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Everything posted by ZeMrDark

  1. LOL!! Well the topic needed some entertainment.. lol as there isnt to much to say about papers and words Hahaha.. So... ahem, where are the rest of the MJ jokes...?!
  2. Good discussion!! To the guy who feels left out, I think there maybe some rez to scrape from that bowl of yours... Join us later ;)
  3. I think the end of the egg is right here... "Http://www.com"" Sorry was the link broken? Yea... that happens when there's no info to be found on something that is not going to be completed any further, less a patch comes Mar 3rd...
  4. I think it's great how Treyarch ties historical facts into it's games, but I don't see how it actually applies to the game other than the 'setting' I still stick with my History Channel theory on this All good info, which because I knew you put hard work in.. I actually sat and read here @ work... So I give you [brains] for all the work and the fun facts... but this is more the setting for the reality of the game rather then the development or meaning behind the story :)
  5. Jokes are great but keep in mind there are people of a younger age in here please edit the swears out...
  6. So what did the patch do if it didn't do what you said it did... Are there patch notes? As NOTICING an improvement could totally be a placebo of what we wish was, better.. PATCH NOTES PLZ!
  7. Wow... I guess because the mods dont need to remove it, it's not offensive, nor is it glitching, it's just the kid who had to check the box Born After April 13th 1999 to register on the forum :P
  8. Just as a correction... you don't have to dolphin dive you just have to jump... heck you can even stand in the graphic and just tap jump and you'll teleport ;)
  9. Well the door is giant, so either your brother is blind or mentally handicapped hahaha, it's ON the stage BEHIND the screen...
  10. Like I said in the start of this thread.. Nothing was shown here that was interesting other than the red light.. The vid is just... a vid of nothingness.. lol But the red light, still neato!
  11. This thread was cool --- till you guys started posting theories.. This isnt the what if thread this is the what isn't... I'd like to see the hard work that the original poster put into this continue, this thread is a resource of what we know is NOT validtaed thru either video or unedited imagery. No more posts about what it might be please Post those else where, as it will keep this easier to follow so we can use it as a reference to what we know is NOT the next step(s).. And to answer your question, the shadows are visible, easier in solo to see as in multi the textures are reduced to keep the game running smoothing. Soo -- Lets keep the Debunk up.. anything other than that, SHH!
  12. Segal did cocaine... But besides the fact, they arent american heros.. THey are Americano to be torn apart and watch the movies for how ridiculous they were.. As I hear watching Chuck Norris movies cures cancer.. Point made, NEXT!
  13. Ok.... AK74U How about the M-16.. and not A1 or M14.. but M-16.. Now I like the thought on the berlin wall, placing the date as this is a major historical artifact... But, if zombies were running amuck in this area, why would the berlin wall ever have been finished? I doubt the masses were more concerned about social difficulties @ that time and probably more concerned about their brains being eaten? Anyways my point is... There are zombies, time travel and wunder guns... How about you all agree you can't place the time at all and accept the fact that the only way to know the date is to see the date.. Like the guy said, "Time Travel" and like I say... "Treyarchs Zombie Fantasy World of Possibility" Hahahaha
  14. I can confirm this, I played a solo match earlier searching for that elusive 3rd radio. By round 9 I had already had the 3 film reels and played them then proceeded to shoot the chandelier and then the tower in the alley and heard exactly what he you had heard, the knocking on the door , who is it, and then some static. I continued searching the map for a good hour or so and couldn't find that last radio. Sorry none of this is new There are only a certain # of radios and reels... This was debunked this past december, as some kid got REALLY excited and posted a video of the same find you're talking about, after watching it, we all realized all he did was watch the reels and listen to the radios in a specific order.. when in fact he just listened to all the same messages we've all heard. I think it was just more due to cluelessness that there ARE other radios.. with other messages.. Sorry mate Not new!! BUt keep Looking!!
  15. It is commonly used.. lol and some how I dont think CSI has anything to do with treyarch ;)
  16. Looking for 3 other players -- Need head sets Have made it beyond lvl 20 and wanna have a good time.. Im aiming for distance, but we can do the egg too Gamer tag is Mr Ze Dark Send me a message on Xbox live, first 3 get the invites..
  17. What irritates me is the.. "Migrating Host" even seeing it BLINK means the people in your group are about to get booted... then there sthe dreaded count down.. The Zombie servers... need more love..
  18. Glad you are pumped.. Now if you could use a time machine and go back a few weeks, you would be able to post this and actually be the first But good looks finding it w/o help..!
  19. I've done the easter egg, I've bought perks after... as we lost one when the monkeys came back after the egg... It hasnt a thing to do with it, that is buying them... But... you almost have the map pack, just a week away!! So have fun when it comes out and try not to become as compulsive with this as us retards on Xbox did... HAHAHA ;)
  20. You do under stand it's a play on words for the word used when doing a magic trick right?
  21. the xbox version has already been nocliped Not it hasn't... People have glitched the lander to FALL onto certain areas to investigate but the map has not been no-clipped... The code guy that mentioned every digital inch was refering to the code and the glitchers don't know what they are doing and try to mislead us into thinking there are secerets..
  22. Great post playing devils advocate in a polite non-flaming sort of way. Im optomistic that the egg is not complete, either by something we're not doing or a hotifx come Mar. 3rd/4th. Either way, the easter egg was fun, it was complex and it says a lot to what is to come for easter eggs in coming maps. I see a lot of people saying the egg was anti-climactic. Well truthfully it's not, unless you wanted Zombies to end on ascension, which it won't. Treyarch is an amazing company and being that it's a company it makes money off our purchases. If they ended Zombies here and now only in Zombies second generation then they would lose revenue off of a widly enjoyed product. So my point is, it isn't anti climactic, the point was to interact with the story and be lead further thru the chaos of samantha's desire to murder people. The radios gave us more, the easter egg was fun... I dont mind that people speculate over the possibilities of continuing the egg, I get irritated with the people that say F*** TREYARCH!! Because of the way it ended... Let me remind you of the fuses boxes that do nothing in Kino and the reels that were never worth getting as well as the rocket that took off on the table for no reason.. Come on guys.. It's either done Not done waiting to be patched or missing step But either way, you love zombies and before this easter egg ever existed you never had a problem with Treyarch... So... grab your controllers and try to beat my score w/o glitching in multi-zombies.. cause im tired of all the que que'ing.. ;)
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