops map pack, could we finally crack the Der Riese server, and possibly the DoD server? Aside from finding user names, we have made zero progress in gaining access to these illusive remote servers. I think it's safe to assume there is a boatload of backstory in the DR server, and it makes sense that we would be granted access in the final BO map pack. Also, the fact that hardened/prestige buyers have to re-download the classic maps (instead of just dl'ing the new content) leads me to believe there will be updates revealing the passwords, or at least pointing us in the right direction. Finally, just to make this Moon forum appropriate, maybe all we need will be revealed in this lunar hellscape. Throw in your two cents.
  6. With the release of the final Black Ops map pack, could we finally crack the Der Riese server, and possibly the DoD server? Aside from finding user names, we have made zero progress in gaining access to these illusive remote servers. I think it's safe to assume there is a boatload of backstory in the DR server, and it makes sense that we would be granted access in the final BO map pack. Also, the fact that hardened/prestige buyers have to re-download the classic maps (instead of just dl'ing the new content) leads me to believe there will be updates revealing the passwords, or at least pointing us in the right direction. Finally, just to make this Moon forum appropriate, maybe all we need will be revealed in this lunar hellscape. Throw in your two cents.
  7. Like others said, it looks like a landmass. It's hard to tell which continent, but I think it's just land.
  8. dustyspud


    I have this problem, too, but only on my friends TV (same box, disc and hard drive) for some reason.
  9. "That was too close to my hammer and sickles!" -Nikolai, after running through the spike trap
  10. I've always thought it sounded exactly like the Flopper explosion.
  11. Just to clarify, are you saying you can go down, bleed out, and still start the next round with all seven perks?
  12. I've had this happen to me as well. I did't go down, but I got smacked from behing, turned around, and there was nothing.
  13. Oooohhh, nice. Is it only the person with the Focusing Stone who retains perks, or do all players get this ability? Too bad this can't be done on solo, although it might make it impossible to die. Sorry to hijack your thread, Liam. Just had a few questions, then I'll get back to OP.
  14. dustyspud


    So we all remember seeing the trap switches in the trailers, but where are they? I know one was located at the bottom of the waterfall where the 'Do not hold X' stone is, but where is it now? Are they unlocked in the EE? Do you have to collect them like in Five? I feel like we would know the answer by now. Do you think they just scrapped them last minute? Discuss.
  15. But there's also Russian and an Oriental language (not sure which one) around the map. Perhaps there was a joint effort at Shangri-La?
  16. A little off topic, but how do you get additional perks, as in more than four?
  17. Any chance you could get a transcript or video of it playing? #3, that is.
  18. I sure have. Didn't work though.
  19. I watched the Insider Moves video on Xbox Live tonight, and it does include Shangri-La footage. Some pretty good footage at that. Check it out on the dashboard.
  20. [brains] for you. That's a good find, and likely has something to do with the story, I think. Maybe Samantha or possibly Richtofen are not as evil as we think?
  21. dustyspud

    The PM-63

    FG-42! It's too bad it's only in Der Riese, though. As far as BO maps go, I'd be inclined to agree with you. The ammo count, both in the magazine and in reserve, is far superior to any other SMG and any other wall gun for that matter. The damage, accuracy, and ease of picking your shots (due to it's slower ROF) kick ass for getting headshots. Anyways, yeah the PM-63 could go and I wouldn't be too sad. I wouldn't mind seeing the Kiparis or even the Uzi take its place. But hey, at least it's not the Mac-11 or Skorpion. Those would blow goats as zombies weapons, I feel. please tell me your kidding lol. the FG-42 is like the worst gun in the game IMO Nope. As long as you can control your fire and you know how to farm points (things I feel every good player knows), it's an awesome weapon, especially for a wall gun. In fact, many times I've skipped using the box and just used the FG to build huge amounts of points. Then again, all of what I just wrote describes any good wall weapon,
  22. dustyspud

    The PM-63

    FG-42! It's too bad it's only in Der Riese, though. As far as BO maps go, I'd be inclined to agree with you. The ammo count, both in the magazine and in reserve, is far superior to any other SMG and any other wall gun for that matter. The damage, accuracy, and ease of picking your shots (due to it's slower ROF) kick ass for getting headshots. Anyways, yeah the PM-63 could go and I wouldn't be too sad. I wouldn't mind seeing the Kiparis or even the Uzi take its place. But hey, at least it's not the Mac-11 or Skorpion. Those would blow goats as zombies weapons, I feel.
  23. From the gameplay, they totally look like monkies. However, in that shot with the eclipse at night, that creature looks more like some sort of evil little pygmy type creature. It totally reminds me of Gollum from Lord of the Rings.
  24. I'm gonna go ahead and hop on the "Shangri-La is NOT Area 51" bandwagon. There's no question about it.
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