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Everything posted by CheezyWeezle

  1. Second one sounds like "Sam wants your soul" I am using Turtle Beach X31's and a DSS to listen to this, and it is really clear for me. I heard "Whisper", "Sam wants your soul", "Closed" or maybe "Sounds" (I dunno on that one) and the last one just sounded like ambiance to me, but it could have been something.
  2. I would make a good partner If you ever need anyone to play Zombies with, hit me up. GT: CheezyWeezle
  3. Just because we hear quotes from the "Five" crew through the phones in Ascension, it doesn't mean "Five" and Ascension are at the same time. The "Five" crew could have been trying to contact the Ascension group for whatever reason, then the maps go on blah blah blah, and then finally the "Five" crew sits down for a chat after a while when they notice the rockets flying towards them. The rockets could've then hit earth, making everyone outside a zombie. Then the zombies come into the pentagon, and blam we have how zombies are in "Five" Just a theory, but it's reasonable nonetheless.
  4. Or maybe Dragonforce, the hidden song is Through the Fire and Flames, And every time Herman kills a zombie, a tasty guitar riff plays. Or you play as Slipknot (All 8 band members 8 player zombies FTW) and you inside one of Samantha's nightmares, like a creepy haunted house, and the hidden song is All Hope is Gone, That would be sick! Or..... The ultimate dubstep/techno team. Skrillex, Zedd, Deadmau5, and Basshunter. The hidden song would be a song made by all of them toghether, a 20-minute ultimate techno/dubstep beatdown of epic proportions... 5edcrtf7tyuhjikjipo[krftvuyhn9mo- sorry about that had to wipe the jizz off my keyboard. Anywho... that would be epic.
  5. I have 2 edits hope these help! I have put brackets [] around the new words. Radio 1, where you have put "The (?) platform is now at 3 feet with no structures" It says "The [target] platform is at 3 feet with no structures" In the third reel where you put "We are waiting the (Something)" It says "We are awaiting the [conduit]"
  6. Random discussion is random But yeah i was just thinking like what if your 3rd gun is Wave Gun and you go down and poof its gone? And you are in the middle of the Easter Egg, first people to start on it, and all of a sudden you cant do it because your Wave Gun went away. That's all I'm saying... it would suck ASS and I would have to choke a bitch.
  7. If Mule Kick gives you 3 guns, and when you go down you lose all your perks...... Do you lose your 3rd weapon that Mule Kick gives you?!?!?! If so imma choke a bitch, if not then we only need to buy Mule Kick once and that makes me :D
  8. Dude its when a teammate gets infected by a zombies. I dont think you go down anymore I think you get infected and then to revive you your teammates have to kill you (you dont lose guns though)
  9. Those pics real? They look kinda fake in the way that they dont look like they would be seen in ht e real world, ya know kinda like, say, District 9, hoe the aliens look realistic but arent real. like that. so, are they real? If so, bro, not cool. Mmmm hmmmmm not cool.
  10. I assumed it'd be IW's version of the death machine. Which makes you slow... and fairly stupid except for certain maps. and yeah, i have gone against juggernauts so i hope it is a deployable one. So i can just rush over and kill it's slow ass. Apparently you haven't strategically used the Death Machine. Camp with it and hide in a corner while holding the Left Trigger. But you cant just camp with a Juggernaut suit. And IW sure as heck isn't stupid enough to let you keep it till you die cuz you have shit tons of armor and can just walk around knifing and avoiding flashbangs. And staying in small corridors to be safe ;)
  11. ALright, throwing this on the table. No flaming, just showing how this, in my opinion, is very wrong. If it were to be read from top to bottom, then the logo would NOT, repeat, NOT be CODZL. If it were read top-to-bottom, then it would be OCDZL. Now left-to-right, the obvious choice, WOuld be ZCODL, which makes sense to me, mkay?
  12. We saw the same thing with some Call of the Dead screenshots. Dont remember which, but they didnt have the round counter. It's just because since they are on a Devkit they can do anything, so they probably just disabled it because they were recording, and wanted a theatrical look to it. The reason the ammo counter is there is because he reloaded, and the game is coded so that if you reload it shows the ammo counter. SO think what you may, but just know that this isnt the first time we have seen this before, mkay?
