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teh shrew

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Everything posted by teh shrew

  1. after ric gets the focaus stone he say ahhh yes finaly i control them all mean that rictofin controlls the zombie which beens the sam is no long in controll of the zombies
  3. ok so after watching the inside xbox new on the dashboard it looks like dead shoot daqari is coming back but also when they there talking about hanger 18 they said somthing about there beeing a easter egg about a vival video around the relase of black ops mmmmm i wunder fwhat they are talking aboot.................
  4. yea dude for me the zombie excitement died in kino now it looks great i fell like a if i got a monkey bomb in real life
  5. that would be uber sweet
  6. bump :shock: :? :| :evil: :cry: :arrow: :idea: :oops: :?: :!: :x 8-) :twisted: :roll: :geek: :ugeek: [brains]
  7. "can i paint his woho GOLDDDD" "how about no you freaky deaky dutch"
  8. Lol brains for "Treyarch just raped my mind." Good connections though. Good hearing to the Doc as well! I just hope this doesn't mean that the Zoo could be a possibility for the next map . . . we already have two in Russia. well there was 3 in germany
  9. * hands tank ray gun and a vr11* have fun with that without floper
  10. ok so as we all know that back in der rise there was a picture of a lighthouse that was cotd so i think we might have to look back in der rise see if there is anything that might be related to parides and on a other topic i think that we should not look in the current map because in ascinion (soory for bad spelling ) there was nothing saying that we were going to a lighthouse in sebria so yea :^)
  11. he made OVER 9000 COOKIES YEA
  12. wait wait wait where in communist dang russia is one of the best people in nazi zombies or now is just plain old zombies BUT WHERE IS NIKO AS I CALL HIM
  13. yea i tried that with my friend with a normal and upgrated vr11 nothing happened
  14. At first I was like oh this is going to suck But then I thought look all this cool stuff They are putting in so right now I'm in the Middle
  15. yea sure id love to play gt teh shrew :mrgreen:
  16. i think that the 2 map pack will be the map on the moon or will be a zomibe map in cario because of the coding or the one i think that would be cool is the camipain map in mountains where you ae jason hutson well thats just what i think leave your ideas bellow
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