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Everything posted by EC_100

  1. The picture on the left is indeed Tabun. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... eletal.png And the one on the right is Sarin. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... eletal.png I would post the pictures but they won't show up due to size.
  2. The answer to your little dispute... :D
  3. You could always upload the pic to TinyPic once it's saved and simply post the url here.
  4. We already have electricity, fire, wind, ice, and explosives. The next is water. And, it been confirmed to be a Super Soaker. Follow link: Http://lol.thisisnotarealsite.com/im-ju ... d0ml3tt3r5
  5. Hey! That picure looks like what we are learning in Biology. It looks like the nucleotides that make the DNA. And, isn't there only one cipher on the terminal? I don't think that each server would have a different cipher. When ROppen was messaging VBush, I think, Peter's name was encoded with the standard cypher. Another question, do the contents of the DreamLand server appear in the file dump?
  6. It could be a shipwreck right below a lighthouse on Ascension Island...
  7. In Call of Duty: Black Ops, there is a computer that is accessable in the main menu by getting out of the chair. This computer contains a lot of information, not only, regarding what we djdn't find through the Black Ops campaign, but also info on the zombies storyline of the survival game we all love to play. The thing is, there is the standard CIA server, and we already have the usernames and the passwords for those. But, we recently discovered that there is another server, Rlogin DerRise, and no one has the passwords. What we are trying to do in this topic, is try to find clues that would help us guess the password for the users. Or just plain guess if you can't or refuse to find any clues. That basically sums the main concept of this topic. If there's anything else that you need to be explained, just post a reply.
  8. That has numbers in it. The cipher only outputs letters when something is encoded. But, might as well try it, though.
  9. No worries. It's not too hard to encode it. But, if we can't remember, how woukd Peter remember? Also, it's a CIA standard cypher, which Peter may or may not have had access, too. But, it's still worth trying. EDIT: Barnacles. All the stuff I decoded was stuff that we already knew.
  10. Dude, don't be a jerk. I've been helpful to this topic. But, if it was your brother. Then, alright. About the numbers, I don't think that they mean anything. They go in an ascending fashion. But, you guys could be right. Also, I have a lot of strings that need to be decoded. I wil decode hem later. And, they are not the encoded haikus, as there was no subject or to and from stuff. And there's also a string that was hidden in the gibberish of the files. I'll get to decoding that later.
  11. Lol. I'mma keep searching around on the internet for the file dump in screenshot form. Nice try, though. Brownie points for that since idk what brains are or how they work. EDIT: Ok. I learned how to do it. I gave you brains. No homo. EDIT(2): Wait, you said that a Hex Editor would let you look through the files? Then, I can easily do that. It's not the first time that I've used a Hex editor or fiddled around with a disk on a pc. EDIT(3): Ahhh, I forgot. I have PS3. My computer doesn't read Blu-ray. And my dad's laptop doesn't read Blu-ray, either. Maybe, my friend would let me borrow his copy of Black Ops, since he has it on the XBox. Or my cousin could let me use her laptop. She has to have Blu-ray on her system. EDIT(4): Found it online. pastebin.com/wXLNWJMX
  12. Ahhh, i see. Have you tried hitting YouTube for a tutorial on how to do a raw file dump of terminal.ff? I heard that's the name of the action. xD. That's where I'm headed next to see if I can catch a glimpse of the file dump. EDIT: Yeah, I didn't find anything on YouTube.
  13. That's what I was thinking. I want to take a look at them. But i don't have the PC version, so I can't dump them myself. And, I don't have PC, so I can't download any files. If you stumble upon any screenshots of the file dump, you should post them here.
  14. Uhm, no offense to your self-proclaimed almightedness, bu that's the first time that you said that in this topic. And, I read somewhere that GKNova0 started out with a band trying to gain publicity, but then they were contacted by Treyarch. And the same thing happened with GKNova6. When it first appeared, no one knew anything about what it was about, and as things kept unwindijg, it was revealed that it pertained to Treyarch. So, it could be real...
  15. Naw. Not the Henry stuff. I think thay's BS or it really has nothing to do with anything. But the other stuff they post is mysterious and I like it.
  16. Lol. I'm not a noob. I know about GKNova6. They're two different things. It's just that GKNova0 is pretty interesting. I'm not making his up. xD. It's only on YouTube.
  17. I was thinking that maybe the files aren't actually on he disk, but on some secret server that can only be accessed when the update unlocks hem ornsomething. But, that means that people without internet wouldn't be able to access the files, so that might not be it. On another note, I barely today saw GKNova0 on YouTube. What do you guys think about that?
  18. That's what I was thinking. The file dump should have showed us everything including the paswords, contents of the directory, the mail, everything. But only the usernames appeared. Maybe the accounts haven't been activated, yet. But a month seems like it will take a long time, and then it kind of won't matter what the contents of he directories are since we'll already know what the map is like. But maybe...
  19. Yes. Those usernames have been confirmed. TDempsey, NBelinski, TMasaki (I think), ERichtofen, and DrMaxis have been confirmed as the usernames for the Der Riese.
  20. Alright. Let's do this. It was your idea, so you begin and we can carry on from there. That way we can get an idea of what kind of characteristics you're looking for. Btw, where is everybody else? This topic was kinda dead, today. Plain dead, not kick-a** undead. Lol.
  21. Guesing is all we have right now. I, personally, would rather have my password be something like "Samantha" as opposed to something like "935zombiepwnage1337." With that being said, it's probably best to keep a group of people trying simple passwords, while the more devoted users can delve into the CIA Terminal or wherever for clues as opposed to random 1 word possibilities.
  22. And, I tried USMC, Marine, and Marines. Tell me about it. I tried 23 at one time. At least I don't have to type in RLogin DerRiese over and over. Haha.
  23. RLogin DerRiese. Then, hit back and sit down. That way you don't have to keep typing RLogin DerRiese. What do you mean by hit back, backspace? Thanks for the reply though. Like on PS3 it's Square. But, idk what it is on XBpx,
  24. RLogin DerRiese. Then, hit back and sit down. That way you don't have to keep typing RLogin DerRiese.
  25. Thanks! I went ahead and watched a playthrough on YouTube. Uhm, the passwords that he used were Ariel, and Sycorax. And Clearance was Prospero. I'll try all three later today or see if they're related in any way in order to get more info. What did you get from it? EDIT: Apparently, all three words appear in Shakespeare's The Tempest. That puts us a step closer. EDIT(2): I tried 23 passwords for RMcNamara on the RLogin DoD server. And, none worked. They were all related to Shakespeare's The Tempest.
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