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Everything posted by Camoufrage

  1. Yeah, I dunno why they didn't add rainbow colored clan tags. I would prestige 15 times for that!
  2. He went forward in time, therefor he has been fighting zombies since Shi No Numa, which was around 1945.
  3. So here I will write about what I have discovered so far in Kino Der Toten, I will try to update this regularly... General No characters ever seem to reference to the fact that they are around 20 years into the future, interesting. I would think they would say something about how advanced the weaponry they are using is compared to in their previous adventures. Random, but Takeo's name color is yellow, and Japanese people are generally called yellow people (no offense). The Mystery Box seems to be in a random spot, and although this seems common sense to most people, I think there is somewhat of an order to them. After a certain ammount of times, for example, the Mystery Box will be in the second room upstairs. Cosmic Silverack is NOT on top of Kino Der Toten. Weapons Not sure, but I think the Ray Gun is considerably weaker then it was in the World At War zombie maps. I hope it's just me. The Thunder Guns glows in a pretty orange =P. My favorite weapon is Mustang & Sally. Characters Dempsey doesn't wear clothes that look like most normal American soldiers, he seems to be wearing more lightweight stuff. Nikolai likes Vodka. Takeo likes to talk about his "honor" a lot, and I think it's funny. Richtofen is FTW forever period.
  4. Usually when by myself I just let the game take me where I need to go, not open up doors until the room I am currently in is not suitable to be in to hold off against the geeks. After about 12 rounds I start opening up all doors and make laps around the theater with the Zeus Cannon and Porter's Ray Gun until I either run out of ammo or somehow get kills by some of them. With other people I just play to have fun, usually don't last until round 13.
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