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Everything posted by ZeMrDark

  1. That achievement existed before ascension and is not map specific.
  2. Great thought... maybe 2 - 2 but both groups attack the gersch?
  3. Good video.. But one thing, when I did the easter egg the first time with Hybrid now Productionz.. we had to try multiple times having a different series of guns each time.. There are 3 or 4 various messages that ar eplayed during your process... Your almost here... System Over Load.... Safety protocols.. and one other... I think it's just qued by the game to say 1 of the random messages.. Wasn't quite sure what you did in this that was different.. still a good video, however.. the red light... That caught me off guard... I live this game daily and I truly DO NOT remember the red glow... If I were you if you have time, I'd expound upon that.. !! ;)
  4. LOL.. I re-read it myself and really can't wait to get home from work to play now.. LOL
  5. No hate, I'll love you like MJ loved 20 year olds... all 20 of them... HAHAHA
  6. BRAVO!! WOOOO!!! *CLAPS* I agree but, I still hold true to that there MAY be a patch to complete hitsam and hyena... and there also might not be.. Heck it could be what WAS to be there pre-release and was removed. Anyways, lol Im glad you pointed out that some striking points were made by other people analyzing the code, that it seems relatively dead end at this present time.. and those posts were ignored completly while continuing to expound upon the hopes of what it COULD mean... The fact is, people need to understand what has occured thus far in the easter egg and see it for what it is. Done... if there were alternative ways to continue this, then they would have already been discovered. Especially at the rate the easter egg was initially discovered and the stripping apart of the code. Hell for all we know it's something really retarded, like.. upon finishing the rate the death machine spawns is increased.. but unfortunetly. A majority of players who play for the egg, become less entertained by the game when they find nothing post-egg and typically die / end the game shortly after to learn if any minor changes to such a possibility has occured. Anyways... yea.. lol
  7. Maybe on the next map, all the zombies will dance to the song... like in Thriller... it's be like a weapon we use on them, you save the song for a desperate time... Low ammo, no perks and round 34!! HIT THE SONG!! Suddenly all the zombies bust out into a dance routine.. giving you time to pap / perk or box it up.. Hahahaha...
  8. I havent seen anything yet, there are papers strewn about the floor and a cypher that spells 'MOON'. Other than that there is a russian letter at each lander.. About it I think?
  9. No one blames you It's societies fault... for judging your post.. *hugs* It will be ok..
  10. If they were brainwashed maybe they're regaining false memories..
  11. I believe you, lol -- Im just saying... When is any american hero a sober man.. LOL...
  12. Repeat after me -- "If the easter egg isn't done, it will be solved" Repeat again -- "If the easter egg isn't done, it will be solved" Repeat after me -- "I will not flame plausable theories untill I disprove them myself" Repeat again -- "I will not flame plausable theories untill I disprove them myself" NOW PLAY THE DAMN GAME AND HAVE FUN LIKE IS INTENDED DARN IT!
  13. I saw someone make a post about this before... The reason it didnt become something amazing.. is because no one wanted to take there time anymore to flame people for bs comments I have done this multiple times now and still dont hear anything saying, "Come find me" *cough* STOP TAKING DRUGS WHILE PLAYING!!... Do them before so your settled into it mid game.. Hahaha.. PS: In no way do I condone the use of drugs, ... well condone them for other people...
  14. You forgot to follow that debunk with TA DAA!!! Hahaha...
  15. lol thank you, haha.. I laughed myself the day after..asking myself "Why did I post this?" ;)
  16. SOLVE THIS MYSTERY? I wrote a whole like 20 line message, twice, saying how stupid you're comment "solve this mystery" was REALLY DUMB but them I though why should I? That is your opinion and I'm glad that you have an opinion... Well.. I'd agree anyone who says you have to do exactly what he just said, is lying. Thats a way radical idea that doesnt sound anywhere near the way Treyarch works. Its like saying you shoot the box 4 times to get the ray gun... I played with a kid once who believed it so much, everytime he did it he thought he must have messed up... I told him he didn't know what he was talking about and was lied to... He eventually got the ray gun w/o shooting the box and got excited saying "SEEE!!! IT WORKS IT JUST TAKES A FEW MINUTES AFTER YOU SHOOT THE BOX!!" I dropped host.. Where am I going with this? I don't know... but Im @ work with nothing better to do then be a troll on this forum right now reading all the nerd-rage that gets thrown about @ ideas... It's like TNT, Where drama lives..
  17. Just wait for the next DLC Hahaha..
  18. If you read the full string of code broken down by some softwar eengineer... ON THIS THREAD... It seems completly plausable.. Skewer The Winged beast for example.. How the hell do we translate that to the rocket? The rocket doesnt even HAVE wings... let alone it isn't a beast.. nor are we skewering it.. we're shooting it with ray guns and bullets... My only point is, whos to say there isn't a step needed to complete 1 of the 8 that isn't written out in the form of a technical manual.. As none of that is self explanatory... This theory of the sacrfice I havent knocked it, only because of the explanation of the code in the other threads... on top of which as someone mentioned above and as people have mentioned... Unless you prove it wrong, then you have no basis to say it's wrong.. Unless it's a wild idea, of diving onto a monkey @ round 23 in order to unlock a door on the other side of the map, that you then shoot with the air gun because its to heavy to open otherwise.. LOL... Anyways.. we'll see soon... Post PS3 release if there is nothing new discovered by then, I forsee speculation dying off with in a few weeks there after.. minus the every so often Red Fuse Box type theories.. ya know, the one that everyone is tired of hearing about because it doesnt work.. LOL
  19. And since when are bad ass americans sober? Hahahaha...
  20. Easter eggs are treats... not the game Zombies is about seeing how far you can go The easter eggs are just another form of entertainment not neccesary to game play. Dont be angry COD is a great series and Zombies is a fun lil arcade game ^_^
  21. glitch / bug / irrelavant ... but cool pic
  22. The files will only be hard to find if the DLC operates as a patch to the original game... if it's added as if it were a plugin it will be easy to find.. But seeing how easy it was for people to tear apart kino in a matter of weeks post release.. it shouldnt take to long :)
  23. This thread is like when you're channel surfing on the TV.. and you stumble across The History Channel, and then you proceed to watch it for 15 minutes learning useless information.. So... time to change the channel... Hahaha.. Im not flaming you mate This is interesting information, but highly irrelevant.
  24. Thank you for debunking for me Saved me the heart ache when it didn't work for me.. Hehehe!!
  25. Because he is an alcoholic and has black outs.. not being sarcastic.. lol Im serious...
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