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Everything posted by LOLOLOLOL

  1. Why where other people have died and been infected to become zombies the four of you just either can be revived or just die without becoming a zombie, also you dont even die you respawn each round.. xD
  2. MP40 but its not an option and you can't say because it was only in zombies so i doesn't count because it was in campaign aswell :D
  3. If you just open up that end of the boat you can go down the zipline, i dont think power matters and ive never done anything with the dials xD
  4. Its when you shoot george with the Lazurus as he walks into the rocks i guess the light stays there in like a glitch?
  5. I was just playing the MW2 campaign out of boredom and watched sandman die?
  6. Do you? Oh sorry xD is there a link so i can give brains? :3
  7. Found shipping log in convoy, it has the name of every map and i says how many crates and barrels were delivered, just thought it was cool also theres 5 more spaces on the list, maybe there is no Convoy on the list so i guess that takes up 1 space, so maybe this means there are only 4 more maps left? Meaning only 1 more map pack?
  8. Thats what scene there on, you can see it says 5/17/11 in the corner though xD
  9. 29 solo 2nd attempt ;D reckon i could get higher though :3
  10. Seriously? D: got round 29 solo yesterday and the Wunderwaffe coukd have helped me so much as it had already got me through like 6 rounds ;D but awesome find can't wait to try again :)
  11. Have you seen inside the cargo containers? It look's like experiments were done inside of them and maybe Dempsey, Takeo and Nikolia were tested inside there aswell? There's a radio underneath a flare that has an american male that sounds just like Dempsey. Also maybe Richtofen lied when he said the Wunderwaffe overloaded the teleporter, maybe they went there and Richtofen gave it to you so it was safe and took them to Kino on purpose? Maybe to get some documents or something? ;D just an idea :)
  12. You can turn the steering wheel on the power room boat XF
  13. Guys maybe the golden rods are the flares and the sparks are the fingers?
  14. I have not got this far in the egg yet as the fuse does not appear for me or anyone else after the door has been activated, but maybe the golden rods could be the flares?
  15. I can't see it and neither can my friend? I did it earlier though but now its just not there? EDIT: The Fuse i just can't seem to see it? I know exactly were it is and what to do but now it's gone? D:
  16. Iheard stuff about how osama was killed age's ago and only released a story now because of the elections, maybe he plays CoD and just stole what happened in that mission xD
  17. Quiet on set is kill George Romero i think, in the comments it says turn the lights off for the director or something? ;D
  18. Ak74u: Ak47: Now can you see the difference? Oh, thank you i didn't realize the barrel was shorter xD [brains] to you (:
  19. LOL Richtofan has Tits :') but i think the new characters will be awsome ;D these guys need a rest xD
  20. Ak-74 xD just cause you can see it's shorter
  21. with a noob tube .. yay!! It's a Ak-74 xD
  22. Well sniping is about accuracy so i guess they would want you to be aiming for headshots, so maybe the new perk increases the damage dealt if you get a headshot? In the video it seemed whenever someone got a headshot it was alot more powerful than on other maps :)
  23. No story? Geroge says he found secret Nazi stuff at the lighthouse, i guess he wants to shoot a film there and the 4 characters are the actors he then probably tries to make someone into a zombie for a more realistic special effect and accidently infects all the dead and even himself. There might be notes about richtofan and maxis in Nazi documants around the map? So there might be part of the actual story, athis map looks amazing and i can't wait to hear the quotes xD
  24. You can see quick revive behind dannys head in the trejo+rooker pic :D
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