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Posts posted by Slave

  1. :facepalm:

    Area 51? Failsauce. It will not ever be area 51, there will not be aliens, I've been having to explain this for two years now because people suck, there are not palm trees in the Navada desert, IT IS NOT AREA 51!

    You have thus never been to the biggest city in the nevada desert. LAS VEGAS!!!! woot. lol. they got all sorts of mini buildings, like the sphinx and the statue of liberty and the eiffel tower. Maybe a mini mayan/aztec temple too?

    Just messing, tho vegas is in the desert and does have palm trees. HOWEVER! that is not a palm frond, but a fern. Ferns are tropical, not arid climate plants.

    Secondly, to all those that are basing the difference of swamp versus jungle off of elephant sounds.... shame on you. Read the jungle book. Indian Elephants guys. When the brits were in control, they were everywhere, so whos to say elephants werent used as pack animals to the tunguskan area? Let alone, there are swamps in india. MANGROVES are found in india, and they are a swamp tree. again, read the junglebook, etc....

  2. But what did he get in the other 4.....just out of curiosity??

    It could be as simple as the Ray Gun, the Wunderwaffe DG-2, the Thundergun, and the Gersch Devices. And now with the golden rod, Richtofen only needs one more item...

    The Wonder Weapons? I don't know. The Golden Rod is an Artifact than a weapon. As to what the other Items were that he took from the other maps is not known. The Gersch Device might be one of the Items. Again, this is just a theory. Only way to know is when the next map comes out.

    The Vril Rod (or golden Rod) is a item of unlimited power. In theory it could be a major component in the VR-11 (look at the rod and the gun, they are simillar in shape and such) and could be the true source of power in it, therefore meaning that the vril rod has weaponization applications. And before you try to debunk the rod as a potential power source for the gun, think of the ammo cartriges, not as power cells, but as a medium with which to hit the zed with. Much like how a true Railgun electrifies and magnitizes a metal slug and accelerates it. the ammo is not the source of propulsion.

    If you want, we could also say the Gersch isnt a weapon, as it was more of a concievable idea for a portable teleporter, and in fact does tele the crew when jumped into, as well as the monkeys. Zed are the only things that are destroyed in it.

    EDIT* i still count it as one of the six.

  3. Well, I always thought the word lazar and lazarus were coterminous with "walking dead" or "reanimated dead" due to a book series called Death Gate Cycles. There was a character set called the Lazars, or a character named lazarus. or something. Figured it was some latin based thing, but now it makes a bit more sense.

    And wouldnt the lazarus gun be more reverse your theory? The humans are undead zombies, therefore they are living again. so if you use the lazarus story as base grounds, for the gun to turn them back to human, they would have to be dead dead already, not zombie dead? or am i just over thinking this stuff?

  4. my favorite one was "george likes vodka" or whatever he typed.

    There's always going to be someone out there who decides to screw things up for others. People get their jollies from it. Its like when people read too much into minor things, such as a blood splatter or a random sound effect that just adds atmosphere to the game. I mean, would zombies be as immersible and believable if they didn't have blood smeared along the floor and down hallways?

  5. honestly, i do not know why everyone keeps referencing the AK47 in this map. How do you know its an ak 47, not an akm 74su or an akm 74 or even an ak 47u?

    If no one truly knows what the difference between the guns are (and the first idiot to say that the ak 74 is shorter should slap themselves and gets an auto face-palm) then how do you know it was an ak on the poster? Have you ever held a 47 or a 74? can you tell me what the differences between an ak 74u and the akm 74u and the ak 47u and the akm 74su are? because i can, and have.

    I get so tired of people being ignorant about the game and its ability to screw things up and the ability of the common people to thrive in their ignorance. Here is a link to a topic where i have provided LOADS of info proving the differences between an 47 and 74.


    Now, as for attachments, there are some, but as previously stated, they are the same as the other maps, and only accessable when upgraded. No, they havent changed that much. its just the same old bs. It would be nice if they did it, but nope. as for people saying there was footage of something being in a vid and now its not, what vids are we talking about. I have not seen any that show attachments that were not already in the game.

    And if you really wanna get into it, i have seen vids of people doing crazy things all the time. Like no clip. Like Shaggz said. They were developers that were giving video on a developer console. More likely than not, it would be their work pc that they used to video tape it. Most early vids when it comes to games and their unreleased content are from a altered state.

  6. Are the fog horn pitches always the same?

    yes they are, and at different times, you can hear the order when doing certain things, such as when you turn on the power.

    No there the same everytime trsut me ive done this easter egg 10+ times same verytime

    thats what i said. They are always the same, and at different times you can hear the order when doing certain events, such as turning on the power.

  7. Its always funny to me how focused the kids who play are on glitching things. played with a kid who kept failing at a glitch and kept screaming to be revived, i ignored, and then when he finally got into the glitch he ran outta ammo and kept whining that he was bored. Jeez, there just seems to be no charlie sheen for those situations.

    On the other hand, the kid left it when we had a crawler, killed the box too many times, and wanted the guns we had and kept screaming for us to put them back. well, i put my scav back for the kid. he got it a few hits later, and got back in the glitch. two seconds later, my friends and i ended the game just to tick him off.

    We laughed our butts off. though this kid started crying after.

    back to topic tho, that is something kinda cool. guess it makes sense to be invin, as going down on the zippy would suck for revive

  8. Why thank you. Most of this information was supplied by my brother who works with these guns, and he must know them well, since he is army intel recon. the rest was my own research via google and wikipedia.

