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About MARINES2013

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  1. I would say it would probably be R115 Obliterator. and its ammo should be around 200 in the mag. And you should have a attachment on the gun when uppgraded
  2. why the hell would you want a uav in zombies so you could see on a mini map if there are any zombie still coming so you know when to make a crawler or if there are zombies sneaking up behind you Once again why would u need that just listen for the sounds coming from the zombies. they "scream" and stuff so just listen for it
  3. well a new character would be nice they would have to kill off a player for new maps. besides look at "FIVE" there are 4 non TNTR (tank,nikoli,takeo, rictoffen) characters. And also at W@W TNTR was not on the first 2 maps they started that on black ops. Treyarch brought TNTR in on SNN, and Der Riese.
  4. The next map pack they have should just be all zombies thats it no more MP maps. Those things get so annoying. I mean right now thanks to my game being scratched i can't play MP. I would rather see 4 zombie maps then 3 or 4 MP maps and 1 zombie. 4 zombie and 1 MP is a good map pack unlock
  5. the #'s if put into googlemaps are somewhere in africa
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