In a video I saw Richtofen was an Illuminatti and 935 is and orginization in der riese the radios explain a lot they tell you about the origins of the hellhounds it was sam's dog Fluffy and in one of the radios it says that Fluffy was pregnant which meant the other dogs originated from Fluffy. The voice in the monkeys and the teddy bears and the hell hounds probably relate to Sam because she owned those teddy bears and she also owned the monkies and she also owned fluffy which had the puppy hell hounds.
Richtofen is Ed the guy who killed maxis and let the zombies get free. in one of his quotes was about voices in Der Riese and in Kino he also talks about voices. He says in Der Riese that ED WANTS YOUR HEAD to the zombies and in one of the radios Maxis's assitant was Edward and they sound suspiciously alike.
####Sorry for the bad grammar