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Posts posted by JakeDuck

  1. It is a common glitch in Theater that can be pretty annoying. I've noticed it to be more common if there are host migrations, you leave the game, or if you quickly leave the lobby when the game ends to see the clip. It has never hapened to me if I stay in the lobby and play another game.

  2. Really trying not to come off rude but really do u guys kno nothing of this countries DEFENSE READINESS COUNTER aka DEFCON levels. first of all DEFCON 1 is the most severe not 5 meaning DEFCON 5 is like nothing happenning. meaning that it has nothing to do with it and if u believe there is then it means that zombies invading the PentaGon (not PentaCon) is nothing to be worried about so plz for peoples sake do not think that this is a plausible reason behind the name leave it at the fact that the pentagon has 5 points hence the name FIVE u people are looking waay to into it. THo this imo and u have your own right to think what u wish I am simply stating the facts.

    The switches start at one, meaning that zombies are a big deal. You activate all four and it switches to five, opening the room the Pack-a-Punch is in. The name represents the shape and the objective.

  3. So i was Playing BO Der Reise solo (stupid PSN) as Richtofen and early on I went to buy the first door. However, I didn't have enough money to buy it, so out of boredom I knifed it twice and heard Dempsey say "so this is where they built that wonder waffle thingy" umm what?

    Any one else encounter this?

    I can't belive how long it took me to figure that out! :lol:

  4. Woah guys! Don't flame him for this, sure it wasn't a great idea to mention 911, but maybe it does have significance, why put it at 11 past 9? Wasn't BLOPS released on Sep 11? I might be extremly misguided though.

    Peace out... 8-)

    Black Ops was released on November 11th.

    Are you sure you weren't playing at 11:55? The clocks might be telling the actual time.

  5. Is there a way only certain topics can be viewed as a guest? That would probably keep away anybody who wants to steal info, or spam an important topic.

    Like if someone made a post, and if they felt it to be "valuable" information they could make a spoiler or something of the sort where it could only be accessed by members?

    Yeah, that's what I was thinking.

  6. Is there a way only certain topics can be viewed as a guest? That would probably keep away anybody who wants to steal info, or spam an important topic.

  7. I don't think the Gas Zombies are hyenas. Hyenas have hoofs, and are pig-like. Also, the Gas Zombies have some cloathing at thier waist, so I think they are probably mutated Zombies from Nova-6.

    Jesus guy? Hyena's have hoofs? wtf world are you from... LOL

    a Hyena does not have hooves LOL... I just don't know where to go with this, with you...

    Google hyena and look at pics maybe? LOL... LOL!!!!

    Wow. Sorry for my complete stupidity everyone! I was thiking of javelina, not hyena. Hey, ducks have pretty small brains!

  8. You will not believe how often I get killed by someone using BOTH Ghost and Second Chance. Plus, to make it even worse, they have a suppresser. I think that Ghost and Second Chance should have been in the same tier to keep each other apart.

  9. The entire point of zombies is to last as long as you can with the things they gave you. If you don't like the way it is, then STOP PLAYING! It's a glitch, you said it yourself. Glitches are errors in the game, so they are not on purpose. You are not supposed to last forever. Besides, what does more gun slots have anything to do with getting more ray gun ammo? You would still have to trade out your raygun for more. I'm sick of posts saying that they want zombies easier. It's made to be hard!

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