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Everything posted by CheezyWeezle

  1. CLOSED: I have found 3 others and am thus closing this topic. If a moderator wants to move, lock, or delete this topic that is perfectly fine with me. PLAYERS: 1. CheezyWeezle 2. TMG xAzodinx (PuLsExEdGeZ on CoDZ) 3. Jimbob200521 4. Zombiedog 935 (My friend on Xbox and in real life =3) So... Yeah, mkay.
  2. No one cares about your birthday. I am better you live up to your username cuz you are a N00B!!!!
  3. I've never TURRENTS, but I've seen some TURRETS. And I believe there wasn't turrets for the last 2 maps because they don't really fit in. I mean, what production team for a movie sets up auto turrets??? And how would ancient Oriental temples set in remote jungles have mounted M60's????
  4. You signed up 1 DAY BEFORE MY BIRTHDAY 2008 :O
  5. I just thought I should post this here. Aggregame is having a community playdate Friday. It is on the Xbox Dashboard, but I know some people don't look at the dashboard, and some have child or teen accounts and cant see M rated content. Link to the post, as well as the post below. **NOTE**: Make an account and say you are attending in the comments. It almost always enters you in to win something. Last time it was a Calibur11 case. Link: http://aggregame.com/news/2011/07/25/aggregame-official-xbox-360-community-playdate-7-29-2011 We have had several successful Community Playdates here at Aggregame but none of them have been official until now! Hop on your Xbox and head to the Community section on your dashboard and you will see the following information below! Event Information AggreGame is a community for gamers, by gamers. Whether you want to follow the news and articles written by their staff of writers, or subscribe to the Aggregate news feeder, or maybe track gaming trends on Twitter, Aggregame.com is a helpful resource for the modern social gamer. AggreGame is also a technology innovator providing real-time consumer trending and analytics powered by Twitter. You can watch this Community Playdate live streamed in 720P HD on the AGLive stream page and check the AggreGame site for more information regarding this Playdate and event giveaways. Gamertags Send off an invite or friend request to the following gamertags: * AggreGame com * Vosty3 * B1ackIce * GutterMagic * KillaMonkey 713 * Lady Graphix * Newtons Laww * VivaLaTegan * xCrazyGuy92x * xIRGRLx * xRpMx13 VIP Attendees AggreGame has put together a star-studded cast of players. We’ll be bringing the community together with developers of their favorite game, Call of Duty: Black Ops! Treyarch Dev’s Damon Shabestari | Game Designer Tyler Sparks | Associate Producer Paul Mason-Firth | Level Designer Matt Scronce | Online Security Coordinator Kevin Sherwood | Sound Design/Composer Elena Siegman | Singer Zombie Songs Activision | Twitter Support Staff Stan Press | Community Marketing Manager | Astro Gaming Youtube Sensations @TheRealMarkOfJ @EricAkaAviator @iFoRePLayy @Dunkus @AJ_Rogers Call of Duty VIP’s @II_F0XH0UND_II @ClaireJeepChick @MINUS_Stl And as always respond below ***WITH YOUR GAMERTAG*** that you are attending this Event and you just might be rewarded for doing so! Updates: More announcements on the way including giveaways and VIP Attendees!
  6. I am the most anxious of them all, considering I found this thing out... When I was testing the different remote server possibilities and DerRiese worked, I froze. Then freaked out. Then calmed down, grabbed my camera and recorded it. Just for proof that i was the first to find it then, I tried about a million possibilites, all under... lmaxis. Then i gave up when I found out that it was DrMaxis, not Lmaxis. But if anyone does find this, and there is anything significant in the files, then so many brains will go to the finder. I wonder if there even is a password... Or is Treyarch messing with us? If we get in, will there even be anything? WUT ARE WE MISSING?!?!?!?! We have tried it all, all under DrMaxis (Or LMaxis), but there is 4 other accounts.... :(
  7. I am looking for 3 ppl who want to play some zombies on Shangri-La and do the Easter Egg 4 TIMES!!! Then we can go for rounds. Looking only for skilled people. round 20+, knows how to follow instructions, MUST HAVE MICROPHONE, no squeakers, must be cool and must not freak out over little things, must have a LOT of time (more than 24 hours, and thus should have energy stuff, although its not required) Be well rested. I know its a little picky but I'm only asking for good things. Times are as follows: starting at: 1:00 PM Pacific; 2:00 PM Mountain; 3:00 PM Central; 4:00 PM Eastern; 8:00 PM U.K. Doing the egg 4 times will get us all the perks and we keep them forever even if we go down, die, and then respawn the next round. If interested, send a message to CheezyWeezle on Xbox LIVE saying something like "I want in the Shangri-La lobby" or "inv" or something. would prefer voice as I can then judge if you are a squeaker or not. Thanks, and see ya there!
