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Everything posted by ZeMrDark

  1. A camping strategy, no way?! As long as you're not a point fiending monkey and looking for distance, here you go- 4 players CAN get far... Requirement -- CLAYMORES!! From the starting area, open up the first door down stairs BUT NOT the 2nd door.. Some of you already assume Im going to propose an alley camp.. well thats just dumb. You can choose your own rounds however, from here head back to the starting area and upstairs opening all the way to the stage, only stopping to earn points or check the box what ever the case may be.... Player 1 does the almighty loop around the stage players 2-3-4 Head BACK to the room with the fire pit... Your goal, is to allow players 2-3 to face down the hall shooting @ everything coming, while also checking the window to your direct right periodically. Player 4 is in charge of the windows, killing all the zombies trying to come thru them and repairing them.. Between rounds, players 2-3-4 plant claymores thru out the room. If the swarm becomes too much to handle.. every backs up to the window by the fire pit and turns the trap on, the zombies will NOT run around the wall they will run right into the fire... This system is extremely effective as long as you can handle yourself well and hold off from using the fire trap till late in the round... the KEY to a good system.. Is WELL laid claymores incase some get thru the windows, also the player 1 on the stage needs to SWARM the zombies heavy, to reduce the spawning in the trap room. As the stage player kills his swarm the zombies will return, but not in mass as only so many can come thru windows adjacent to an area players are in. My roomies and I do this and it's amazing, the amount of claymores you will have in the room will disgust you, on top of which, if everything falls thru, you can always open the door to the alley and run thru unspawned areas to escape. It's clever, I wish I had a photo of all of our claymores.. we had them lined, across the entire floor... For all of you vets, you also know, there is a fine line where you can repair windows in a forward-backward motion where zombies can and can not hit you. Anyways.. Im tired.. no idea why I posted this and i ramble a lot.. if you have any questions theres a good chance I may not answer them, but enjoy Hahaha...
  2. Keep in mind, as we all know Kino was to be a WaW map.. Im sure there are a lot of now aesthetic features which once were to be a planned easter egg... :(
  3. AK47u The ammo is respectively 'low', how ever you can easily regain the points for the upgraded ammo if you swarm the zombies respectively and aim for the head across the group.. The shot guns, yes they are the MOST powerful shotguns upgraded according to in-game data (for pap'd weapons) ... However, the AK74 will clean thru in a straight line to earn you more points, while the spray of a shogun can be diverted over heads or into the ground or off to the side.. it really is better to use a Line of Sight item like the AK74u, PERIOD...
  4. Telling ya-- Traps, buying ammo--- What ever the strategy maybe... If you run around the centrifuge and thats it, you'll save ammo when it turns on... Always keep spare ray/tg ammo for monkey rounds... It's all very very simple.... Plus it's a circle you'll never have to deviate from to 'buy' anything or 'pay' for a trap... If you kill a mass of one wave, and a perk drops... just keep doing your circle, you'll run into it... All the pipes cram the zombies, causing them to bottle neck around the corner by the window closest to, so it slows them... it's so simple.. lol EDIT: But YES.. if you do run out of primary ammo, and you're waiting for the centrifuge it can take a long long time... as, as the game continues it's very clear that the centrifuge seems to turn on only as often as IT would like and not that you would like.. you also will receive diminished points due to the repeated use of this trap... but you will get far.
  5. Well the thing is, Ascension is much further in the future then Der Reise and Ascension was a displaced future.. So between Der and the real time line leading to ascension, there could have been other experiments connected to 115 that have no great detail until we have a map between Der and Ascension beyond Kino... My assumption would be that maybe the monkeys were dying in rentry, so there as an experiment to use 115 to allow the monkeys to survive reentry and during these experiments and the gersch exposure the scientists became infected. As keep in mind, monkeys in space couldnt be exposed to the gersch experiments in space, they'd have to be xposed pre-launch... Also... They arent zombie monkeys, they are super monkeys...
