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Posts posted by iiMack

  1. I posted this in the ZOMBIE PCITURE/FINDINGS thread but I think it's more suited here...

    Also, has anyone else noticed how distinctly the 47093 numbers brighten and fade independently.....?

    It seems logical to me that this isn't there by accident....I've never seen an LCD displaying numbers do that before...in a pattern....

    The 47093 nearest the microphone appears to be the clearest, I'm not sure how long the sequence is, but from what I could tell from looking quickly it goes....

    79497.....and so on....could be another phone number?

    Is it possible for anyone to record it and try to slow it down so it's easier to decipher?

    I Have Took A Video Of My Screen Using A Hd Pvr And Slowed It Down To Half A Second But Some Of The Numbers Pop Up (Glow) At The Same Time Ive Been Reading This Thread And Everyone Here Has Been Wondering Why It Shows "47093" And Not "40793" Well After Slowing The Video Down TO 200 Milliseconds / Second Heres The Readings I Got



    I Have Yet TO Due Research On Them TO Be Honest It Could Mean A Date But Im Actually Thinking We All Could Be Wrong It Could Be A "Time" And Or Date Of When Something Happened. Tell Me Your Suggestions About My Time Theory.

    Also I Have Went Back 10 Times TO Make Sure The Cadence Is Right.

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