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Everything posted by Slave
btw, sorry for some slight distortions of the pics. my phone was dropped in three hundred and fifty degree (F) oil at work, and while it still works, its kinda melted.
Well, considering personal preferences about music taste aside, i think this is a great song. Even more so because of two factors, one being that its a woman doing her own screaming(dont hear that too often in music.) and the second being that originally, miss Elena was a country music artist. creepy, eh?
i said pics, and heres pics. i only had time to do a few pics before we used the pap and while i was down. we had it finished at round seventeen. took forever. and that vid from earlier was a great help, even though it was major spoilage. And Richtof is not looking for the temple, but more along the lines of someone. the EE doesnt need four people, as long as you are Richtofen and have the previous two EE achievements. The Focusing stone doesnt go into the center of the device either, as it is already embeded within the golden rod. the Dial at the pyramid only has two holes, one for the "egg" artifact, and the Upgraded Golden Rod/Focus Stone combo
Done it. The Hated Society's members, Slaveofpeon, DiE 4 My AnGel, x Bombus and the president of THS, THSxXxHATEDxXx
Either way, im still waiting for a pokemon to pop out. lol and even if the maps are before DR, that doesnt mean that the outbreak hasnt happened before the time you play it. by the time the marines get to the asylum, dr could have already gone to hell with maxis and sam. im still trying to understand now, are the time lines supposed to be the time they are in physical time, or the order you play them, or both? and most sites i go to feel that the chalkboard in call is month/year due to the fact that many more countries use the Little endian forms rather than Big endian forms or Middle endian forms of date notation. and it would add more to the time jumper theory of overshoot, undershoot. if thats the case, then the order played would be the order that the events happen (as in sl tak mentions the landers, and to explain why they arent as messy, old nikki mentions having taken a bath for first time in long time, which could also account for the change in clothing.)
maybe, just maybe, the ruins arent a temple, shrine, or grave.... maybe (through collapsed tunnels and such) it used to be more of a warning station, something to hold an outbreak in and keep strangers out. like how, in the halo series, the halos held the flood to keep them from the universe. maybe SL was built to keep zombs trapped and did until many more events changed that?
i partially agree, tho the supposed "trainers" who complain about not being able to train are idiots, as i do it all the time. just involves the water slide, a water fountain, and setting the maze to go from start to slide as fast as posible. not too hard to do it
So, then the order that the black ops maps are the same order for the timeline? dont remember if this was thrown out or anything, but i was reading through some dialoge scripts and when playing the old maps, someone says something about the time machine backtracking to the future. i think it was DR, but not positive on map. would that mean that the crew were sent back again, or just some random bs i found?
i do believe it is month/day not day/year or month/year format. I dont know about other countries, but here in the US, we do it by month day format since in most cases the year is already known/implied during filming. Ive never seen the boards use the year on there, since there is little space to write much more. Im going to go slightly away from the cotd radios and back to numa.... i thought i saw something, or heard something about the numa meteor being part of the Tunguska event, in which case, would put numa in russia right? Which does make sense if its near japan, as they did do a major push into asia. "In the Shi No Numa map the word "Tunguska" can be found written through the window of the hut you see on the left when you exit the main building through storage hut door. Also, if you turn on all three radios in the starting room, the coordinates for the explosion are heard." paraphrased from wiki, i dont know the tunguska events coordinates to try to refute the "area 51" coordinates theory though. i did find them, and dont know what the radios were, so i didnt save them.
from what you can see for the vids, the originals are the crew this time.
