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teh shrew

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Everything posted by teh shrew

  1. in the back round at 27 or something like that
  2. And plus it just a theory no need to freak out
  3. GET OUT NOWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JK
  4. Ok really then how the hell does drinking give your gun double speed in shooting how does a drink give you no damage to exlpoiseves (im really bad at spelling)
  5. Hi what is up so i think that the gun perk is a dual guns because as a lot of people have seen form the inside xbox that we saw a person with dual guns in his hands also on another note im i the only person that saw the person with the fucking flamethrower woot woot yes it finally back i love the flamer from w@w yay
  6. My reaction to when i saw gas zombies
  7. more i need more dude just update like one big heep of like 12 chaptars
  8. yeaa thanks an i did get 26 on kino on my friends acc0onts spooo yea
  9. k thanks alot man also can you also post my scores/kills if you can its ok if you cant
  10. tanks agian ok it was not that funny stop *slap lol face* :cry: ohh im sorry are we cool yeah
  11. thank you so much thank now i can finaly be in a group
  12. I was just wondering on how do i sign up for the takeo group class that was added and also i dont have a capture card or a camarma to sent in for so i need to know i can just tell you my gamer tage and the admens can just look at it and give it to my please respawn
  13. about 1.455 mintes
  14. ohhhhhh ummmm wowowowow
  15. UH.......... :shock: lol wow that uhh different
  16. May i ask why you where banned if you dont mind
  17. more more more i need more now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111oneoneone
  18. i had made i simiar post like this about 2 weeks ago search next time :D
  19. sweet song
  20. just be greatful that the even put in a damn easter egg insted of it just beening a anthor five or kino/rant over
  21. opps i should have put a coma after it sorry
  22. now that ric has the golden rod and the focuase stone and that he said that he controls them all and that in the next map we WILL finaly reach teh climax in the story and that everything btween the four will change. brains if you like my thoery and please post what you think -teh shrew
  23. i think that in the next map teh story is finaly going to reach a climax and everything thing will change between the four
  24. no become the person that grabs the stone get the 7 PERMEINT perk and the other 3 get the achement and the two gamer pics of ric and tank
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