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Everything posted by StatikSh0cks
haha it'l cost ya buddy :P
haha my gf loves zombies.. she baught an xbox 360 just for call of the dead haha
the way i see it... Treyarc are looking to take the zombie story line to the next level but they are trying to vere off from the begining and make a new chapter.. me personally i beleive that the original vioce over cast are wanting to move on to something else instead of sticking around.. hey they might even actually like this mode and disagree with treyarc with the whole storyline mess so they quit. hence why they are bringin in other people who knows.. i agree with those of you who say give it a chance, when i watched the trailer i wasnt really impressed but i have yet to watch the inside xbox.. i dont really see the point in ranting and raving.. as the map hasnt even been released.. why dont you wait untill you have played it then decide..
Okay so i was looking at the letters thinking of what the diffrent meanings could be.. then i thought hey maybe it could be an annagram.. if you re-arange a couple of letters you can actually spell samantha, but then your left with a few letters left... or maybe.. when she whispers come find me.. you have to spell her name within the 90 seconds.. i know this is possible as i have (in solo mode) got up the diagram that shows you where all the letters are, and then ran from the perk machines nessecary in the exact order as if i was with 4 people and the time amounts to sumthing like 80 odd seconds in total and that includes calling the lander but if i did have 4 people it would take less time as one person would be running from the machines or maybe 2 poeple so that when its ready to go again theres no waiting for someone to call it... i know its possible and also just a thought dont flame as i was only just trying to think outside the box as i really have a feeling that the death machines arnt the end of it...
As much as i want to agree with you.. i think its kind of pointless going through ALL that trouble with the nodes to just find out theres nothing at the end apart from some crappy death machine for 90 seconds.. its not even that great.. that is like a massive kick the face to everyone who actually enjoy's the zombie franchise.. so naturally.. im going to dissagree with you cause i do beleive there is more to it than just 90 seconds of heavey metal... funny enough i havn't seen anyone on youtube try what i suggested... could you post me a link to some video's would be really helpfull Thanks
I've recently been trying to think of as many things as possible about this mystery man easter egg, ive had so many games where people have tried to do things after you get the death machines for 90 seconds.. but yet i havn't seen anybody take the landers when you have the death machines activated after you have done all the nodes and empty'd your load on the orb.... After you hear sam scream and everything goes back to black and white.. try the lander.. Only a theory... But i think if you was to take the landers after the wench has had her 5 - 10 second creaming sesion.. it might lead you too her.. hence why you have the death machines cause not any normal gun would be enough to hurt her e.g. ray gun, thunder gun, etc.. p.s the battry's in this map are obviously to do with something aswell.. if anybody knows of anything that could help me please let me know
you have a plausable theory there, BUT... and this is a BIG BUT.. how do you explain the monkey's comming from the landers at the start of a monkey round?? [brains] for you for your theory tho good job
Investigating the CODED MESSAGES in THE NUMBERS!
StatikSh0cks replied to Anti Earth's topic in Black Ops
i am very aware that this is a COD oriented website..but you fail to see that the illuminati ARE everywhere, you step out of your front door and what do you see...illuminati you go to a supermarket and what do you see....more illuminati you buy a game and what are you playing...illuminati but if you really want to be foolish go ahead its your funeral :) -
play2often......i think your name states everything...do us all a favour....STFU!! thank you :)
oooooo sorrrrryyyy hahaha didnt realise it was a competition to see who knew the most :)
@gordogg24p "as for my spelling and punctuation..yet again if i cared i would hire an a star student to do this all for me" aslong as people can read it and understand and make sense of it...i dont really care, call me an idiot all you want but that isnt going to change the fact that you are probably one of these people who have everything laid out for them and dont know the harsh truth about reality..yet you try to be the upper class citezen wich plainly doesnt work out for you...either that or when you was born you had a silver spoon shoved so far up your ass it was and still is practically balancing on your toncils.... im sorry but people like you need to grow up and realise that not every one is perfect... and ummm if you read carefully...i actually said i wasnt complaining at all :\ so YOU sir are an idiot "im not complaining about the quality of the game im not even complaining at all really im just stating truth" if you cant handle what i have said...then instead of posting..why dont you click active topics or something else...nobody said you had to post on my topic and yeah jack i can see where your comming from i do really like the games i think they kick ass, just....maybe they couldve done things a little bit diffrent kinda like new methods with old school refrencess, concidering how far we have come with technology you would think that treyarch and activision would have made this one of the best games to ever come out, not saying that it isnt already, im gratefull that they put it together with astonishing ruselts...maybe im just one of the few people who expected something more wich is something i will have to deal with
Investigating the CODED MESSAGES in THE NUMBERS!