  6. lol.. This video was non sense... "it felt like the rounds were longer..." Probably because they were using the most retarded weapons ever for late rounds and couldn't kill quickly anymore...
  7. Now that the audio has been stripped and nothing amazing about alternate scripts for an egg has been discovered or sam talking or any other crazy stuff... Guess what -- Nothing further special is to happen...
  8. Please answer me this --- If the code doesn't contain other words as an active component to the script.. why the hell would any of you assume you can spell other words.. I mean really... think about it... PC Users have the game as of the 25th of last month.. it's the 7th of the month there after... and you know what, nothing new.. So to sum it up, We've seen the code-- all 3 platforms have the game and nothing new has been discovered involving the mystery man since it first came out on Xbox... In conclusion... it's concluded Hahahaha...
  9. I giggled when I read this.. Then I said to myself, "Why... why..." My thing is, if you have NEVER done the easter egg, or hell.. even made it beyond round 20... speculating anything about the easter egg is a waste of your time :)
  10. There are no conspiracies going on here, he simply asked a question, which was answered. So you believe the question was asked out of curiosity rather than speculation? You don't read the forums enough ;)
  11. Thats only upgrading the ballistic knife, not the bowie... As you can upgrade the balistic knife w/o the bowie then buy the bowie later and not pack a punch So... MOOT
  12. ... lol that was already debunked, try pressing pause It's just a monkey lunar pod crashing.. LOL... Gawd..
  13. It certainly is damned as the man said My german friend when we played she instantly said, "What is theater of the damned?"
  14. I just run in a circle around the centrifuge and use the lander to escape, giving me time to stop for 30+ secs untill it recharges then take it back to the center.. when you have 20+ zombies @ centrifuge, turn and aim for the head.. easy as pie.. plus if the centrifuge turns on, you just saved ammo ^_^
  15. I still don't understand.. What does the picture have to do w/your initial post... Im not seeing any connections...
  16. If you pay attention to the "hints" too hard --- we get conspirator type threads like this Hahaha...
  17. It was fun... I expected more from it, but there wasn't... I'll live ^_^
  18. What if it turned into a feather and when you used it, you grew a raccoon tail and could fly around the map?! Haha..
  19. I suspect... it means nothing, lol... He makes a comment about Richtofen being evil... but not as evil as the zombies.. So he obviously chooses to fight beside a lesser evil... :/ Also seeing how we dont get anymore trailers from Treyarch on zombie maps, Rich, tak, Nik, Dempsey are the characters for the zombie series... I don't foresee any killing amongst the player character(s)..
  20. Jesus guy? Hyena's have hoofs? wtf world are you from... LOL a Hyena does not have hooves LOL... I just don't know where to go with this, with you... Google hyena and look at pics maybe? LOL... LOL!!!!
  21. You can always get an instal kill before power... I still don't understand lol...
  22. Im going to FLAME YOU HARD!!!... but I got tired of yelling at past posters, so I'll be nice The batteries.. lol they are batteries, like a barrel in the game is a barrel... I've thrown gersches everywhere, done the easter egg to many times... And no, the batteries are irrelevant.. The fact they share a name with the DM's may just be a hint to the inventors name or nick name... possibly an easter egg to reality or maps to come explaining the creation of the DM... But as far as the mystery man easter egg goes, there are enough videos disproving they have to do with anything, that it has become common knowledge, that they are inanimate objects just as the walls and floor..
  23. I got that the picture was supposed to be a skull.. But what relevance does this have? As yea... its no clip, hes on top of a building.. anndd.. lol What does this have to do with doing the steps during monkey rounds? This is a fresh idea straight from the bong rip, least thats what it's becoming.. Elmwood... try starting over.. POST your explanation of what the hell that picture has to do with.. lol As all I see is glitching, and a cloud that looks like a skull, I saw one that looked like a duck once, but I didn't have a duck perk? Im so lost..
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