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Everything posted by ZeMrDark

  1. Yea but the wall is unfinished in the map SO when did it START being built...
  2. This is a great lil song and all... but we're not theorizing anything, we're talking about a tournament you fool :P
  3. That and you've always been able to see live feed from that projection.. So, nothing new..
  4. It's because of file size... But, it should still be an option and the movie playback can be saved on the HD instead of the server... The mechanics behind the theater mode work similar to others, it doesn't actually capture a movie, but captures the information that occurred during the game, obviously making a file size technically small for a movie, however when dealing with something that continuously triggers +20 zom +20 zom for hours on end, thats a lot of info.
  5. Well there is the REF idea.. 2/3 man teams 3rd/4th player Grenads upon spawn, spectates the match... That way the ref has 0 interference in the game and can monitor to make sure no one is cheating... I personally dont mind watching a game even if it takes 7-8-9 hrs... if a game could make it that long.. Click and vote.. viewtopic.php?f=53&t=7647&view=viewpoll I dont want to host just a zombies tourney with players who play one map I'd love to do brackets and break it out thru multiple maps.. Oldest to newest.. And as far as Psyclon Nine is concerned I LOVED THEM! lol... I actually have a project of my own that is similar in style..
  6. Thats fair to say... allowing PSN to get use to the game play and the easter egg themselves before releasing a patch that alters the outcome.. Ok.. *claps* You've convinced me.. But what do you think of this tournament idea? I've hosted a few online tournaments before in my time based on Winner/Loser brackets and double elim Quals... But how could games be monitored to be sure of no cheating and fair play... Hrmmm O_O Why cant there be a theater mode for ZOMBIES! ;(
  7. My point here is that topics over a month old are being bumped back to the top... that are moot in point, lame theories and at this point now that there was no patch.. it's understood that the easter egg is done.. As again, we figured it out the first week the map was released... If there as more, why is it taking us so long? Because there isn't more.. It's starting to turn into Kino with the fuse boxes, except there's about 3 million more theories that will never be so and even some that are based on glitching which are completely ignorant, as... the game never intended for glitching to do ANYTHING... So... Yea I wanna see some competition personally... I would love for a Zombies tournament. Teams of 4, 1 needs a video recording option and have prizes and such... Hrmm makes me wanna put something together actually... and host a site for it...
  8. No patch-- Easter Egg is Done-- No more theories-- Look for the 'other' supposed eggs in the other maps now You may all stop with the 2nd device, sacrifice taeko, diving into the gersch and finding objects outside the map via a glitch that you weren't intended to get to anyways so have nothing to do with anything.. Sooo... Who likes the band Psyclon Nine?
  9. Ha ha ha.. Ya, this is nothing the no clips proved that..
  10. Yea there are more lights, but it's insignificant.. The tele uses a graphic that has a chance of turning on a certain # of lights... it means nothing, just an effect..
  11. type in ascension easter egg in youtube, it will answer all your questions ;)
  12. Nah as she'd be infinite in power, we'd just keep forcing her back to were she dwells...
  13. Like I could see a "SAM" round Where she teleports into our world, and she can raise zombies endlessly while you fight her or she can 'zombify' a player temporarily till a round is down.. Haha...
  14. Nah I think eventually the 'bonus' rounds will be fighting sam and forcing her back into her own dimension...
  15. There are... Explaining how, admitting a strategy of doing it yourself and explaining there-in or demonstrating video of how.. but not saying you played with people that did or being disgruntled about people doing it.. I wish they'd just patch it all the way :/ Once lander is above a certain height insta dmg that kills anyone near it's edge.. but above head lvl to avoid killing people just running around..
  16. Ill bump it because I think it's irrelevant. And I know people fester with irrelevant info.. Hahaha, the egg is done.. If would could figure it out week 1 of the release, why cant we solve it one month later? As it done... and if there is a patch, the information is incomplete... and again irrelevant ;)
  17. ZeMrDark

    First Strike

    Xbox didn't get it till 6am EST -- So, you have 1.5 hrs from this patch
  18. The leader boards ARE fixed... they are NOT retro... If you play from PATCH DATE the data saves, not anything PRE-PATCH... I've been playing since then and I've seen it saving my stats properly.. So.. There... lol
  19. They patched it... just not like people think.. You still can ride the edge, as it goes up, but as soon as it goes forward you fall... I played with a GOOD player last night, we played a few matches then showed me the glitch. It was a let down when he did it, as out-right he's a good player and he'd let this get in the way of him being a player worth knowing...
  20. If it doesnt happen it doesnt happen.. It's still not a big deal, the easter egg was fun... I did it a few times already.. I still like the map, I still like zombies and I will continue to play.. Anyone who balances their joy for the game on this one particular easter egg is ignorant. Remember Verockut (spelling) ... Well most of you would judge anyone who says, "What a dumb map who would ever play zombies.. it's so pointless..." Well it wasn't... because the point of the game, is to kill zombies.. no matter what twists or plots, or interactive easter eggs they add, the point will always be to kill zombies.. SO BANG!! or POW!! or.. what ever Just pull the right trigger and have fun!
  21. I see a duck.. lol its a freaking cloud.. and in response to the nay sayer a few posts above.. the gun thing, it was a glitch, a bug, an error in the game itself...
  22. This has been debunked already, about a month ago..
  23. LOL.. I love the explanation.. i would have sufficed with.. Everquest /loc = X,Y,Z ... hell most 3D-Games have a console mode that .loc and or /loc give you the x,y,z of current location... *shrugs* But... I guess you could also explain a spacial grid ;)
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