as to the original post, yeah, i dont think it would be Paradise Sands.... I mean, hell i have never even heard of area 51 be called paradise sands. Dreamland, Paradise Ranch, Home Base, Watertown Strip, Groom Lake,and most recently Homey Airport sure.... but never sands.... that would be weird.... a jungle under the sand of the nevada desert. crazy i tell you.... CRAZY
You mean like how SMG's Dive grunt was different? and as for a water weapon, do you not know your elements? okay, basic chemistry..... Ice is water.... but cold..... really cold..... when ice melts, it becomes water..... So yeah, we have had water.(winter fury and winter is associated with water and ice) air(thundergun,) then technically the next two would be earth and fire.... so, if you think about it, the dg 2 or wunderwaffe or waffle iron as i like to call it, could be either.... (edit again.... ) would lava count as fire or earth? cause that fire zom looks like the terminator fell in lava, and still got out..... and i say that it could be earth or fire for two reasons. one, it is powered by a rock. element 115 to be exact, which if you remember Numa, electrified the water. But you never needed to change the ammo. what you were changing were basically like a fuse, or transistor. thats the earth reason. reason two, for fire, is because... now this is nerdy... has anyone watched the cartoon avatar? in that series, the firebenders could manipulate lightning, not the air,earth or waterbenders. now, for adult time, Lightning and its association with fire is based in many cultures. The norse considered fire from lightning bolts a sign that thor was angry and showing his dissatisfaction. the greeks(EDIT* MESSED UP HERE started typing second half in other post i had up...lol ) (EDIT* REBOOTED MY SECOND PART)to my knowledge so do the greeks "Prometheus cared more for man than for the wrath of the increasingly powerful and autocratic king of the gods, so he stole fire from Zeus' lightning, concealed it in a hollow stalk of fennel, and brought it to man" fire, from Zeus's Lightning.....(BTW random thought, but Zeus's Lightning would be a BADASS name for a gun). so then what we need is more of a earth gun.... (was browsing wiki to double check my elements and found new fact.)UNLESS THEY ARE PLAYING BY THE FIVE ELEMENT SYSTEM NOT THE FOUR >. which means there would be the fifth element called Quintessence(known as AETHER in greece) the random fact i read: "In classical thought, the four elements Earth, Water, Air, and Fire frequently occur; sometimes including a fifth element or quintessence (after "quint" meaning "fifth") called Aether in ancient Greece and India." insnt shangrila near or in the india area? yes it is.... if you look at an older map, india had loads of sections of the H. mountains where shangri la is supposedly located. which could mean(as much as i dislike the thought in this) that maybe there would be another map. i said i dont believe it in different posting, but if the gun in this uses aether, then that would mean earth is still open for grabs..... unless..... does cold hard lead count as earth? by how i feel about these: so, maybe earth: bullet guns, water: winters howl, fire: Waffle Iron, wind:thundergun, and then the quintessence weapon? sorry for how jumbled it is.... was up at 11am, worked 4 till 1130pm and posted this at 204am. and i just kept typing since all these connections were spilling outta my brain. didnt want to forget something as i typed
a people that are nearly immortal you say.... like zombies after too many levels.....hmmmm SHANGRI LA IS THE ORIGINAL ZOMBIE HOME.... lol jk.... well, it would be interesting if a nearly immortal race of humans home was where the controller of the ZED were. like a mother brain.... hmmm Sam.... since when do you get freqent flyer miles? WE SAID NO LEAVING EUROPE!!!
Oh, dearie me.... everyone says that trey are obviously gunning for a mp4..... i mean REALLY.... think about time lines guys.... people said the same thing for the longest time about waw.... if you think about it, this year isnt too far off of the release dates for waw at this time... so if psn gets the map sometime around july aug, whats only a few months after that? Every COD game to date has been released in november. So why would mw3 be different. Honestly, would you go and release a map when Millions of people are going to be buying the game only a few months later? Just like it could have been before with waw. that would be a huge finiancial disaster. its like buying an ipod nano(the originals) a week before the updated ipod nano came out. bad idea.
has anyone tried viewing this with an filters or such? maybe there is an overlay, and if you can remove the original picture from the new, there will be something there? like how the program broken wall does overlays, but reversed. am sense i making?
