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Everything posted by CheezyWeezle

  1. Better view with the box version:
  2. Some people read into how FPSRussia used "Zombies" in his video. If you look in all his videos, he references Zombies all the time. It has nothing to do with confirming Zombies, he just likes to talk about killing Zombies. I may be wrong (We all know that Zombies is going to be in Black Ops 2, no matter what anyone says, there is going to be Zombies. There is no possible way that Zombies would NOT be in the next Call of Duty.), but I dont think that FPSRussia is confirming Zombies, and I dont even think he is hinting at Zombies. I am sure that the extent of his knowledge on the next Call of Duty is that there is a quadrotor killstreak, and that Tacitus is something in the next Call of Duty, be it a manufacturer, a moon base, a street in the Netherlands, or a flying tomato. I am sure that we are caught up to his knowledge now.
  3. The game is possibly confirmed to take place in 1960's ACTUALLY this is the exact time frame that Black Ops was in. Black Ops 2 wouldn't be in '67.
  4. Not the beat, far from the worst. Just because I lose my cool every once in a long while doesnt mean I cant control my anger. It's the internet, people freak out, simply because they can. Doesnt mean a thing.
  5. What is this, Harry Potter? It's just a name. What he did is what should be cursed, or rather what he caused among us. I see you've run into crazy cheezy becareful he only spirals down from here. ... Well thats a mean thing to say...
  6. How does it ruin lives? It's very sad if a fake screenshot of a video game ruins someone's life. I made some fake screenshots before Black Ops came out and it actually helped people. *Cough* Henry Langham *Cough* NEVAR MENTION THAT NAME! That is like a curse word!
  7. I tried posting a comment on that video. Says it needs approval. heres what I said:
  8. Ray Gun. 'Nuff said. ELITE Edition needs a Ray Gun.
  9. That's why I offered the idea of asking if you really want to continue on. In multiplayer, it can ask, and if every chooses "Yes" then it doesnt move on. If it is a group of randoms and you have that "One douchebag" then it will accept majority vote after 20 seconds or so.
  10. And now this intrigues me. Found this... According to him his highest scores, the ones that would allow him into the Richtofen group, are all Solo iTouch scores. Now unless he got to round 50 something on Co-op, and didnt update his signature afterwards, then this means that the iTouch Solo leaderboards made him eligible for Richtofen... Not trying to be a stickler about this, but if this is in fact the case, that his highest rounds where iTouch, how did he get Richtofen? As previously mentioned, dont want to be "that guy", but this seems a little unfair to me. So please do explain how this is possible. He posted exactly one post above yours. Hm. Wierd that I missed that haha. I had Find on his name. Must not have picked it up for some odd reason. Whatever, was just making sure that nothing unfair was going on :)
  11. Everything you just said is an opinion. Give me fact about how Dead Ops is better than normal Zombies, or even common interest on it, and I will change my mind on it. If you can prove with FACT that DOA is better, or if you can get a petition with at least 50,000 signatures saying that DOA is better, I will change my mind (Dont actually try for the petition, no one would sign it, because no one want to take the time to sign anything online :/ ) As for the last sentence, I disagree completely. If something new comes along and it looks bad, I wont play it. I dont think new things are fun to try. Thats why I play COD, its the same thing in a new box, presented in a new way, with minor change. Thats why we all keep coming back, its the same fun over and over.
  12. And now this intrigues me. Found this... According to him his highest scores, the ones that would allow him into the Richtofen group, are all Solo iTouch scores. Now unless he got to round 50 something on Co-op, and didnt update his signature afterwards, then this means that the iTouch Solo leaderboards made him eligible for Richtofen... Not trying to be a stickler about this, but if this is in fact the case, that his highest rounds where iTouch, how did he get Richtofen? As previously mentioned, dont want to be "that guy", but this seems a little unfair to me. So please do explain how this is possible.
