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Dopey Legend

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About Dopey Legend

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  1. Well, I've only played the map once and first impressions were that it's hard and the tight hallways always give problems regardless of what map it is. To be honest I like the new setting and the whole plants idea and the map reminds me of the good olde days of WaW. The only complaint if have so far is that like you said it isn't as solo friendly as the other maps but overall I enjoyed it and will have a better idea after tonight about the map.
  2. At lest the wunderwaffe doesn't make you lose juggernug anymore. But I do like the addition of gums in zombies, even more so in the gaint.
  3. Sure man!
  4. Return the wunderwaffe back to its past glory.
  5. I personally don't mind the random perk locations. However I do miss the double barrel shotgun (my favourite weapon in WaW).
  6. I've been looking to do a yt video for a while. I do have a yt account but I haven't posted anything on it. Hit me up on Xbox 1 GT: Dopey Legend
  7. Welcome to the forum! Have fun!
  8. Nikolai, Nikolai, Nikolai, why do I keep hearing that name?
  9. As long as you kill zombies, revive, open doors, collect power ups, kill the panzer, kill hellhounds, use the magic box, pack a punch guns, buy perks, use traps, eat gobble gums you should be alright. No need to have a mic ;)
  10. Will do hells warrrior, I was contemplating getting a PlayStation 4 when they annonced the partnership with black ops 3 but I stayed to the Xbox. Let's do it! And finally the Xbox community can also help out!
  11. I'll be looking to do the ee tonight However, I don't finish work til 4:30pm uk. So excited!
  12. Usually in the UK it's roughly 10am the DLC comes online. However, this is based on black op 1 and 2 information. Hopefully a fellow PlayStation user will know. :)
  13. Thank god it's back!!!
  14. One day I hope for a world where people are not judged on the Internet connection but by there ability to play the game.
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