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Everything posted by KillerBkild

  1. That is a massive fail on treyarchs part. I thought they were shooting a movie? And the zombie takes romero and runs off?? LMAO :facepalm:
  2. Just another way for activision to milk the COD franchise for all its worth. paying for DLCs is not enough. Lets charge a monthly subscription :facepalm:
  3. dude im pretty sure he was being sarcastic
  4. EDIT apparently the original post conveyed hate and anger, so i have chosen to remove it
  5. what a doucher. EASTER EGG SOLVED! but its just a theory.. retard
  6. LOL fail on that spelling of PENNSYLVANIA
  7. i deno man... i guess we'll see :?
  8. yea im not so sure that im gonna be getting this. how do you go from ascension to that? the whole concept and the whole way they made that trailer out to be just ruined it for me. i was anticipating an epic intense zombie map. fucking george romero as a boss? come on treyarch please let this be a joke. :facepalm:
  9. if you think mw2 MP sucked, then chances are you probably sucked. or got raped on a regular basis. either way you end up sucking
  10. yes... it needs to be...what shall we call it? EPIC :mrgreen:
  11. IW ftw. BO multiplayer just lacks something. cant put my finger on it.
  12. ill fill a damn slot.. i guess ill have to get rid of my beloved hardline..sigh
  13. little late there bud
  14. i would join and probly rape but all i run on my classes is hardline :(
  15. We need to try this. GT is KillerBkild im getting on XBL now. no squeakers plz :)
  16. how about instead of replying we just dont say anything and make him feel like a retard. starting................................NOW!!!!
  17. in my sig
  18. only thing i like is the graphics hate the lighting in der riese.. they tried to add too much color it seems, kind of changes the feel for the map a bit
  19. really? has it been proven that there is no step 7? where? troll.
  20. juggernaut, you sound like a broken record. same thing everytime i get on here. stop being a troll, because whether you like to admit it or not, you are. stfu dude. you believe its over, keep it to yourself.
  21. he should have respawned as a runner, no? i know when you take the landers and kill them, they respawn at a window.
  22. I was playing solo a few days ago and got every power up that shows up at the bottom of your screen. insta, double points, fire sale and death machine. it was kinda weird seeing all four at once.
  23. the green thumbs up at the top right of each post
  24. people thought that becuase there is a ballistics knife for one of the hands on the clock, that you had to have it while standing on the grate. good try but this was found out awhile ago. use the search bar
  25. KillerBkild ill be on all night
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