  13. Really? I remember reading this topic like 5 min after it was posted, and it said it could be either one. Was probably changed :/ whatever, I have proof for Nikolai then.
  14. EDIT: Found a higher level I would like to apply for the Dempsey usergroup PROOF: This was on the iOS version of Shi No Numa. I did this FOREVER ago, back when the COD: WAW Zombies app could actually run on a second generation iPod... You don't know what I had to do to get this screenshot lol. I restarted my iPod over 30 times haha
  15. Wow that was a bit harsh that is actually other peoples hard work if you like it or not Im not having a go and everyone should have there own opinon of things and work things out for themselves but comparing it to fæx is pushing it bit far Its not a gamemode im interested in as i have no Nostalgia for that POV although i did enjoy it once and i know others do Amazing how a POV can change the interest of a game I know its other peoples work. I am just saying it does not fit into Call of Duty, whether you like it or not. Call of Duty is a First Person Shooter. Not a Smash TV-esque Top-Down shooter. And it definitely doesnt fit into Zombies. I know it is someones work, I know that more than you do. I am simply saying they should have used their time to make another First Person map, rather than this crap. It would be fun if I went out and bought a game for that style. But I bought a First Person Shooter. Not a Top-Down Smash TV clone. It did not fit into the game. You cannot justify its existence in a First Person game like Call of Duty.
  16. I want Dead Ops 2 to NOT EXIST. DOA is SH*T. Unless there is 3 OTHER, NORMAL, FIRST PERSON MAPS THAT PLAY LIKE NORMAL MAPS, THEN DEAD OPS 2 SHOULD NOT EXIST. EVER. Sorry for caps, but it was needed to get the point across that DOA was bad. It didn't fit right. Didn't like it.
  17. As for the Upgraded Perks, maybe to balance it, you can only have 2 upgraded perks at once. And you should also be able to have all perks buyable, not have a limit of 4, and then have to get a bottle drop. And you should be able to sell back a perk upgrade for half cost. So if you upgrade a perk for 5000, sell it back for 2500, and you lose the upgrade, so that you can go get another upgraded (Cause you know maybe you got an upgrade but then it doesnt appeal to your play style, so you want to give it back, but dont want to have to down yourself to get rid of it because that will also get rid of your other 5 perks) Anyways, someone from Treyarch REALLY needs to read this. This list is basically the compilation of what every hardcore zombies fan wants. This needs to be seen.
  18. I think there should be a random zombies map playlist in matchmaking, because I am always stuck there, wondering what map to matchmake for, longing for a playlist that will just choose a random map. This could work by matchmaking like normal, but not showing the map you are playing in the bottom left corner. Everyone would ready up normally, but then when is start the game countdown, you would here a Mystery Box noise as it cycles through the maps, and then when it chooses one, there would be a fading out Samantha laugh as the game starts. I personally think this would be an awesome thing to have, and always wondered if anyone else agrees.
  19. THIS. JUST... JUST THIS. This is EXACTLY how I want this done. It would play JUST LIKE NORMAL ZOMBIES. And thus you can play it LIKE NORMAL ZOMBIES UNLESS You want to complete the story. If people really wanna be picky as I am seeing in the response here, then you can have a little options switch. In random matchmaking, there can be 2 ready up buttons, one to vote for standard survival, and one for the story. If it is common interest to complete the story mode, then the game will start with the objectives active. If it is common interest to play survival, then it would start with the objectives deactivated, and thus doing the objectives wouldnt trigger anything special. In Private match, there can be either 2 "Start Game" buttons, one being "Start Survival" and one being "Start Story", or 2 folders in the map selection thing. Choosing a map in the "Story Mode" folder would start the story mode within that map, and choosing a map from the "Survival Mode" folder would play a survival map. As for Single Player, I think the story should be always active, but a little easier (thus being catered to single player) and you can do what you want, but if you do decide to complete the story objectives, then it will pause the game, and prompt you to choose if you really want to end the game and move on to the next map. It of course would have to be something where it doesnt accept input for about 3 or 4 seconds, so that no one will accidentally hit a button when they dont want to.
