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About CheezyWeezle

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  1. Look, their explanation was "Durr the achievements glitched durr we have it but durr it won't show up for you durr" which is complete assfaggotry. They obviously didn't do the EE and they are just making excuses for being gay. Achievements don't glitch; you either get them or you don't, and it will ALWAYS show up if you have gotten it. It's like the Die Rise EE, when Vosty3 got it it INSTANTLY showed up, no hassle. Same with when he did the Tranzit EE, it INSTANTLY showed up. It wouldn't glitch out and not show up. So they haven't done it. And I think that alone is enough to prove that everything else about the video is fake. I tried to find them saying such thing, but I could not. If you can provide a picture of it or something, I would be glad. Why do you say they didn't do the EE, yet still have no proof to what you say? Why do you call them gay, that is not very mature. It does not make you look very good now. I understand you hate them, or just dislike them, but you still should show them some respect, or at least not bitch about them if they haven't really done anything that deserves it. The achievement glitch thing I will omit until you show me them saying the achievements glitched for them. Good night, we will continue this conversation tomorrow. No we won't continue this conversation as there is nothing to continue past what I am going to say. My proof is that their gamertags that they were playing on do not have the achievement for the Easter Egg. This INSTANTLY proves that they did not do the Easter Egg. Everything else is moot. As for their comments saying that the achievement glitched, they have removed them. hmmm..... I don't hate PTG, they aren't worth my time. And I will never show respect for people that post fake shit for views. NEVER. That is not a respectable thing to do. Do you respect Hitler because he killed jews? of course not. If you do, then you are obviously a very low scum. But you probably don't respect Hitler. So why respect someone who will lie to get more views, and thus get more money? I wouldn't. And I won't.
  2. "It's been proven that their video is fake." - Okay, when and where? I want to see. "They never got the achievement." - About that I am unsure, however they did explain it in the comments of their video, I am not expert in how do the achievements work, so I won't start arguing about that, although, as I said, they have provided an explanation for that. "omeone else has done the EE and the way they explained it, it is nothing like whatever they were doing there." - This 'someone else' talk does not convince me. I want to know who that is, I can also say I have done EE and provide no proof, and say it's exactly the same as it is in PtG's video. "Plus, it just obviously looks fake. I mean, if they were going to do some white screen with text, the text would probably be the red blood splatter text like they usually do, and besides, it wouldn't just end like that." - Until you finish the EE yourself, you can't be sure whether it is fake or not, basing on those things. If you haven't finished it yourself, how can you say that they would not end it like that? Look, their explanation was "Durr the achievements glitched durr we have it but durr it won't show up for you durr" which is complete assfaggotry. They obviously didn't do the EE and they are just making excuses for being gay. Achievements don't glitch; you either get them or you don't, and it will ALWAYS show up if you have gotten it. It's like the Die Rise EE, when Vosty3 got it it INSTANTLY showed up, no hassle. Same with when he did the Tranzit EE, it INSTANTLY showed up. It wouldn't glitch out and not show up. So they haven't done it. And I think that alone is enough to prove that everything else about the video is fake.
  3. I see you've never actually dealt with PTG before. And I am sure you weren't around for when PTG did exactly what you said they wouldn't do. And they still do it. They said that they got info leaked to them from Treyarch way back when during BO1, and said they knew the whole story, that they went to Treyarch, that Treyarch told them everything about Zombies including future maps, games, and easter eggs, and that they had all this info and that they would share some of it. They shared some of their "info" and it all turned out to be completely bullshit. And no, Treyarch didn't invite them down. Some COD VIP's were invited down. PTG is NOT at ALL a VIP. They are not respectable and everything they do is stupid. They post fake videos ALL THE DAMNED TIME. Why? For views. I indeed were not around back then, but I do have an idea of what is going on. I don't think they would replicate that... 'mistake' in such a great scale once again. You said they post fake videos all the time. Can you actually prove that? So far all their recent videos have always been proved right. All the Alcatraz/Mob of the dead stuff. Why do you say they are doing fake videos for views, when there clearly aren't any fake videos, and they get so many views mostly because of people getting pissed off at them and spreading pointless butthurt all over their videos. It's been proven that their video is fake. They never got the achievement, and someone else has done the EE and the way they explained it, it is nothing like whatever they were doing there. Plus, it just obviously looks fake. I mean, if they were going to do some white screen with text, the text would probably be the red blood splatter text like they usually do, and besides, it wouldn't just end like that.
  4. I see you've never actually dealt with PTG before. And I am sure you weren't around for when PTG did exactly what you said they wouldn't do. And they still do it. They said that they got info leaked to them from Treyarch way back when during BO1, and said they knew the whole story, that they went to Treyarch, that Treyarch told them everything about Zombies including future maps, games, and easter eggs, and that they had all this info and that they would share some of it. They shared some of their "info" and it all turned out to be completely bullshit. And no, Treyarch didn't invite them down. Some COD VIP's were invited down. PTG is NOT at ALL a VIP. They are not respectable and everything they do is stupid. They post fake videos ALL THE DAMNED TIME. Why? For views.
  5. When I got Round 57 solo on Kino, I thought I was good. When I got top 100 on Nuketown zombies, twice, I knew I was good. But really, I've been at super high rounds, played with some great people, and had tons of fun with zombies. I don't care if I am good or not, it's fun and that's all that matters :)
  6. You get the permanent Quick Revive if you revive 20 times without going down.
  7. Okay, this is all fine and dandy about how games count if someone quits, but what about someone new joining? Will it still count then? Will it count for everyone, or just the people that were there the whole time?
  8. So, I know that if you are playing in a public match, and someone leaves, that it doesn't count to leaderboards. Now two things I want to know, is if you have 4 people, and one leaves, does it count for 3 player leaderboards, or not at all? Second, If you have 4 people, one leaves, and someone new joins, will leaderboards count, or will they still not count? I don't have the time or resources to try this out myself, but if someone can try it out and see what happens, that would be awesome. Now, I know that if someone new joins, it doesn't count for them, but I want to know for the other people in the game. Thanks!
  9. Or they are related...
  10. See, I didn't look at all the leaks and stuff, and I didn't scour for any info or anything until AFTER the game was released. If it was brought up months ago, that means it was leaked months ago, as the name of the map was never revealed officially, other than when the game launched.
  11. That would be NDU, not NDR. [N]acht [D]er ntoten.
  12. I believe that it is in relation to the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Run experiment. These took place at the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanford_Site that is located in Washington, on the Columbia Gorge River. The experiment dealt with plutonium and uranium, and also Iodine-131 and Xenon-133. I don't think that the map itself correlates to this, or even any form of radioactive materials. I believe that it is saying that the map or the events of the Easter Egg are considered to be similar to the Green Run, but with the things used substituted for zombies-related things. Don't know how, as I cannot think very well right now, but I am sure some of you can figure it out.
  13. TranZit is the game mode. Green Run is the map. You can play TranZit on Green Run, or you can play Survival/grief in the sections, but it's still Green Run.
  14. It sounds like the Geek from TranZit, I walked up and knifed it and heard something along the lines of "Oh gosh, can anyone hear me? I'm trapped in here!" I definitely know he said "I'm trapped in here" but before that was kinda faint. I don't know if this is relevant, but I did this after activating the song (It's the opening song from Moon, where Samantha says "Do you hear the voices?" at the end), so that may be something you need to do before being able to start the EE, but I don't know.
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