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Everything posted by CheezyWeezle

  1. Well, then. If you say no chat, then no chat. Fun times were had, lols created, memes redone in obscure manners, and people glorified for funny remarks (You know who you are cuz I dont...). But this is the end or an era, a fun era. We had a good run in caht, but its time has come. Unless another comes to fill its place and keep the chat family living, then this is the end. Its was fun, see ya on the other side ;)
  2. You are retarded. In game models take about 5 hours to draw (for a big model, like the rocket in Ascension, which is different from the one in Launch, as it is bloody and Zombie like), 20 min to program, and about 10 seconds to place in the game. The power model could take like 1 hour 30 min to draw, 15-20 min to program it if it is using specific design charicteristics (i.e. useable, destroyable, moveable, etc., etc.) Think before you speak, it helps a lot ;)
  3. Obviously that guy is a retarded fail. The Mystery Box is 100% random. There is no glitch, secret, Easter Egg, or anything like that that will give you good weapons. Anyone who says otherwise is stupid and retarded.
  4. This is im the Members Section for a reason. I do not believe it will be of importance, I am putting this here because it is just something cool. I know it is not of importance in terms of the Zombies story/ Info on the next COD. But this is in the members section, so DO NOT all me a fake, saying I am lying. GTFO you flamer. I will put in my unboxing video, "DDanso7 is a flaming NEWB. Haha, in your face, retard."
  5. Ha! Won't you look retarded when I post the unboxing video that proves that it's from SledgeHammer Games OH YEA, PIC TIME NAO!
  6. I have received the gift. It was a hat signed by Michael Condrey, a SledgeHammer Games magnet, a Sledgehammer games folder thing, a Call of Duty/SledgeHammer games Mouse pad, and a dollar bill. Something curios about the mouse pad, though, is that it shows little chemical things (The Hexagons) with OH on them (Hydroxide). I smell some more chemical warfare in MW3/Next COD that SHG is making... yyjqcftxuaI
  7. If you were connected to LIVE, the clocks would have had the correct time. And Kino is already based off of Berlin Wall. Kino is like Shi No Numa, not directly taken from Multiplayer, but uses the same elements.
  8. I have no clipped. No such door exists.
  9. In the W@W maps there is "interactive" dialogue, where one character says something and another replies, if they are in the same general vicinity. But I haven't heard any of this kind on Ascension. I have on "Five" and Kino, and all the classic maps, but not Ascension. So there may be some new dialogue, or maybe the patch just unlocks the dialogue.
  10. I would kill myself if this was the last map...
  11. I can play usually around 4 or 5 PM to 10 PM PST (7 or 8 PM to 1 AM EST) GT is tharok42 send me a message or friend request. If my list is full then send a message.
  12. Title Update #7 just went live on Xbox, patch comes on 3/3 for PS3 and PC. Test those theories Oh yeah and last game played on Ascension doesn't overwrite anymore :D
  13. Dead Ops/Cosmic Silverback are NOT related to the story whatsoever. The relation is purely coincidential. The Cosmic Silverback is a SILVERBACK and Silverbacks are at LEAT 6 feet tall gorillas. we are fighting 1.5 foot tall little chimps in Ascension. Would a little chimp relate to a massive Silverback? I think not...
  14. Yeah, like they go into your Killstreak slot, and you cycle through them by pressing down on the D-Pad.
  15. I wanna see some Custom Mpa support here If Treyarch allows compatability for Custom Maps on Console (PS3 and Xbox only, sorry Wii) through USB mods and such (Us sneaky modders 8-) ) I would love them eternally
  16. I do believe Treyarch could make Easter Egss/Hidden Rooms invisible as soon as you NoClip. It would be an easy script; } If player (noclip=1) Set egg_room_1 (Empty_Wall) Set egg_sam_vox (Vol=0) Set egg_add_wunderwaffe (Script_void) Set player_egg_quote_vox (Vol=0) Set egg_sam_character_model (Texture_gone=1) { It would be easy, and I think that is what they did after people constantly noclipping and finding everything. Makes sense.
  17. Nikolai is the drunk, Dempsey is the Bad-Ass Americam
  18. Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh......... 'Tis you! The one who stole the credit of finding the DerRiese server from me. I say this because you did NOT give me credit for finding it first, although I did. Well, anyways, moving on. I did NOT say that tge songs gave NO meaning, I said we do not know wgat they mean, because we do not know whose eyes tgese songs are written through. I am saying that his "Analysis" is probably wrong, because he just randomly threw Richtofen in there. It does not mention Richtofen ANYWHERE, AT ALL, IN ANY WAY. So the fact that he just said, for no reason, that Richtofen is who she is speaking of (With no evidence that that is who she is apeaking of) is annoying. It's like me saying, "Oh, yeah, in 115 she is totally saying that she has a crush on Tank, and she nicknamed him "115". And she is also saying that Richtofen is helping Takeo hold onto his life, and that Nikolai is lossely Christian." It makes no sense, because no evidence is there to support it. That is what I am saying.
  19. Where did Richtifen ever come into play in this song??? It does not mention Richtofen, or even Samantha for that matter. For all we know this could be written through the eyes of Tank's freaking grandmother. We have no confirmation of anything AT ALL that pertains to the songs. So I will laugh if all this was written with it's spelling and grammar mistakes for no reason at all. I am pretty sure this is all wrong.
  20. My friend Zombiedog 935 noticed that when you jump ON the centerfuge when it's spinning you don't get downed. Maybe try jumping on it when it's spinning and with the DM's? While shooting it?
  21. Thats what I was thinking!!! ZOMBIES CUTSCENE FTW!!! Maybe Sarah Michelle whatever is playing Sam in the cutscene??? Or maybe Sophia??? It could be back at Der Riese, Maxis (Danny??) is talking to Sophia about the Reichstag High Command letter he is sending Then the map is Area 51? Or it is another map (I want Area 51 lawl) and it has 4 others, and one is a woman scientist, like in Richtofen's place. Or 2 Zombies maps, one with our heroes, one with new people... 8-)
  22. I was trying to delete a topic that I figured irrelevant after a while, and I cannot find out how to delete a whole topic, or even a single post.
  23. I was thinking and maybe the Death Machine will appear in the box. It may have like 200 in clip, 400 in reserve, and it takes 10 seconds to reload. The power would be dumbed down quite a bit, though. Would be Pack-A-Punched to The Holocaust (LOL JK just can't think of a name ATM)
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