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Everything posted by RZArazorSHARP20

  1. A stand alone, seperate from regular CoD. And you definitely don't need to wait for a conclusion to the story, the spin-off game could progress the story by itself.
  2. Cruel fate!! Why must you mock us?!?!
  3. Still searching for 3 willing Xbox Codz players to get down on some WaW, BlOps1 or 2 zombies. Lets slay!

  4. Actually you can kill an entire spawn of zombies with Wind and Ice staves using their upgraded blast as high as round 100. Only issue becomes ammo conservation, which is why you use the tank method. Tedious but useful.
  5. Can't say I'm familiar with these whispers. You have a video for it?
  6. At the end of the day we need a stand alone. I'd buy a re-release of these maps but I'd really love for Treyarch to just develop this game mode into a full blown, sixty dollar game
  7. Agreed. Closet douche-baggery is worse than open douche-baggery. Richtofen.
  8. I donated $11.50 yesterday, but because of the tax it shows up as $10 and change. Was trying to be clever haha
  9. Zoinks, yo
  10. Sounds like malarkey to me. Shenanigans!
  11. I really enjoy the tasks on Origins. While they aren't objectives, they certainly aid in your survival. And as someone who occasionally hops on with rando's just to have fun, it's nice to see how many things you can accomplish. I dunno, I always enjoyed tasks in zombies. As someone who is more of a fan of moving freely through a map rather than camping or training, I like having stuff to do.
  12. This speaks to a post I had earlier about a well-defined ranking system and not the arbitrary crap we have on BlOps2. Well thought out, +rep
  13. Strange they left that out considering it was a huge part of BlOps1 zombies. Plus it's just a cool feature for identifying quality people to play with. Now, you might have people without shotguns who are quality 4-way players but they don't have the emblem and thus get denied by the emblem whores because of "ranking".
  14. Wasn't the MP40 on the wall in Kino only 1000 points?
  15. I kinda like the unique challenge of Nuketown. The need to possibly survive 10-15 rounds without Jugg is something only Nuketown features (or the original Nacht)
  16. Any recommendations of the best capture card to purchase for 360? Best meaning combined quality and affordability.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Flammenwerfer


      I personally use the HDPVR 2 by Hauppauge. It's a great device, has no lag, records in full 1080p HD. The only thing is that the software that it comes with is terrible to you'll want to get a different program.

    3. GRILL


      if you want something really affordable you can go for the "AverMedia game capture device". There is no way to live stream, but everything connects via usb - so you can use external HD's very easily when recording.

    4. RZArazorSHARP20


      Thanks to you both for the info, looking forward to recording and posting some rounds. Of course, if they'd just port the game to One or PS4 we could just Twitch them. Alas...

  17. Lobby leaderboards are crucial. I'm all for a ranking system in zombies, but it needs to be more transparent. Set goals so that people can work towards them and knowingly increase their rank. It's so arbitrary now, hopefully next time it will be more thought out.
  18. Who wants to slay tonight? I'm EST, can play starting around 11pm. Any map, want to meet some CoDz people!

    1. Mr. Jay

      Mr. Jay

      If you on PS3 I can join you.

      I don't use my Mic, if you are ok with it.

    2. RZArazorSHARP20


      Sorry bro, on 360

  19. Lets get the activity up here, this is a great site - lets use it!

    1. ZombieOfTheDead


      I use it all the time-- in off topic.

  20. The next rank after shotguns will be ponies and unicorns.
  21. Looking for someone to slay with

  22. Agreed. I just put my efforts into holding a zombie, collecting staff parts, and worrying about fists later once there's enough zombies to fill a couple boxes in a round.
  23. They all have their merits. Ice is probably the least effective in later rounds, yet if you have it you can give yourself zombie bloods all game for extra perks. Fire and Lightning both dispatch the Panzer's quickly and Wind (as mentioned by boring guy) is the best for getting out of a jam. I have no true preference at this point, an experienced player can make the magic happen with any staff.
  24. I appreciate the thought that went into this post. Pretty good read. +rep
  25. If you ever want to run a round let me know, I'm on 360 GT same as username
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