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Posts posted by W01F_816

  1. Everyone should watch this one. It has way more stuff then the one I posted.

    -new perk is Mule Kick

    -gas zombies teleport short distances

    -spas-12 pick-up gives you the spas-12 (useless much......)

    -there's something about players getting infected and they attack you

    -wave gun get's split into two

    -Area 51 is a holding area (as stating in the achievements) and my guess is you face endless waves of zombies, without rounds, until you can get back to the moon via the teleporter

    -some sort of pyramid structure is shown, seems alien!!!!

  2. Yes, it was part of the feed segment. They showed a quick preview of each classic map and the moon map. So far there's nothing on youtube and they don't post the feed segments on g4tv.com until the day after they air it seems.

    Are you sure the wave has an underbarrel? Is it possible that the user also had a AUG5OM3? Or that the under barrel thing you saw was actually the command for dual wield? It just seems odd for there to be a masterkey on the Wave Gun.

    I'm positive. The player had the wave gun out and you could see that there was something on the d-pad with a number like you would have with the masterkey or grenade launcher. Also, the player used it twice on a zombie.

  3. EGQ05r-6W1E

    I don't know how many of you watch AOTS on G4, but they just had about 15 seconds of gameplay on Moon.

    A couple things stood out:

    -Juggernog is located in Area 51

    -Dogs can be seen (we already knew this, but there is a much better view this time)

    -There's a giant teleporter near jugg (probably to and from the moon)

    -There's a new power-up that looks like a spas-12 shotgun

    -Nikolai has Gersch Devices

    My bad on this one, turns out the player doesn't use it on a zombie, probably has a second gun with it.

    -FALSE-The Wave Gun pac-a-punched has an underbarrel shotgun attachment

    That's all I noticed in the quick preview. I'm gonna keep checking youtube for video.


    When time travel is involved the gang could be anywhere in history at any set time. They could have teleported to the future, went to the moon base, teleported back to the past and visited Ascension. I'm not saying that's what happened only stating that is in fact possible that they could have visited the moon before Ascension.

    Now, on to fake history. Since the zombies story-line likes to interweave itself within actual history who's to say that this moon base was the first and only one set up on the moon by Nazi's searching for element 115 and that they were the first to land on the moon not the Americans. That is my theory. The moon base we're going to is an abandoned Nazi base that was discovered by the Americans when they landed on the moon, but was never revealed to the public as to appear that the Americans were the first to land there.

  5. I don't see how this could be the last map for Zombies. For Black Ops, yes, zombies as a whole, no. To me there are far to many unanswered questions to end it now and if they did it would feel cheap and rushed.

  6. Ok I'm lost. I haven't watched the whole of step 9, but do you have to hit all 12 switches then throw a monkey bomb at some place off the map?? and for step 10, how did they know what numbers matched what symbols?? :?


    For step nine listen to the radio by the mine cart without the eclipse. It says something along the lines of symbols in the stepped pyramid before cutting off. The reason it cuts off is the British guy walked into a trap and died, you'll see a skeleton jest left of the mine kart out of the map. Turn on the eclipse, knife the 12 wall glyph, and the throw a grenade/monkey at the trap where the skeleton was before the eclipse. See, since you went into the past with the eclipse and threw a grenade at that area you got rid of the trap that would have normally killed the British guy thererby ending the his search. After you done that it should switch back to day time, go back by the radio near minecart and it should have fallen over and the transmission is slightly changed. It tells you more about the next step and the mud room.

    So, from what I gather, the last couple of steps are still unknown then? NGT couldn't find the dynamite last night so they decided to call it a night and the conclusion video already shows the guy with the dynamite. Plus, their crystals acted differently then NGT's and I doubt that would just because they got the dynamite.

  7. I can already tell this is going to be way better than CoTD which is by far the worst map to date.

    CotD is nowhere near the worst map!

    If you knew it was going to be sucky to you, then why buy it?

    I gave the map the benefit of the doubt. I bought the map pack and CoTD is the worst out of all the maps. The WaW maps are great, Kino's good, Ascension's good, and Five is relatively decent. CoTD is terrible. Crappy and pointless new characters, George following you around, only a few easter eggs (which is more a problem with Black Ops zombies in general), and still the same weapons in the box and on the map, disregarding the addition of semtex, scavenger, and V11. There was just nothing surprising or exciting about the map.

  8. I agree. It looks more like a parody of their zombie mode made by someone else. I mean this community has been right about the lighthouse map for two years and when we finally get it it's like a fucking movie from the '70s. Furthermore, what does this do for the zombies storyline? What the fuck does George A. Romero, Danny Treyo, Sarah Michelle Gellar, and company have to do with anything? Seriously, Treyarch took the zombies storyline from WaW and said "fuck it, let's just make it as confusing and weird as possible." Ok, I think I'm done ranting now.

  9. The next one better answer a lot of our questions. They can leave a few more open to wrap up in the last map, but if they keep making this more complex, my brain will explode from confusion and the eagerness to know an answer that won't come.

    I agree. Right now all we have is a bunch of new theories, some of which are vastly different from the one another, and almost zero expansion on the old information from the WaW maps. Kino brought in the whole theory of brainwashing, then there's the dreamland theory, and now we're in Russia? How did the group get there, and how does the Russian scientist Yuri know about Samantha? I don't know, but it seems to me that Treyarch is trying to make the story seem more complex than it actually is.

  10. I'm with everyone else, there's either more to do or it's extremely disappointing. I've listened to the radios a dozen times and the only connection I think it has to the rest of the story is Samantha, but how does Yuri know about her and why does she want to kill him? I don't get it, it seems like we just get more questions than answers lately. :|

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