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RZArazorSHARP20 last won the day on October 30 2014

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  1. Any recommendations of the best capture card to purchase for 360? Best meaning combined quality and affordability.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Flammenwerfer


      I personally use the HDPVR 2 by Hauppauge. It's a great device, has no lag, records in full 1080p HD. The only thing is that the software that it comes with is terrible to you'll want to get a different program.

    3. GRILL


      if you want something really affordable you can go for the "AverMedia game capture device". There is no way to live stream, but everything connects via usb - so you can use external HD's very easily when recording.

    4. RZArazorSHARP20


      Thanks to you both for the info, looking forward to recording and posting some rounds. Of course, if they'd just port the game to One or PS4 we could just Twitch them. Alas...

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