see, i play as a runner and a camper, depends on maps. the only time i really hate on people is when they are obvious boosters, haxxors, and corner campers. i mean seriously. coner camping blows. in real life, you wouldnt have that big of an area to see and hit from around the corner. i mean, its different for camping when you get the kills in one spot. like me, i can easily rack up ten or twelve kills on zoo super easy. all i do is hide behind the filecabinet on the secont floor near the tram rail. b2 area. only really works for hctdm or tdm, but still. im going to use cover and sit where i wont die by random crap. well, nades are easy deaths. lol. but when you sit there, 1 and 0, or 5 and 0 and all you did was sit a stupid corner, thats lame. thats bad camping. but if you camp the filecabinet like i do, and pull in a 19 and 5 or better, thats usually respectable, least in my op. as for the haters, no matter what you do, whether its an awesome killcam, or camping or whatever, people are going to bitch. i mean, i just got done playing a match where this guy was rocking an m60 and a ex mag, runs around the backside of a house on nuketown and hipfires across the map at the car by the red truck. one bullet missed the car and headshot the last enemy. he was given so much grief because he hipfired and got the kill. EDIT* the guy killed was aiming at him and missed three times when he died. so obviously someone needs to work on aiming, and its not the hipfire guy
so, i was wondering, how many people ever realize that just because treyarch has said that there was an underground passage, that it doesnt mean that there is a SECRET about it. there are two obvious underground passages in it that i have seen, not counting the zed tunnels. does anyone know what an underground passage is? its a passage where the ground is above you. one is right next to the begining, after the first boat, and the second would be the ice slide area. i mean, those are two places that are considered passages of a sort and they are both underground. just because someone says something in the game, doesnt mean it has to be hidden or hard to find. as for the lightening.... has no one ever heard of frankenstein or his monster? When that monster was brought to life Dr. F needed a jolt of lightening to bring the power of life to it. Frankensteins monster was taller than most men as well. if you watch the cutscene, romero is about normal height to the other chars. but once zombified, hes abnormally big and strong. like the monster of Frankenstein. so my theory, since hes a unique zed, and is big like F's monster, he needs that extra energy boost to reanimate and power the light weapon he uses.
how is alphas post awesome? it looked like a bunch of ideas from other games put in a post. bah. I dont think that paradise will be released soon enough for anyone to make money. i mean, most people would go buy mw3 first chance, so, just like with mw2 and waw, im betting on no map pack. which leaves room for another game to have some zed killing fun. I do not beleive that paradise will be as we think it is. It could never be a true paradise if there are zed attacking. so i would rather hope for paradisial map, but expect another one that adds more or leaves paradise for another day. after all: "We must prefer real hell to an imaginary paradise." -Simone Weil
Weapons and perks being taken out of newer maps im worried
Slave replied to blackfire561's topic in Call Of The Dead
Honestly i feel that going back and adding the newer things removes that vintage feel from the oldermaps. they should have just changed the older maps with a visual upgrade, but left the guns and chars alone. i personally loved the ppsh, but refuse to play the old school maps too often because it uses the newer maps. i mean come on. -
Am i the only one who then pictured pixars toy story toys fighting zombies? laughed my tush off in the middle of the library at school.
i like to think of the name as a slight joke. its five for the defcons, but if you dont count ndu as story canon, then its the "fifth" map. note the quotes, not that it matters or nuttin, seeing as the name of it affects us in no way, shape, or form.
Weapons and perks being taken out of newer maps im worried
Slave replied to blackfire561's topic in Call Of The Dead
when did they remove double tap? -
Most of us played the old maps on W@W, but do you remember..
Slave replied to dubjam's topic in Classic Maps
pretty generic, i think the ndu chars were german or russian, and the asylum were american. then they brought the group with numa and riese. -
Ima laugh to myself when treyarch turns around and does something even more unexpected. like, instead of on the moon, or in the jungle, or even area 51, its more random.... I KNOW!!! NAZI ZOMBIES, THE SUN VERSION. lol just messing. my honest theory is that they never reached paradise, just that we gave them a push to it. maybe, the next map, or the final map could be all the maps in one, like a time warp gone bad. start in the first one, and after a set time or story key, or even jumping in the teleporter(alter the old maps to include a teleport in them of course) would send you to the next room, done up like the second map. It would have to end in a room that has all the rooms mashed together, like the warp went bad and its coming to do a snapback effect, smashing all locations together into one.
I usually run with jug, stam, flop, and dead. I think the gun is more of where you are running around at. When i dont feel like hitting up a box soon, i usually grab ak and mp. Mp is more recoil but hits heads easy. Ak is just plain fast. it just depends where i am and how the zed react. bigger spread, mp. aiming into the lighthouse from the zip launch, ak.
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