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About bethaaan

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  1. "What goes up must never come back down" What if that line means that she's risen to a spot of power, and never wants/can return to as she was before? Also, as the first riddle is "shadow" and the second is "nothing", it might mean that her demonic side is winning the battle.
  2. It's a shadow. Birds fly but the shadow remains on the ground/wall. It can be seen in water, but won't get wet due to it being a figure of (a lack of) light. Naturally, you can't see shadows that well at night. Your shadow is a part of you. Shadows appear to follow and lead you as you pass by lights. It's always darker than its surroundings. It goes behind the object, so it appears to "flee" the light source. If there was no sun, you would not be able to naturally see your shadow.
  3. There aren't three, there are four.
  4. So, my friend monkey and I were looking at the portraits when he noticed something I've not seen mentioned on the forum yet. There aren't five portraits, there are six. On the floor underneath the blacked out portrait, there's a second blacked out portrait. We think that's something to do with "Beware of the six". I think the blacked out portraits could represent Samantha, who Richtofen has acknowledged of sending them power ups like Insta-Kill, and someone else - maybe Maxis?
  5. So, my name's Bethan (if you couldn't tell by my username...) and, to sum me up, I'm a little girlie from England who has too much time on her hands. I've actually been stalking around these forums since before MW2, but I was a little... intimidated, I guess? Yeah, I've got a couple of theories, and I've spotted a few things that I haven't seen mentioned yet. Yaaay.
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