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Everything posted by KillerBkild

  1. Sure do have good "grammer"
  2. bump.. anyone up for kino?
  3. really? nothing? Could this be the start to the egg we apparently havent found yet? Has anyone found/picked up any items that could be placed in the fuse box ?
  4. Jntupubkt2Y
  5. I mean yeah sure... I can probably have a vid up in about an hour. Or you could just play kino long enough to open the theatre and check for yourself.. lol
  6. Ok so i used the search on here for threads containing "kino" "panels" "theatre" to no avail.. so i figured id post this up here.. Sorry if it has been found and dicussed already. But anyway, in the theatre (power) room there are two windows on either side when you walk down from the stage. Next to each there is a panel box that is closed. When you hold X the panel box opens, and reveals an empty space, shaped like a fuse or something ?? Anyone else seen this before? Apologies in advance if it has been found
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TO0jmZTpkY
  8. shut up and eat your pancakes :lol:
  9. Nacht der toten. LMAO Fail at being a spelling/grammar nazi
  10. Hah! i think he thought it said 1999 but it was really 1899 Carbon still has the lead! But not for long, since phillips455 is the worst (nice try on changing my post)
  11. nice pics but yeah, thats kind of a stretch
  12. sorry bud. i also have not completed the COTD EE (solo or co-op) and still have the golden rod when i am richtofen. so yea fail
  13. put it on when you go outside. take it off when u go inside? :roll:
  14. famas silenced hardline pro, soh pro, marathon pro stuns, semtex, clays do work
  15. that would be a great idea for a second pack a punch. (3arc) pay 20 grand and you get dual wield whatever you have. gain firepower but lose accuracy. id be willing to take the risk...
  16. [brains] for you!
  17. you guys make me want to start using the m16 :o
  18. prob just talking about the jgb
  19. The easter egg works without the switch so does it really matter?
  20. how was that important info?
  21. When i shoot you in the chest with a sniper and you fall into last stand, its not very realistic IMO
  23. The JZ at the end when you PaP it supposedly stands for juggernog zapper?
  24. bump. i guess no one had an answer for this? If this is why they are there, then why the solo cutscene?
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