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Everything posted by Xieon

  1. Xieon

    Next Step

    ^^To the post above this, the only way there could be something else is if this egg LED to something else. There is nothing else to the egg. The only possible thing would be the clientnotify("sia"); If someone can find me the clientnotify section of the Ascension code I will tell you exactly what happens as a result of the egg. Aside from playing those sounds. Since I don't have the PC version I'm confused as to why we can't just see the whole code? Since we've seen parts of it it appears that the language is a pretty simple programming language with all the hardcore stuff on the compiler/engine, and there wouldn't be anything useful there. So why can't we just see the entire code for ascension? There should only be two parts to a zombie map. The actual map, with buildings and objects, and stuff like that. Then actions seperate from the cod game. Because it runs on the same engine as multiplayer, anything specific to zombies would have to be written out for the engine to compile. I mean there's no reason we shouln't be able to figure out anything and everything. By now we should know the guildlines for getting a drop (round * .01 +2xZombies) / (deaths/minute) or however they decide to do it. There should be a code segment for monkies. #Note: This is obv code I just wrote, disclaimer so no one thinks this is actual code from # #the game monkies{ int i=0; while i if player[i].has_perks prob = randnum(1,5) if prop = 1 && lastround() != monkies nextround(monkies); else i++; else i++ } nextround(zombies); } There should be a zombie health/character code int zombiesremaining = zombies(max); while zombiesremaining > 0 { if zombies(max) == false spawn(new_zombie() ); zombiesremaining = zombieremaining - 1; } class new_zombie() { attribute design; attribute speed; attribute health; int designnum = randnum(1,3); if designnum == 1 design = gas_mask_zombie; if designnum == 2 design = scientist_zombie; else design = burried_zombie; int health = round * 100; int runners = zombies(running) if runners >= .1 x zombies(max) { } else{ if randnum(1,2) == 1 speed = fast; else speed = slow } return(design,speed,health); } } I think you get the point. That and every easter egg we need to find will all be there. One way or another. I'm pretty good at deciphering code, I've gone through the whole egg code but there is nothing there. If I could have all the coding for the ascension files then I could figure it out. Also, it could have to do with the phones since the phones have a code that goes with them class phones() { new item phone1; new item phone2; new item phone3; pickup1 = false; pickup2 = false; pickup3 = false answered = 0; //I understand there is a possible programming problem with timer. //It would depend on the timer class //timer(X) executes the nested code while X seconds counts to 0 //at 0 the nested code stops, and the rest of the code continues //While the setup of this segment allows only 1 phone to be ringing at a time //If there were two nested timer functions, the timer.stop function would stop //only the timer it is nested it up on level. while answered != 3 { if pickup1 = false && (randnum(1,10) > 8) { timer(30) { i = 0; while i { if character[i].isat(location(phone1)) && character[i].istouching(phone1) { answered++; pickup1 = true; play(voice_phone1); timer.stop; } i++; } } } }
  2. Xieon