StatikSh0cks replied to Anti Earth's topic in Black Ops
okay im sorry to say this but if you start dabbeling within the codes you are allowing the system to brainwash you..... as i have said in a topic i posted, the whole call of duty franchise is bollox as it is really just a massive history lesson that costs you money and doesnt really serve any purpose... the amount of illuminati that is hidden in this game is unbeleiveable and you and everybody else trying to decypher these codes are just giving your mind to them... im sorry but this is the truth.....were all being brainwashed by this shit....but what purpose do we have?? well i think most people have heard about the illuminati are supposidly going to take over the world completly in 2012...but in my eyes they have already taken over and now there looking to take humanity for everything that it has... -
what do you think you might have discovered??
okay ill be fair to you and say im not of these people who yearns for other peoples attention....i put up a post weather people reply to it or not is there decision i couldnt care less..i just wanted to get that off my cheast and i thought here was the best place. just like you did with your microsoft rant as for me making a mountin out of a molehill i was just stating the truth about our so loved developers within the fashist buisness of what they call "gaming" when i was kid gaming was all about blowing stuff up and killing things while at the same time being able to understand why, but somewhere between then and now everything has changed and people have become more greedy, willing to do anything possible just for the profit. No your right they dont cram it down our throat but it is more than just there for US to take note of, they have been so sneaky with the whole thing its ridiculas but as i said im not complaining about the quality of the game im not even complaining at all really im just stating truth as for my spelling and punctuation..yet again if i cared i would hire an a star student to do this all for me :)
so basically...if im gettin this correct... the whole call of duty franchise is a load of BULLSHIT were paying the hard earned cash that we have made...or given to by parents (lucky bastards) so that we can have a history lesson? talk about brainwashing the public or what lol theres so much illuminati in the call of duty franchise its so unreal im not saying that im gunna stop buying them cuase i enjoy the games within themself seperating all the bullshit from the fun.. but dont you think its one hell of an expensive history lesson? all it does is make us learn about the past....hardly any ov it relates to the future or present, also i find it odd that they are trying so hard to really out do themselfs just so that people will buy there products in hope that we will get sucked into what it represents, im all for edgucating the youth and stuff...but its a bit of an extreme length to go to just so that people will buy a game.... yeah okay the games are great and everything but...was brainwashing the public really nessecary?
okay now im really annoyed at the amount of people concidering aliens....ITS A F******G ZOMBIES games not a perthetic ALIEN game... so less talk about ALIENS bringing 115 to you americans when everybody who has played waw knows that 115 came from the meteor tunguska, the only reason you americans had that element in the first place was becuase the germans knew about area 51 and decided hey why not let them in on what were doing see if they get any better results as they are a top secret military camp with all the right equipment and even more people stupid enough to risk there life for the soul purpose of us making money and discovering knew ways to kill humanity becuase were a bunch of german freaks....sheesh seriously..stop trying to be the third eye of all knowledge..it doesnt suit those who beleive to be it
okay so as we know (for those who have played campaign) on the mission where you have to get off the ship, before the run you watch a cut scene where you and your men are put in a chamber, the gas that comes out....thats nova 6....(notice the link yet?) have you ever watched the cut scene in a place where you see the guys body rotting and his face melting?? well thats the gas taking effect, in campaign you have to kill 3 major crime lords yeah...well dragovich mainly, but why? Answer: Cause he was a giant threat to the nation threatening to realese the nova gas, so maybe dragovich and maxis were working together but becuase maxis had the experiment under control in der riese dragovich wasnt aware about the outbreak?? or maybe it was richtofen and dragovich working together as richtofen kills maxis?? but one thing for sure is that the nova 6 gas did create those zombie crawlers.... and as for GK what do we really know about it?? so in the transmission where its the screens, you can see people running (scientists) thats the map five... kino isnt shown on the screens for some reasons we are not yet allowed to know, so its obvious that treyarch have something big up there sleave if they kept kino from us...what else are the hiding??
okay i dont mean to piss on anyones fire here...but i think if they included helicopters in multiplayer originally so there was people aswell as helicopters in the sky the game within itsself would be raised a standard compared to any other cod game available... but having it as an extra multiplayer mode would be pretty awsome but at the same time it would get very boring after a month or so of playing :/ once again sorry dude its just my thinking allthough i do think the majority of cod players would find this a peice of art i would deffinatly play it but i dont think it would entertain me for very long
my highest round for "five" is 37 2 ppl camped near the elevator on the second floor pap'ed stakeout and pap'ed RPK i love the gunnz with a massive clip points in the bag like no other my friend had a pap'ed raygun and a pap'ed commando and we both had monkey bombs.. but we was waiting for a max ammo that never came lol usuall perks used (jugg) (speed) (revi) and my friend had claymores...... was pretty intense after round 29 things were starting to get difficult, round 27 - 28 we was just going up and down in the elevators lol 30 - 37 running around the bottom while one stood inside the elevator ready to take us down if needed
Call of Duty Zombies (CODZ) is a fan-managed gaming community centered around the popular Call of Duty franchise with central focus on the Zombies mode. Created in 2009, CoDZ is the ultimate platform for discussing Zombies theories, strategies, and connecting players.
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