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Everything posted by xlStonedlx

  1. Sorry for the late reply, i was at my gf's house all night. If you ever wana search im on xboxlive Sounded like fun man . But im a PS3 user though so i cant use xboxlive.
  2. Nah its ok i just wanted to see someone do a bit more with it, aw well thanks anyways.
  3. This. It's over guys...just a huge, anticlimactic, disappointing easter egg... Yea i kinda picked up on that about half way through the easter egg lol and so did alot of people i think, but i just didnt want to admit it , aw well it was fun for awhile i guess.
  4. Ok off topic but serioursly? why the hell am i getting negitive brains just for stating facts? and i checked who gave me them and it just people who havnt even posted on this forum, im not sayin you did anything wrong but im just asking some questions and wanted some answers and i got negitive brains instead, not very nice now is it...
  5. "I hate you dempsey. I hate your ugly voice" - my fav. richtofen quote I thought it was ''I hate you dempsey, i even hate your eyes.'' correct me if im wrong though.
  6. He said he played on his cousins xbox... Yes now it says that but before he changed it it clearly said ps3 so im wondering why?
  7. Testing on it maybe?
  8. are the phones on acension the same as the ones on the map ''five''?? ive played five but not acension so i wouldnt know.
  9. You're right about Discovery but it's location is somewhere in Russia. Kowloon is actually in Japan, not China
  10. i think they all just say the qoutes that they normally say when they are low on ammo? JFK--I need some beans for the chowder. Fidel--( I cant remember his one never really listen to him) Nixon-- ARRROOOOOOO (Howling) nacamara??-- 2x0 is still zero? maybe? or w.e else he says when low on ammo.
  11. Stop bumping old threads. Especially when your post makes no sense. *Removed* daaaaaammmm so much hatin, yall need to chill out.
  12. That was far out man, good job!
  13. I would like to check this thing out but i could never find it. its the one when you open the dressin room door if your coming from the speed cola room, then there should be a red mark (blood stain) on the manikin(sp?) that is faceing the door you just opened.
  14. I see this; But why is there a door up there? Honestly man i dont know :roll:, maybe just decoration??
  15. Spooky! is this the first time anyone has seen sam???
  16. Yes it was a rumor made up it was de-bunked on some youtube videos, the ladder is bolted onto the fall so it wont fall down and you cant stand on the rail at the top of the ladder beacuse you just fall through it.
  17. :facepalm: .....There are some videos on youtube and such that have de- bunked this idea, and the if you look real close the ladder is BOLTED onto the wall so i dont think its gonna fall down anytime soon.
  18. Awesome find dude! Now that has to raise some new questions dont ya think?
  19. ok this is how many i know there is so far >> one out in the alley by the double tap machine bit, one in the theater main room up in the chandelier, i think there are 3 reels you can find when teleporting and thats about it i think ;)
  20. why cant someone no clip in to the PaP machine? then destroy the rocket thingy.
  21. you havnt updated that in awhile still some of the messages need to be translated :|
  22. Right wait what? you got a ak74?? ive played on kino hundreds of times and never got that weapon?? ''five'' has it though, and it must have been kino if you where in sam's room?? its in the alleyway oohh ok now i get it :P
  23. Right wait what? you got a ak74?? ive played on kino hundreds of times and never got that weapon?? ''five'' has it though, and it must have been kino if you where in sam's room??
  24. You posted this in the wrong place dude, should be in kino not accension.
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