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Everything posted by CheezyWeezle

  1. Samantha's full name is Samantha Emilia Abigail (or it might be Samantha Abigail Emilia) You can tell this because in Kino (I think in the dressig room) on one of the boards is Samantha's full name. Sorry but those names are her's not other people's. [brains] though for thinking outside the box! Wouldn't her last name be Maxis? It is Maxis. These Douchetards always say that because they are too blind or unreasonable to look past the fact that there may be more. These people are not avid Zombies fans. they come here, speak nonsense, and then wonder why they get flamed when they speak on a subject they know nothing about.
  2. Ah, well it's on Spike TV Just look at your providers channel listings to find it. It will either have the Spike logo or be called, in text, SpikeTV or something. Usually it's wresting on Spike, but they also has GTTV Or you can watch it online :P
  3. I love you . Hope = regained. Brains for making my outlook positive again ahh well its bed time for me. über tired :/ nitey nite CoDz Community!
  4. It just aired on TV, did you not watch? Well anyways, its http://www.gt.tv/
  5. I don't know if this is a glitch, or Phillips455 really likes me, but CoDz says he gave me brains on every post I made in this topic. If this gets brains from him then... IMMA SPAM THIS THREAD TO SHIT!!!! lol jk
  6. No Zombies. Not even mentioned in the episode. The 2 sec screen shot we had wasn't even in there. But at least we got a little look at the MP, which is also fun But I was really looking forward to some Zombies. And none was given. :(
  7. Party pooper :(
  8. It is airing at 10:00 Pacific on Spike :)
  9. lets guess map pack 8 for CoD 44: They made ANOTHER Call of Duty
  10. I remember that- We were all in the chat like ready for some amazing gameplay and zombies info, and then we got 30 seconds of gameplay from MP and then the Ascension gameplay from the already shown First Strike trailer. This new episode of GTTV tonight BETTER include some legitimate gameplay, or I am going to rage... wait, is it tomorrow at 9am? cause if it is.... ill be either asleep because its a bank holiday for me , or so tiered... Yeah it is if you are GMT. It's 1:00 AM Pacific :/
  11. This will be aired at 9 AM tomorrow for people who live in an area that uses Greenwich Mean Time (-0 or +0 or just 0) It is being aired 1 AM Pacific time, and Pacific. Go here and enter in 1:00 AM April 22 Pacific time for the time to be converted, and make sure to check the "Use the following time" box. Then put in your location and convert it. It will tell you the time it will be airing.
  12. Welcome to the site! A UK Zombie is a member that lives in the UK. Someone like UndeadWolfy or MrRoflWaffles, who live in the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Whales) and are registered to this site. To apply you simply Private Message carbonfibah or apply through the User Control Panel, located in the top section of the webpage on the site. (Says CoDz Home, Logout, then User Control Panel) The User Control Panel is also known as the UCP. Hope you enjoy the site!
  13. NO problem. You should apply for UK Zombie if you are UK possibly not in the uk, he might be in portugal ;P Then he should apply for Portuguese Zombies :P
  14. NO problem. You should apply for UK Zombie if you are UK ;)
  15. It's 1:00 AM Pacific tomorrow, so GMT would be 9:00 AM I believe.
  16. exactly, maybe a 30 second gameplay clip like I believe they have done before I would shit bricks :oops: lol
  17. Yep, a new GTTV episode tonight will feature Escalation gameplay. Don't know about any Zombies on it, but just a heads up in case there is GTTV link: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/episode-409-gt-tv/713057
  18. Lol it's not a zombie. Just a dude with glowing eyes Unless these are the new zombie types... :shock:
  19. Well, pull up all the lighthouse theories again! Let's see what we got... ;)
  20. Its gonna be a LONG month... Anyways, this looks as official as it gets. Time to ask Mr. Olin and Mr. Vonderhaar for a little more info. Just a little. IN the mean time my stomach hurts like the dickens, so imma go rest. Night CoDZ, and sorry I haven't been on in a while! Been playing Minecraft...
  21. Welcome to the forum! And yes, Kino Der Toten was initially going to be Map Pack 4 for World at War, but it was delayed and put in Call of Duty: Black Ops because of Modern Warfare 2 coming out, Activision didn't want to release a Map Pack for an older game (World at War) for whatever reason. Ascension was going to be the base map (Starting map) for Black Ops. It would have made more sense, too.
  23. I can just stream from iTunes to my iPod. No download NEEDED, but I still want to. I only have like 2.3 gigs of space left, so I will just stream it.
  24. Try streaming from the website. http://cdzpodcast.podbean.com/ I don't own an Apple product so I wouldn't know if it works or not. No it wont. It would be easier to stream through iTunes, even if it does work. If it uses flash in any way or uses Javascript in a flash-esque way it wont work. iPods do not support flash and probably never will.
  25. Well this sucks. Now my iPod is going to get real full, real quick. Might not even be able to save em! Just may have to listen without a download... But I wanna download em... I dont know what to do :(
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