  20. I spy with my little eye, someone who doesn't have enough money to get COD Elite Premium and needs to bitch about it... People like you really get on my nerves. Call of Duty Elite is an awesome service that helps people out. If you pay for premium, you get a cool title and emblem, you get all the maps for a discount, and you get them early too, and you also get awesome clan stuff. You also get access to Elite TV, where you can watch some awesome videos that have tips on maps, guns, equipment, etc. Call of Duty 9 definitely needs Elite. Without Elite, COD is fun, but with the perks of Elite, you get more out of the game. Say you want to try out a new gun in MW3, you simply look at the tips on Elite, watch a video on it, see its stats and how it can be used against other things, see its weaknesses and strengths, and use the gun and dominate in Multiplayer. Elite offers a lot. You just need to use it to see that it is good.
  21. Raven is a helping hand in the COD development, SledgeHammer is also, but is also making their own Call of Duty title, and as we all know IW and Treyarch make their own games. But if you haven't noticed in credits before, IW, Raven, and Treyarch have been in all the COD credits since COD4. This means that every COD actually has 3 (now 4) developers, although 3arc doesnt dedicate to IW games, and vice-versa.
  22. You contradicted yourself a few times there. That's not a contradiction. No offense, but do you understand what a contradiction is? An example would be as follows: This stuff is so rough. It's the softest thing I've ever felt! A contradiction is when you say the exact opposite of what you said prior. What Zombieofthedead said is not a contradiction. He said that they may have the HIGHEST stats, but they aren't SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER than the next highest ranked weapon. It would be like this, say the Famas' total accuracy across all players was 17.3%. And the next highest weapon, lets say the AUG, has 17.1% total accuracy. Thus, the Famas is not SIGNIFICANTLY better, only slightly. Now if the Famas had 36.8% total accuracy, and the AUG was still down at 17.1%, that would be significantly higher. IMO, I think all the guns are fairly balanced enough for the game to still be fun if you are getting wrecked all the time by a Famas, but then again I am one of the COD players that doesnt care about winning, high kill counts/streaks or anything. Of course I enjoy high stats and stuff, and I have decent enough stats, but I just think that since it is a game, we should play it as one, and not bitch about the little details unless it makes the game unplayable. I say just have fun, and if you don't like the Famas, don't use it. Or do, if you truly think it's the most powerful gun in the game. TL;DR, His argument is perfectly valid, and NOT a contridiction.
  23. Actually, Activision doesn't make any part of the games. They Publish, which simply means that Treyarch makes the game, and all of its contents and DLC and such, and Activision does advertising, makes small suggestions to Developers, puts the games that the Developers made onto a disc, and basically manages and fully funds the Developers. So, theoretically, a developer could go without a publisher, but it wouldnt be as easy to do, as the developer would need to self-fund (And thus self sustain, which is damned near impossible with todays economy), make thier own discs (Which is expensive as heck), do their own advertising (again, almost impossible), and self manage (Not too hard, but can get difficult if there is a crisis, such as the MW3 leaks). So Activision shouldn't get bashed at all for what the developers do. Activision does a damned great job with what they do. If I wanted any publisher, I would definitely want Activision, especially seeing what they did with the MW3 leaks. That was impressive.
  24. It's 2000 MS Points for the map pack bundle. each normal map pack is 800. 800+800+800=2400. You save 5 dollars for the bundle. But, people still pay for map packs? I just get them form Activision. Free codes FTW.
  25. I got W@W for christmas, and got all 3 map packs. They are all fun, so if you have the $, get them all. My favorite map is Verrückt, but I also like Der Riese and Shi No Numa. Just watch out, if you get into a lobby where someone has an invisible rank, or colored or moving name, then it is going to be a modded lobby, and you hsould probably get out of there I say this because you can get banned for being in a modded lobby.
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