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The Guest

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Everything posted by The Guest

  1. TBH It looks like the portal gun. Discuss.
  2. http://tinychat.com/GTTV_CODZ_chat It would be good for us to analyze the show as it is aired. If there is already a chat, may I have the link?
  3. Would I be able to know the air time in GMT?
  4. Well If ascension was seen before the rocket took off, that would link to the zombie story. Therefore, Echelon may also be a mapp for a later map pack.
  5. Just to point something out completely different, the teleporter mainframe seems to be covered in some large yellow electrical cable, which I do not believe was in the original. Maybe this is to help symbolise how the WunderWaffe short-circuit.
  6. If I may be of help feel free to add me. GT: Eco Maiden
  7. When you said about watching them again and again... and again, all I could think of was the McNamara quote "Again and again, AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN!!"
  8. They will though won't they? :lol:
  9. This should be it. Zombies are at 0:43 and 0:13, rest is good as well though. :D
  10. Funny. I don't remember any doctored map picture while I was at PTG. I never saw it brought up by anyone. Not even the Admin mentioned this.
  11. Just to help prove its illiegitimateness, the zombies seen in that picture are The Flood from Halo 3. The Carrier forms I believe.
  12. Can I determine you meant me?
  13. If you are referring to the way I type. I am always like this. It is not just for playthegame, but everything. I try to be formal and well punctuated.
  14. What are you talking about? I am agreeing with you?
  15. I am a representative of PlayTheGame, and I must say, we are as outraged as you are! 1. There is no phone. 2. There is no pencil with paper. 3. It is a different book. 4. (The biggest one.) They printed out all of BlackOpsTiger's terminal finds and poured coffee on them. (If you read his finds on http://gkhorrors.weebly.com , the spelling mistakes on there are the same as the ones on the document in Die Wahrheit.) 5. The dimensions are wrong on the briefcase as is the logo. On behalf of the majority of PlayTheGame. I am sorry for this video. But please, the description of the videos hold one true fact: "So this what is left tonight. Left cold, alone and out of sight. Take what you can and when the time is right. Magpies, Crows and Doves unite." http://www.playthegame.co/forum/topic/196/page/20 Half way down this page shows our dissapointment in such a spectacle. I am sorry for any inconvenience.
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