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Everything posted by latt81

  1. This is what happens when your mom gets high while pregnant. Its annoying imbreds like these that are the reason I have games like LA Noire so I don't have to tolerate this crap. Seriously chefwhitey you should send this to Microsoft and get all their accounts banned. I'm sure they've breached a number of the rules regarding Xbox live voice chat.
  2. I think the auto turrets are a bit crap anyway, its not like the electric traps on kino or the fire traps on ascension, those kill anything that tries to get through, the auto turrets don't hit everything and I often got a nasty surprise thinking I'd be safe so I stopped using them. Also I don't think its just auto turrets that are making less of an appearance, its traps in general. I think 3arc are trying to make it more difficult by removing them, I still think that the spikes on shangri la were meant to impale the zombies but after play testing they found it too easy. I mean why else would the spikes hurt you if they don't hurt the zombies...
  3. Unfortunately, every step of the egg needs to be done in the eclipse, which requires 4 people to activate. So even if you start with 4, if one of you drops out or loses connection you are scewed.
  4. More tastey brains for you. Well spotted with the black sun symbol on the loading screen, everytime I play shangri la, I stare at that loading screen thinking what the relevance is of it. There is definate some link to Group 935 now... Good work fella. Just when I was beginning to get down beat with all the shennanigans with claymore over the past week, this has just perked me up again.
  5. So if I understand you correctly, only one of the 4 have to have completed the egg in order for the guy playing Richtofen to have the golden rod. I never completed the egg on COTD but I have had the rod when playing as Richtofen.
  6. Yet again chefwhitey awesome vids. Oh and congrats on your youtube partnership...
  7. Are they ever going to sort this mess of a timeline out... I'm all for the intrigue and speculation, but it's turning into Lost now... Every map they just throw more confusion into the mix... For now though Fausts timeline seems to fit for me...
  8. AND the DG-2 I'm black ops kills about 10 zombies max. It won't even kill a full lvl 2 zombie rape train in 1 shot. So the dg2 in BO zombies sucks. Name a wonder weapon that kills less than 10 zombies in one shot. (not the ray gun cause it has 200 bullets) the JGb on the other hand can take down 40+ plus zombies in one shot, and has more ammo per clip and overall ammo than the DG-2. I'll give the DG2 one good thing though, it has a short and easy name. Now call me an idiot, but isn't the max number of zombies that can exist at anyone time 26, making the max number you can kill at anyone time in a rape train 26 Anyway, i prefer the DG2, I've had too many mishaps with the JGB where one zombie in a crowd doesn't get hit by it so when you run at them to kick, you get downed by the one who you missed.
  9. People used to tell me to leave all the doors and and not to buy any weapons during the first 3 rounds, just shoot and knife trying to stack as many points as you can. But this for me doesn't work on Shangri La, I think the layout of the spawn room makes it harder to check your back. For me it works to open a door or two and give myself some space.
  10. Hey don't get me wrong, I thought it was an interesting idea, but like you I don't quite follow it, I don't really see Richtofens need to have a UFO, he doesn't need to go to the moon for E115 when there is a tonne of it hanging around Shangri la doing nothing. He must be making some kind of weapon or a way to control the zombies. The zombies are like his children but they don't do what he is telling them. My guess is its some kind of mass mind control Also I don't like being told that I got it wrong when he worded it incorrectly, I've no problem with copying and pasting, like I said before its still research.
  11. When i said Wrote, i ment Posted. -__- but i can see why you got it wrong! I didn't get it wrong... you did... You quite clearly said,
  12. Yeah I can't stress how much of a help the AK74u is in the early rounds, get it as soon as you can. If you are playing solo, this is what I do (not sure if this will work for 2 players, it won't with 4): I open the first door on round one then get the AK by round 3/4, then opening up the rest of the map up and running loops, keep topping up your AK ammo when you need it, and buy jugg as soon as you have the points, then you are pretty much set. I used to try and stick it out in the spawn room for as long as I could, then one time I thought I would mix it up a little and left the spawn on the first round it kind of gave me more room to negotiate and I found it a lot less stressful, I now do this everytime, it takes a little longer but for me its easier.
  13. That's my point lol. I rarely get passed round 10 on a solo game... and the report I was talking about went upto round 50, they guy spent hours knifing zombies all in the name of science.
  14. oops my bad... Someone once did a report on how much damage the normal knife does and how many stabs were needed at each round to fell an undead. I'd try and find it but I don't think it covered either the Bowie or Sickle. We could do with something along those lines with fancy graphs and big words. lol I might try it myself if I get a minute, also I don't normally get up to high enough rounds to make this useful info
  15. Man I'm not ripping on the guy for copying and pasting stuff, its still research, but don't claim that you wrote it. @TheCrows, thats a pretty interesting read, brains awarded.
  16. I'm not flamming or trolling but you didn't write that passage, you copied and pasted it, except for the last paragraph. You can find that passage in numerous place with a google search. It's an interesting idea though, but I still think he's building some kind of instrument to control the zombies.
  17. Based on nothing more than my own experience, I would agree with you, I think other than animation and appearance they are the same. I think they just replaced the Bowie knife with a sickle, because a sickle is more associated with Russia.
  18. False. The next map being area 51 is only rumor, don't say that it is real when there is no visual proof. umm actually you FAIL, kuz there was visual proof via leak Oh how you make me laugh, there was no proof, there wasn't even a leak it was a hoax. We need to get that straight, there was no leak there, is no proof all we have are our own opinions. which everyone is entitled to just don't try to pass it off as fact
  19. It's too soon for another map pack, they are normally uploaded only a week before release. I'd guess its MW3 survival related as you said.
  20. You my friend are deluded... You are perfectly within your rights to believe that IF there is another map pack for BO that area 51 will be the zombie map, but you do not KNOW this. This is your opinion. It is not fact. As for calling us Please don't insult us in this way, there are many hardened zombie veterans, that have been around a long time and have heard all the theorys
  21. I think he's commenting on the grainy appearance of the picture
  22. Maybe 'bug' might be a better choice, glitch is kind of associated with cheating. To some people the title might imply that you are trying to gain an unfair advantage by glitching the monkeys, but your post is totally the opposite. That might be why this thread maybe hasn't gotten the response it should. Please don't take offence by my comments as none is intended, I just want to help you get an answer from the better players amonst us. I'm not that great a zombie player to make it to round 30 so I can't comment on if this happens everytime, but I can kind of see why they might have done it deliberately. Its going to start limiting the amount of max ammos you get which will make things a lot more tricky.
  23. Post of the friggin decade right there^ Brains awarded :] For what reason I hear you ask? Dealt with the double-topic problem calmly, and reminded the creator of the thread about general dos and donts of the forum... Lack of maturity has been driving me crazy on this site recently, but you just made it 1 little bit easier to bear XD Thank you sir :] - Waffles Brains from MrRoflWaffles ... I am honoured. I know what you mean about all the mad flaming lately. I think this place is getting too popular for its own good, which leads to lots of double posts and crossed wires about the intended meaning of peoples posts.
  24. I have a problem with this whole reversing the zombie effect thing. As far as I am aware element 115 reanimates dead tissue, ie bring things back to life once they have died. So shouldn't the reversal of this mean that they just turn back to being dead again?
  25. They teleported to shangri la, we helped them... remember COTD
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