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Everything posted by CheezyWeezle

  1. I don't know anything so if anyone could please play with me and explain everything I would appreciate it. My GT is tharok42
  2. NO! You are just going to steal it. You will instantly try and be like, "Haha I found this first it was all me no help it was my idea and I did it gimme glory hahaha give me brains"
  3. That means you wasted a Gersch. Sam laughs when you throw a Gersch into a wrong area.
  4. I can play around 2:00 PM Pacific time, have to get homework done D: BTW I do not have a cap card, but I can help find stuff :D
  5. Or if you have all perks (Double Tap too, if it gives it to you) then it upgrades your perks? Or maybe you get like 10,000 points? Or a free PaP for you current weapon?
  6. Link all Lunar Landers then hit the launch button next to power to launch the rocket and open up to the PaP. Fire traps are separate traps, not te rocket.
  7. There is only 1 new perk slot. Double Tap is gone so the perks are Juggernog, Speed Cola, Quick Revive, PhD Flopper, and Stamin-UP.
  8. I haven't seen it. I want a link. I am a see-it-to-belive-it guy when it comes to the CoDZ Forums :/
  9. No W@W weapons... so far Maybe we didn't find one but it's there? Ascension is freaking huge.
  10. Link to an official source where it was said that there is a 4th location or fakey, soz bro
  11. wait this is insta-release tem, right?
  12. 8 Minutes! GT is tharok42
  13. All Xbox 360 users get the maps at the same exact time. It's just some people have thier clocks say 4, 5, or maybe even 10 PM Jan 31st. It is all the same exact time, but the clocks say different things.
  14. GT is tharok42 Would love to help!
  15. Its already confirmed: PhD Flopper is a Flak Jaket-esque perk, where splash damage is greatly reduced (i.e., throwing a grenade or shooting an M72 LAW will not hurt you as much) and if you dolphin dive (sprint and hold a small explosion goes off around you, killing zombies. Stamin-UP is a Lightweight Marathon combo.
  16. Eastern is 3 hours ahead of pacific. If the map pack comes out at 2:00 AM Pacific, then 3 hours ahead would be 5:00 AM Eastern. 2 + 3 = 5 :geek:
  17. It is indeed true. The Map pack (all map packs for CoD) drop midnight Pacific time. I can't wait That, sir, is why I LOVE BEING IN THE SAME TIME ZONE AS ACTIVISION AND TREYARCH!!!! I ACTUALLY GET MAP PACKS ON TIME!!!!
  18. I am so sorry but I accidentally clicked and gave you bad rep D: I will give you +1 as soon as I can!
  19. From the box.
  20. Go to http://tinychat.com/codzchat to discuss this :D
  21. Nope none
  22. no need to quit coming to the fourms maybe your post just got buried with all the excitement of ascension in the trailer and theres lots of posts about it because its new. this guy was probaly at the top on the home page thats why everyone has posted here.all that matter is info is getting out. it doesnt matter who the info is getting put out by.we are all finding out new stuff together Nope. I'm quitting. Good-bye CoDZ. Someone actually deleted my topic. It's gone. I got an E-mail saying I got a reply on it, but when I clicked the link it said I didn't have permission to view the topic. I went to the forum homepage, clicked Ascension, and my topoc entitiled "ASCENSION TRAILER!!!" was gone. Not on the first page where it should be. They deleted my post, well then. Bye. Unless I find what happened to my topic (i.e. Moved somewhere for being first :/) then this is my last post. Good - wait... No. BADbye.
  23. Already embedded on my post. This whole topic needs deleted, mine was first. Really wasting the CoDZ bandwidth here. I was first, mine should stay. Mine has some info from the video + video is embedded.
  24. It's Richtofen, dude. Use the search function.
  25. WOW. This is crap. I am first at posting something big and someone steals the spotlight. AGAIN. It has happened 3 times on this forum already. only 2 big ones, though. The first being that I found the DerRiese server on the terminal, and now this. This whole topic is a double-post off of mine. Mine was first. If this happens again I am definitely quitting CoDZ and keeping all the big, huge Easter Eggs I find to myself/Sharing them with PlayTheGame. It's getting old. USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION.
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