    Next Step

    see two posts down
  3. Xieon

    Next Step

    There isn't another step. I've gone through the code line by line, and as far as that Easer egg goes, there is no otherstep. There are two possibiliities. One is that the code for array.secret1 and array.secret2 which were cut out are the other part of the code, or that clientnotify"sia" does something. The most logical is that "sia" does something, because if you were going to write a large portion of code, you'd have it as a seperate function of the clientnofity class, and not in the egg class. All the objects created for the egg are deleted in the process. If you were to say open up an entire area of the map it would have to be from another function, since there is no secretdoor = closed or something in the egg. There may be a secretdoor = closed inside another class which would look like clientnotify(x) if(x=round1) color = false if(x=power activated) color = true if(x=sia) secretdoor2(open) it would then call the secret door class secretdoor2(x) { if(x=open) delete barrier } The reason why the character says "so there is another secret you are hiding" is because the dolls are made so one doll "hides" inside the other. Then the doll talks to the character, thus being another "secret" which it's "hiding" its a pun related to the dolls. Hopefully this made sense, if you'd like me to explain it further I'd be happy to do so
  4. If you're going to insult someone, you might want to make sure you don't make yourself out to be an idiot instead. The reason why revive is only in the last step is exactly as said, it's in case you go down. Assuming a player went down while doing the last step, the game does two things. It first has to go through the code of gersh's soul "death" which has a timer in it to give the players time to revive themself. Second, in case the player wasn't revived in time the game puts in a safeguard. If a player is pressing X and a player is getting revived Wait 1 (or however long it takes to revive someone w/o quick revive) After the game waits the time, it moves on. By the time the code has moved on, the player will have been revived. It then gives the players the death machines Another reason why it's there, is because it is the END of the code. If you fail at any of the other steps, some, or all or that step resets, and waits for completion. If you move off of the pad then the clock resets. If the buttons arn't pressed and time between rounds expires, then the buttons move back into the wall, and won't appear until the next time the trigger of a monkey round occurs. Do you understand that? Or just because I've written down the words don't you get the meaning? Seriously, no one here likes an ass, and no one likes an ass who doesn't know what they are talking about.
  5. Thanks [brains] we got booted last night at round 16 and were pissed. It seems they still didn't fix the servers. First try on the box, 3 rayguns & blackholes :evil: we were going far. When we got booted we had some sickles, three rayguns, hk21, black holes, dolls, not sure what else but even after we finished we were going to make it far. How would you do that if you've already completed the third node? The rocket has to have been launched. Also, you'd need to upgrade. I was just using the thread as a running checklist, highlighting what was done in green, also so the users could see and help out with any eggs I missed. We got 2 rayguns from the box where the box spawned at, also had the crossbow. When we blew it up we had two of our three rayguns, and the crossbow shooting it for fun lol. You can blow it up with a Raygun, Law Rocket, Crossbow, or China Lake If I'm doing the egg, I make sure to do as many things as I can that are possible. Meaning the rocket isn't launching until we have the weapons to blow it up. I've taken the law out of the box on like a round 18 before just so I could blow it up. It's hard with the law, really damn hard with the China Lake.
  6. This has happened to me and I thought I was seeing things. Would be cool to know how it's done and why, but overall not a major thing.
  7. I'm not sure if it does it still, but I used to have problems playing combat training. This is the reason the game only spawns 20something zombies at a time, they just don't have powerful enough processors.
  8. You can do it with the Crossbow , raygun, china lake, or law rocket. China lake is the hardest to get the arch right. Crossbow is easy with speedcola. Law rocket is kinda hard because it takes more than one hit, and after the first one you have to aim through that shitty ADS and hit a moving rocket, so you have to lead it a bit. Raygun: Easiest, just spam the rocket with it, although it only takes two well placed shots.
  9. I had a nice newer Xbox, the slick black ones, but I traded it in and got an older one, not sure what year. I wonder how the newer one would hold up, but the one I have now after about 20-25 monkeys start to get impossible w/o raygun or thundergun. Not because they are hard, but becuase there is SOOO much lag. Especially if you're the host, shit's hell.
  10. wow, played to round 16 and booted. This thread can goo down to the bottom, since we're giving up and playing normally for the night.
  11. Can anyone please tell me if you can spell both hitsam and hyena and where the 4th doll and third phone are
  12. can someone tell me/show me a diagram with the letters and what to call them from
  13. Now I personally don't think that there is anything else to the egg, but I'm showing a kid and his buddies how to do it, so might as well... Anything you want us to try when/during/before/after the death machine. I'm going to red out the area's completed so it's like a checklist. Help with the bold and underline section please Green area's are completed. We're going to: 1) Try to answer all three phones Can someone tell me the phone location ___ location 1 (phd flopper) ___ location 2 (room next speedcola) ___ location 3 (?) 2) Blow up rocket 3) get all dolls ___ Doll in swamp ___ Doll in speed cola room _____ Doll in stakeout room ____ Doll #4 ___ Can someone tell me where the other dolls are 4) Get all radios __ 1 2 3 4 5 6 5)Get the teddy bears 6)Do the steps 6.1) Spell hitsam, then hyena then luna Can you spell hitsam and hyena in the same game, my list only has there one H. Guns tried used in last known step: So let me know what else we should try. Help: Could someone tell me the order of the landers to spell out Hitsam then Hyena (or otherway) then lander. Or if I find a map online, can someone tell me what you spell first hitsam or hyena
  14. Again, what leads people to think there is more. If we have this so called code, why can't we find anything. Is there a link to the entire code, I know a lo of programming, I'll print the whole thing ou tomorrow and go over it line by line.
  15. Just something you might want to know. I know, Perl, PHP, HTML, C++,Java, and Visual Basic. I know how to program pretty well, and honestly, most program are crap. Each programmer has their own style, thas why there are so many comments' #addition of brains brains = brains + 1 #Check to see if you have enough brains int bannanaphone = 100l; object(lander); object(lander2); if brains >= bannaphone { #you win the game game(win); } { else #you drop the soap biotch brains = 0; life = 0; bannaphone = 2000020401020; } A lot of code doesn't have to make sense, and most of the time programmers debug thir programs, and when they find a bug instead of writing a new code they usually just mickey moust a code. For exampe, a program to find the answer to 1 + 1 + 1. int num1 =1; int num2= 1; int num3=1; int total = 3; total = total + int1 + int2 + int3; return(total); #This would return 6 and not 3, a simple answer would be to take out the total from one line, instead a programmer might. total = total + int1 + int2 + int3; int offby = total - 3; total = total + int1 + int2 + int3; total = total = offby; return(total);
  16. A lot of good info here, but I'm spending hours reading through posts, and not finding anything substantial. Why doesn't someone jus post the PC files, we'll look through them for sound bytes etc, and move on. I would like there to be more, but it's not looking that way, so I'd be happier settling it with nothing, otherwise you guys will never stop talking about it.
  17. Yes I'm on Xbox my gamertag is Xieon1 Send a request and a message and we'll start at least playing pubs while working out way up to scrims etc. My gameplay isn't going to get any better playing with scrubs, and randoms. Need to build some chemistry, same group of people, and have fun. Common CODZ either pub parties, or I can create a GB clan, is anyone else in?
  18. I think it would be cool if we made a pickup team for scrimming. We could keep it really informal and just have a group who join, are all on friends lists, then go into parties and join games. Making it us vs random pubs. We could also make a team on gamebattles and play on there with their more formal way of playing. Either way, I want to get a team together to start scrimming/playing pickup games. Is anyone else interested?
  19. Yea, you died with it in your hand, so you lost it. Not a glitch, that's just how the game is played.
  20. Damn, you're lucky. I already have the map pack, but later I'll try to check through my e0mail and see if I have another one that I may have wone and give it away
  21. So everyone has 30 seconds to make it to their spot, and start shooting for the full minute. Whatever the next step is, if there is one, would be something that can keep occurring. The buttons on the monkey round don't go away if you miss it one monkey round. Shouldn't there be a sound file in the pc files, if not then this egg is dead.
  22. YEA, there has been some bad karma going around lately, hopefully this helps
  23. Want to tell me why two people gave me negative brains for posting that you can teleport using the gersh by jumping in it. WTF!! Maybe I should post their names so they can get a public flogging, wtf, I don't deserve to get neg repped for that
  24. Shouldn't we know if there is more to the egg by now?
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