  13. in shangri-la if you didn't do the Call of the dead easter egg then the golden rod didn't show up in richtofens inventory but if you did then when your richtofen its there so im assuming that Call of the dead's and shangri-la's need to be finished in order for the moon easter egg to work.. so if you didn't do the previous easter egg ascension, call of the dead, shangri-la you would probably want to get a team and finish the easter eggs.... he needs the pieces of the puzzle to finish his master plan.. why go to the end empty handed.. You are dead wrong, Broski Mahoney. I havent done the Ascension or Call of the Dead easter eggs, but when I play Shangri-La as Richtofen I have the golden rod. I have also played with a team of people who didnt do the prior Easter Eggs and still had it. Treyarch would make it so you have to do a really hard Easter Egg in order to do another harder Easter Egg. Use ya [brains] Broski!
  14. Xbox Classic Maps, yes
  15. NZR- Nazi Zombie Reich? Nazi Zombie Radio? (lol)
  16. Dogs are easily killed. And Juggernauts aren't. Have you ever gone against one? And walking around for 40 seconds at LMG pace for a killstreak is the stupidest thing any dumbass moron could even possibley imagine. The 3 year olds that thought this would be cool need to die in a tragic accident. Is there any killstreak where you become something slow and stupid for 40 seconds? No. Is it a possibilty? Very, very, very, very, very, very, VERY VERY VERY VERY remotely. like 1 in 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 chance of the devs being stupid enough to put it in. If I get 14 kills in a row, I want an AI with an LMG and heavy armor walking around FOR me, while I can go, rush, and kill the dudes shooting at the Juggernaut from behind. That sounds much better than a killstreak where it takes the whole killstreak time to walk across the map to get to the enemies. Do the math. Playing as Juggernaut; Downsides: Slow, lame, frustrating. Upsides: More armor. NPC Juggernaut; Downsides: I guess they might be weak to knifing? Upsides: Its an AI so its more efficient, More armor, can distract players shooting at him so you can sneak around and kill them from behind, have you seen a Juggernaut reload in MW2? Me neither, so there's that, They are actually pretty quick when they sprint, They recover from being stunned really quickly, they do high damage. I think you can see the difference there.
  17. This thread still exists... WTF
  18. I have already asked all the moderators.
  19. Actually, haha, you guys are even more fail! I was thinking, and if you are reading top-to-bottom... It would be "OCDZL"!!! Haha, well. Final rant I guess. I called in a Napalm Strike on this here thread, sooo.... /rant
  20. NO... It proves you wrong. Lemme quote some some logos as if this were true. 1. "Time Better Next Luck" -Originally "Better luck next time" 2. "United Four Associations Wheel Drive" -Originally "United Four Wheel Drive Associations" 3. "Task Graffiti Force Area Denver Metro" -Originally "Metro Area Graffiti Task Force Denver" 4. (My fav) "Students the where meet they we are and us go take where they" -Originally "We meet the students where they are and go where they take us" This proves you wrong. I know my chiz, bro. I am gonna laugh at you guys so hard when it turns out me and Yellow-Card8 I think it was are right, and all of you are wrong. And its probably not even something like "Zombies Call of Duty L-Something" Its probably like "Zealous Creatures Originally Detained Lars". So I am going to PM every Moderator, carbon, and Covert Gunman. I want this thread gone, because you guys are really dumb and are dragging on an already-solved problem. I am right, you are wrong. It is as simple as that. So unless you bring Jimmy Zielinsky in on video saying that it is otherwise, then I am right. Go ahead and ask people that make these kinds of logos. They will say, "It reads left-to-right, just like normal English. Ain't no Chinese top-to-bottom chiz happenin' here in THIS America." /winning rant
  21. Well it's ZCODL, soooooooo......... First Row: Call of Duty Second Row: Zombies Live Oh, and......http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/view ... 72&t=15402 sooooooooooooo.................... 8-) yeah and by this logic we have meaning MBW. Logos that are like that are like this
  22. HEY DOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCHHHHHEEEEEEE! It's all good that f*ck you, but can SHUT UP. I mean come on man its a ZCODL emblem. Treyarch would put it as CODZL left to right if it was Call of Duty Zombies L-Something. Drink a nice big cup of Shut The F*ck Up next time, thats all im saying. P.S. Censorship can save anyone's butt. Cuz it's not cursing unless it's cursing ;)
  23. 'Twas not removed, my friend... I do not glitch (As there is no glitch on a forum... )
  24. Well it's ZCODL, soooooooo......... First Row: Call of Duty Second Row: Zombies Live Oh, and......http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/view ... 72&t=15402 sooooooooooooo.................... 8-) Apparently you've never seen a logo before It always reads leaft to right, not top three left to right, then bottom two left to right. It's ZCODL, and thats all there is to it.
  25. Well it's ZCODL, soooooooo.........
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