    I just felt kinda ticked off at the post at the time since a certain poster was previously a douche about things. So i had to prove them wrong. Funny how that seems to work.

  9. i really didnt bother to read past the double pics of the 74 and 47.

    just because the gun in the game doesnt have the wood stock, doesnt mean that the 74 doesnt have one at all. If you have ever held a 74 you would know that there are many variables with it. the 47 is one solid weapon, and few variations have a detachable stock. the 74 on the otherhand has many changeable stocks, barrels, undercarriage attachments, and is overall a more modernized and interchangeable version of the 47.

    This is a base AK-74. the AKS-74 has a folding stock, and the AKS-74u has a folding stock and shortened barrel. SO technically, the AK-74u would have a shortened barrel only.

    This on the otherhand, is a AK-47, and to me, looks more shortened overall.

    Now considering that the ak74 and variants are based of the AKM series(which m stands for modernized and was developed in 59) do you really want to base your knowledge of these weapons from a few crappy pics from a video game in order to define which is which?

    i mean, we could really tackle every inconsistancy if you wish, such as the cz75s. the full auto attachment doesnt belong on this gun for this game, as IT WASNT DEVELOPED untill the late 80s and mass produced till 92. The LAW irl doesnt have a LOCK ON ability as its fiberglass and disposeable, therefore why waste computer tech. The SPAS 12 was not produced until 79. the Famas speed dial is on five round burst but fires full auto. The AUG didnt come around till steyr made them in the late 70s as they replaced the FN FAL (aka the STG 58)

    I could list more but i feel like these words will still be wasted. and too tired for punctuation and grammer

  10. That's about the dumbest question I've ever heard, obviously...I'm Batman!

    lol, in all seriousness i think they just forgot about it or something. I noticed it on my 1st time playing and i told my buddy and he said "dude shes buffy the vampire slayer, shes gotta have a bit of man in her"

    Not to sound totally sexist, but i mentioned this post to my roommate(who is married and makes wisecracks like this to his wife) and he looked at me and said " Dude, shes a woman. She should always have a special bit of man it her."

    thought i would share. lol

  11. Here's what i see.

    (RED) Die Glocke

    (GREEN) I think it really looks like a miniature eye.

    (BLACK) A Pyramid... Cairo?

    Since you mention the Eye, now all i can see is a freaking Reaverbot from megaman legends 1 and 2 laying on its side, where black is the shoulders and the green is the head.

    you may say that its too detailed to be anything insignificant, but there are so many games out there where you take four layers of textures and you can get images from them. ICO and Shadow of the Collossus were two games that did just that for many people, and my clan the SLBS(seekers of the last big secret, dont worry its a Ico and SOTC reference) lost many a year deciphering useless nonsense about such things.

    So, in my opinion, its just another useless thing that is meant to throw a devout seeker off of the trail to the true secrets.

  12. The clock has no easter egg function. if you look below it, there is a meteor piece.

    The Vault has the old crew trapped due to a error with the teleporter, and the fuse to the power for the room is missing. it is upstairs on the desk usually. power must be on to interact with the group. after the fuse, you must grenade the four generators, then bring back a drink. i have no idea where it is, but it may be in the ships galley, with the second meteor.

    There are four fog horn type devices scattered around the map, two outside the base of the lighthouse, and the other two near the slide. i have not had a crew of four test them as of yet, but all make noise when pressed.

    There are five dials, one on each floor of the lighthouse, with numbers and sounds, 0-9, on them. there is a radio that has a number sequence or a sound sequence, i am told, and may correllate to the release of the old crew.

    There are diver zombies that add to your ice vision when you destroy the tanks on their chests while they are too close to you.

    The newest perk "deadshot daiquiri" adds an aim assist to ADS on guns that auto target the heads. I am told it may also reduce recoil and improve accuracy to hipfire. but that is unproven on my part.

    zombies that become frozen in the water shatter, but will respawn afterwards. water has no affect aside for ice vision and slowed movement on the player.

    If there is any discrepiancy in these, i apologize as i have not slept for two days due to insomnia and found out today that the game had more dlc... so i stayed up anyway.

    take what you will from this, spread it, use it, have fun with it. message me on xbl for wed or thurs gaming to find more secrets. my clan and i used to search this stuff out untill they lost interest or got married, thus leaving me to be the sole active member. I could Always use a good Zombie holder, or two now that we have romero running around....



  13. Okay, well, Im not so new to carbons site(s) but had to create a new account and stuff, so it feels good to be back. lol.

    now on to the topic. I really do not know how important or relevant it is, but i have scoured all that i could think of and find in the map for a meaning for the "beware of the six". The only thing that i could think of and find were the six dark silhouette portraits in the map. And i do have proof of the six. Go to the upper room with the portraits, there are two there. one is on the wall, and able to be interacted with. the second laying askew on the floor. the other floor are on the opposite side of the building, and opposite wall. And by opposite side of the building, i do mean the firepit room. with the mpl. Look up to the second floor facing away from the towers and character portraits toward the wall with the mpl. if you look they are easily seen by iron sights, tho you can zoom in to see them better.

    Kerpow, 6 portraits.

    I want to thank the only SLBS clan member to helping me finding this. Slaveofpeon on the 360.(slbs=seekers of the last big secret) It was me. haha.

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