  8. I was just thinking and maybe this means Richtofen dies? Or he already did before? Or... MAXIS. IT IS MAXIS. :O
  9. "One of such places is mentioned to be situated somewhere in the Makalu-Barun region where a new element was believed to have been discovered in 1945 by a doctor who passed away a week later without his body to be found anywhere all that was left was a small teddy bear." - Wikipedia page for Shangri-La ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shangri-La ) This make Shangri-La a good candidate for a Zombies map? I think so... Also saw this: "The Nazis had an enthusiasm for Shangri-La, where they hoped to find an ancient master race, similar to the Nordic race, unspoiled by Buddhism. They sent one expedition to Tibet, led by Ernst Schäfer in 1938." I will update if I find more :)
  10. LMAO what a n00b :P
  11. Did you really just say that? You just contradicted yourself, you arrogant douche. You said that an attachment machine would be "The coolest machine to be dropped into zombies since PaP" Did you not? Well, they made the PaP easily noticeable. VERY VERY NOTICEABLE. IT WAS IN THE F***ING SPAWN RIGHT BEHIND YOU. Now, tell me, would they make something practical like, say, a machine, hidden? Did they hide any other perk machines? Is the PaP NOT easy to find when you look? Since you answered "no" to both of those questions, then you are eligible for a swift kick in the ass! They wouldn't make all the other machines easy to find and then a hide a semi useless one. Have you ever played Zombies? Do you know Treyarch? Do you know how they think? Because I do. I know some Treyarch devs. I know how they think. I played Zombies more than you could imagine, so I am more qualified than you will ever be to speak on this subject. Oh yeah, one last thing, when put "/fail" in there it made me laugh. All you did there was point out that you were ending the biggest fail post on this site. Have a nice day, and God Bless. /WIN
  12. Its possible, but you would need a loading screen, unless the room was very tiny, like the size of an outhouse. Or you could have it move the room from one point to another, but if it were noclipped then you would find the room. 3arc puts hidden things in there, but you usually need to do something to be able to access them. Doesn't necessarily have to be legitimate But yeah if we can debunk this ASAP by any means necessary then we can either figure it out if it is real, or move on if it not. small like maybe the size of an attachment machine??? .... If there was an attachment machine it would be on the map in the most noticeable place. There isn't am attachment machine on this map and there never will be. Let it go, it's not gonna happen.
  13. Its possible, but you would need a loading screen, unless the room was very tiny, like the size of an outhouse. Or you could have it move the room from one point to another, but if it were noclipped then you would find the room. 3arc puts hidden things in there, but you usually need to do something to be able to access them. Doesn't necessarily have to be legitimate But yeah if we can debunk this ASAP by any means necessary then we can either figure it out if it is real, or move on if it not.
  14. We need someone with a J-Tag to noclip down there and tell us whats up I hate to take this approach but if there is anything it will take a long to find it unless we get a modder to help us. He wouldn't need to tell us WHAT is down there, just that there is or isn't anything down there. Then we would know if we should waste our time on this or not. It is a bad approach, yes, but it the only one to yield results. I have seen this a million times before. We think of something, waste precious time that we could be wasting on finding other things, and then we get nothing. Then the next map pack comes out and we still haven't found all the secrets of the previous map *Cough* Ascension *Cough*
  15. He is really trying to go for the whole Samantha Maxis thing here... Or maybe he has a dream... OR MAYBE "HE" ISN'T A "HE" :shock:
  16. like me? :3 I will play with you, Philly! (Dear gosh that sounded wrong :oops: ) But yeah if me and you don't get in (Although I should get in, as I posted first...) I will play a game with you =3 :mrgreen:
  17. People use this section to get teammates because the first month of a map pack being out the Teammate Finder section is pretty much deserted, save like 10 people that lurk there and make an occasional post, whereas in the new map pack section there is 200-300 people watching at all times of the day, thus the thread is most likely seen and a few people post/join the lobby. Don't be hatin', just let them be. You can't make people look in the Teammate Finders section because no one does. After a while a few people creep back over, though, and then the section gets used as intended for a month or two until the next map pack.
  18. I hasn't done it! My GT is CheezyWeezle I will send you a message in a bit. Oh yeah, and.... I CALL TEH WUNDERWAFFE!!!! CALLED IT!!!! MINE!!!
  19. POV actually originated in vidya gamez, as to know whether it is 3rd or 1st person view Then Pr0n took it and... yeah 8-)
  20. If you wanna kill Romero, then message CheezyWeezle on XBL. I will be playing for a few hours tonight, and need 3 people. All we will be trying to do is kill Romero. Not for the first like 10 rounds, but when we get weapons enough we will pour lead into him. I am trying to get the achievement :D
  21. Yup. Release time! So who is getting it at 2AM when it will probably show up? I can't; My code is gonna arrive at like 10AM I think. So, yeah. Oh, yeah, the point of this thread. Hit up CheezyWeezle on Xbox if you wanna play this afternoon. I will be playing like all year lol nah only like a day straight, that's what i did with Ascension.
  22. Tommorrow (Tuesday May 3rd) at around 2AM Pacific.
  23. In the starting room I found a door, located behind some pipes. When you spawn on the lander you will come down and see the M14, and then a group of pipes to the right of it. Behind the pipes there is a door, blocked by the pipes. I don't remember that being there, despite looking straight at the area. Anyone else notice this?
  24. "You messed with wroooooong Mexican!!! (Bad-Assery re-commences)
  25. or he may be showing up in the map after this. it Steve's reply didnt specify a specific time frame Darn it lol I wanted a secret Dempsey appearance :P
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