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Everything posted by bobane

  1. Thats right 1.73 gb btw Gonna smoke hella lot of buddha while looking at the download bar
  2. Haha yeah, i'm not going to spoil the surprise so close from the end but I did watch the mp vids and the maps look sick Edit:seeing the pictures by OP actually burned my eyes :|
  3. I'm in Canada and I can't use US points cards I don't know if it has anything to do with it but for 20$ I get 1400 points and in US they get 1600 points
  4. I will probably go back to it when I get too tired of the new map, might take a while if it's as great as we expect it to be :)
  5. bobane

    24 hours

    more like 3 hours 40 minutes check this link they have a counter http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Call_of_Duty_Wiki
  6. Care to elaborate how they are a fail? These are times based on the usual drop times from our last DLC package, with an hour to save just in case. Based on times before but yea, the last one dropped 15 minutes before deltas timing Idk i'm not gonna cry for a 15 minutes difference.. EDIT: Official drop time. there is a counter http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Call_of_Duty_Wiki
  7. I keep seeing spread out pussies and tits full of cum it's so damn annoying, those who put that clearly don't get any sex Also my friend got perma banned for having a swastika... Wow
  8. bobane

    24 hours

    About 5 hours left :D
  9. bobane

    24 hours

    2+ hrs.... What ! Must be so damn painful Also, afro I had pretty much the same plan but I dont have nyquil haha
  10. bobane

    24 hours

    IDK I had no problem downloading Die Rise as soon as it released, took no more than 15 minutes
  11. I know I saw the m1911 in the trailers and I doubt they put it on the wall so it's safe to say we start with the same weapon as usual. And yes it was the executioner in the trailer
  12. bobane

    24 hours

    I'm gonna go to bed earlier than my usual time ( 4am 8-) ) so I can stay up all night tomorrow. I watched some ytube videos on Sniper Elite, looks pretty awesome when they do a close up on the headshots.. And I usually just play the map pack before the next one that comes out. Where I live the maps come out at around 8am so I will wake up early and play all day And the killcams in sniper elite are kinda cool.. At first but then they start happening way too often so I reduced them to the minimum But yeah almost every (kill)cam is different because they show the bullet coming from different angles every time and sometimes they're not slow mo Yeah when playing solo the game is soo damn hard and you are right it does have a nacht feel to it, with all the fog around and the german bastards :D
  13. I certainely won't be able to sleep tonight, i'm too excited/nervous about tomorrow :| Out of context: Does anyone else play different zombie games while waiting for the map? I played sniper elite: nazi zombie army lately, have you heard about it?
  14. Out of context but Richtofen says that in Kino when you get a headshot
  15. Or maybe you arrive on the bridge and it's overrun and there are denizen as if you were in the fog so you can't stay at the PaP for too long
  16. bobane


    To me, nothing worse than playing with randoms and they all die one by one by the jumping jacks then I m the last one standing with a swarm against me, its pretty chaotic in tight corridors :D
  17. A bit like the plasma beam from dead space? That would be sick Also you dont have to triple post, there is an edit button :)
  18. That' right Im happy because I can now play nuketown without getting stuck in a demolition lobby against a full clan
  19. Idk I was just playing along. XD Okay I was hoping you weren't dissing me Well it's an old video on youtube they dubbed over an old marvel anime of the juggernaut
  20. Well I speak french and when I speak with my friends we are never sure which map the other is talking about so to me they are a bit too similar (die rise) and since high rise is in english I had not seen it that way. And it does make sense Also you are right the name doesn't change anything in the map thanks for reminding me
  21. Im the juggernaut bitch xd :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: I'm sho scured.. Idk what to think of your post do you know what i'm talking about?
  22. Unless this is not a story map, they could very well want to keep the story going over a 4th game So they make a side map that is still pretty big and cool so fans are not disappointed. BUT, I could be totally wrong and there will be a side mission, other than building the plane
  23. Or a fan favorite zombie map and maybe 2-3 dlc weapons since there was none included in this pack and the peacekeeper was obviously succesful, being on top of the BO2 food chain Yeah as soon as I saw the content of Uprising I immediatly thought they would add more mini items half way from the next dlc
  24. Or something similar to shi no numa but I honestly don't see what could possibly be similar and still have a meaning :P
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