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Everything posted by ZeMrDark

  1. What are we talking about lol... this was about Woods theory, not sure what we're talkuing about anymore I wanna do it and prove it right or wrong, I like the way it sounds.. do the parts on monkey rounds...
  2. because the extinguishers are aesthetically pleasing for the map
  3. Like what if each step is to be complete during the monkey rounds...? I am a firm believer that it's done--- but this seems plausible..
  4. Your friends are retarded then... it comes to a point where you have so many points it doesnt hurt to upgrade what ever, but I dont usually upgrade till 20's..
  5. Thats a glitch on your system It doesnt do that for me at all... lol..
  6. .. there is a fire and the pipes are rusty, 115 glows orange, it isnt flat orange.
  7. Its done.. lol gawd.. it took us 1 week to solve the easter egg.. it's been 2 mo now.. there is nothing more...
  8. Glitching in this game to do well makes you gay... and not the gay that means homosexual, but the one that means ignorant... you know? I can think of another word that has a double meaning but, that would make me a hater.. Anyways, what ever the case may be... it makes you retarded, and probably 10 years old... Or a 10yr old trapped in a 27 year olds body, which is a great representation of a mentally handicapped individual... But hey!! Least you g0t Xb0x...
  9. Good thinking and noticing the details Jesus, dont even go there again... Thats already been discussed, the fact that someone noticed it is actually a LACK of detail, for on split second you witness the zombie that earns the points it has NOTHING to do with the door.. This video has been debunked, theories are dead like the easter egg... Kill Stuff, Get Point, Climb the Board and wait for a new map already...
  10. There is no change to Kino or Ascension as far as the Thunder Cannon is concerned.. THEY DO GET UP with a PaP'd TG, I've witnessed it a # of times as TG + Ray is my combo... There is a very legitimate reason why the Wunder Waffle no longer exists, beyond the supposed story that it was destroyed in the teleporter. The reason for implementing its destruction into the story was because plain and simple.. it's Over Powered... Having a gun that chains thru 50 people even around corners with an insta kill.. is to powerful, with the way we all kite now... when would you die? Just run in a circle when you collect 1 phase of spawns turn and shoot into them, eventually you'd get a max ammo Im sure in maps to come, they'll re-examine the story and say no wait it wasnt destroyed but sent in time to [insert new map name here] and it will be our beloved gun, but possibly nerfed due to it's over powered nature. Like you can get ANY power ups with it's use, or it has limited range, or limited ammo like the TG... But for now lets face it, if you had the Wunder Waffle in Kino or Ascension, how 'easy' would it be to stride right to 40+ w/o a hick up.. and 'easy' is not the point of zombies... Now some of you may argue, well in der reise it was freaking hard to stay alive even with it, etc etc etc... Der is tighter area's, w/few escapes, as where ever it would be that you would go to run away zombies can spawn, yes there are areas in Der you can 'kite' but they are tight and make very little room for a mistake, so the WW w/in that map is not so far fetched, more often then not in Der, you die by being cornered and not while kiting. Having the ability to chain a weapon around a corner gives you opportunity for escape and not a means to take advantage of the games AI... Which even though we ALL kite... Kiting IS taking advantage of the games AI... I wouldnt be surprised if zombies got even smarter in maps to come and would 'stop' chasing you for a second to change directions. That way, to disallow kiting.. Anyways im getting off subject... My point is, the maps we've been playing allow for the over powered nature of the Wunder Waffle to take hold and make it 'easy mode'. Im sure it will be back one day, but for now, it doesn't make sense to the challenge of the game.
  11. Yea it's not patched, wish people would stop saying it is.. But I do something similar.. I continuously get in their way, the get so pissed... Also I always before I press ready state, "If any of you fools try to use the lander glitch im just going to drop out and leave you with elongated rounds that take forever" or if im host "If any of you try to glitch even once, im dropping host so leave now if thats your plan" it works, those that glitch always leave before the game starts.. One kid said, "Come on man, everyone does it. So it's not cheating anymore.." LOL... What a moron.. I usually just play with my roomies now, I have 4 room mates, we have 3 xbox's and 3 COD copies as well as the classic maps.. So we do our own thing w/o glitchers.. I have only a HANDFULL of friends on my account that don't glitch.. It's sad... What ever new zombie map comes out, I really hope they address current glitches serious and patch it, as well as take any new glitches serious and patch immediately. I also wish that when they patch glitches, they also RESET the leader board for that particular map, sucks for us but really it's only fair.
  12. I dont leave the room but to check the box :/ Im literally in the room round after round after round... It spins less, either because im in it or because it's set to spin an exact # of times per round or something but either way.. the more the rounds go on, the less it seems to spin.. There isnt a trigger..
  13. alpha snake has a fairly comprehensive thread on that last part red. btw, in the code does anything point to the blowing up part? somebody said it was just a glitch... surely it must not be becaues of the fact that it seems to have its own explosion Efx and destructed parts of the rocket (cud be a glitch if things are dynamicly destructable like BF, but this is cod, and its not)... Of course its not a glitch.. you get a 2x for doing it :P
  14. What I've honestly noticed is that the centrifuge seems to spin less and less as the game continues, not that it's trigged. If you notice when you start the game it seems to spin often while you're in the room, but as the rounds extend it spins less and less and less.. I don't believe it's of any result of our own, just the way the game mechanics work to maintain the challenge.. As I usually camp down there and run around it over and over again, the more the game goes forward the less often it seems to spin is all...
  15. Im not going to give you negative brains, but I won't give you positive brains... I don't know how any of this is being suggested, your theory isnt actually based on anything? lol... I mean really it's not, how does raising hell pertain to the blood stains and don't say because it's the grim reaper, as the reaper works for both heaven and hell and is not evil.. I just don't understand.. LOL.. It was well put together, your thought that is.. but it's not very sound :P
  16. ZeMrDark


    the code doesnt spawn anything beyond death machines
  17. I saw that and gave you a PLUS lol.. No idea why they did that.. And yes I've jumped in a gersch to end up 10 ft from it.. It was frustrating as my intent was to get away from the zombies... lol
  18. Twitter ... :/ I hate twitter.. I use facebook to actually communicate with friends and family, but twitter.. thats like seeing onside of a convo and assuming you know whats going on.. lol lame lame site..
  19. I think it's done... We solved it quickly and now 1 month later people are theorizing that it's not.. Let them to their thoughts Unless a patch comes out to finish it, it's done done done... least IMO.. Anyways its what keeps the community strong, and what else is there to talk about? Hehehehe...
  20. Yea the Gersch teleports you if you jump into it Random locations though.. have fun!
  21. If you;re the only one who's debunked this then that's not enough to confirm she doesn't say anything. There has to be a general consensus for either side on the matter b/c there are more people who say they hear it and less (from what I can find) that can't hear anything. It might just be you who can't hear it. Thats fair, excpet its not that I can't hear it.. considering I have 3 Front Speakers, 2 rear and one sub built into my couch... My sound system is disgusting... I have just NEVER heard her say this, EVER?! I have seen ONE video showing the sound, but it only sounds like it COULD be and doesnt sound like it IS... I cant argue it being debunked at this point I'll agree to that, but you also havent shown me proof that it DOES exist other than the already posted video which is already up for discussion. I don't know!!! lol..
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